Redpill me on 3D mario games

Redpill me on 3D mario games.
I've only played the 2D ones

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they're really really really REALLY fun

Better than the newer 2D ones, on par/slightly worse than the older 2D ones.

Mainline series: 64 > Sunshine > Galaxy/1/2
Offshoot: 3D World

I'd personally recommend 64 > Galaxy 1 > Galaxy 2.

theyre all pretty good except for that trashheap sunshine

Sunshine > 64 > Galaxy 1 > Galaxy 2
3D world is shit.

>YFW Pachinko level in Odyssey

There's two types of 3D

>Connected world with separate stages
64 and Sunshine
>Seperated stages that run like a course from one end to the other
Galaxy 1,2 3D and 3D world

The former games are vastly superior than the latters

Well, let's look at the rest of your experience: Have you played any other 3D Platformers?

>Superior to anything

They good. Sunshine is extremely divisive though.

If you like 64, play 64 DS, you get to play as Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Yoshi.

64, Sunshine, Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 2 are all phenomenal games and I highly recommend them. 3D World and 3D Land are a fun playthrough but nowhere near as good as the others.

SM64 is the best, and only good one.

Some of the best platformers yet made. 3D Land/World are different but good. Galaxy and 64 are the best.

>Choosing 64 DS over 64
Fuck no. The extra characters aren't worth the garbage controls.

as someone who owns both versions, the DS remake is just shit. Controls like ass, and the clutter of characters just ruin the pacing and feel of the game.

64 DS is garbage. The textures all look terrible, and the controls are shit. Play 64 on the VC.

They're really fun and besides the obvious aspects, the controls are extremely good. I could jump into 64 or Galaxy and get back into the swing of things quite fast.

>3D World is ba-

The little minilevels in Sunshine pissed me off so exceptionally.

Mario 64: Fun ideas, but the controls are either too loose or too tight.

Mario Sunshine: Hope you like coins and a shitty camera.

Mario Galaxy: Fixed the issues of the previous two games.

3D World: Haven't played.

>redpill me on x


They're all ridiculously good, but which ones you'll like best depend on your preferences:
>okay levels but controls like a dream
>fantastic and creative levels but stiffer and slower controls
Galaxy/Galaxy 2/3D World

3D World is not 3D Mario.

Its NSMB with an added dimension and is not welcome in the discussion of these other games.

64 has great character control and solid level design. Sunshine has really shitty mission objectives but it's saved by retaining 64's controls. The galaxy games have slightly more restricted controls but they have better level design. They tend to have more linear levels than the open-layout of 64/Sunshine although it's worth noting that most of the mission objectives themselves in 64 were actually linear too. 3D World is like Galaxy but slightly worse.

I'm not saying choose 64 over DS, I'm saying that if he enjoyed 64, he should ALSO try DS.

I recently played on my brothers wiiu and i got to say I had a blast. I even played the levels I hated back when I was playing for the first time. Sunshine is not as good as 64 but it's still fun to play.

mario sunshine is the best, easily.

>One good stage means the game holds a candle to the rest of the 3d Mario games.

Please stop embarrassing yourself.

This. 3DLand/World is to Mario as Sonic Colors is to Sonic. A Modern game, to be sure, but NOT a 3D game. Not in the traditional sense.

>3D World is a piece of shi-

You posted the best one. Ignore/gas anyone who argues this

Just watch this

64 is important but hasn't aged that well. Basically created a new genre (3d exploration platformer collectathon) which Banjo Kazooie perfected.

Sunshine is conceptually similar to 64 except for the water cannon gimmick with more polish and a comfy tropical island theme.

Galaxy 1/2 and 3d World all have similar gameplay which is more akin to the 2d games. Galaxy has a space theme and a gravity mechanic where you can walk around "planets" (both of which get old quickly which is why I think 3d world is the best of the 3)

redpill has become synonymous to spoonfeed me.

I prefer Galaxy/Galaxy 2 for actually taking advantage of being 3D, and having setpieces and such that aren't easily translatable into 2D, unlike 3D World which pretty much just was NSMB in 3D.

That's 3D *Land*, and the only worthwhile stage at that, which requires playing all previous stages and their alternative world counterparts with BOTH Mario and Luigi and getting the golden fucking flagpole on all of them as well.
I did this just to justify my purchase of this garbage of a game. Never again.

Don't listen to people who shit on Sunshine. It's the best in the series, and they're usually upset because muh FLUDD gimmick which actually gave you almost perfect control over platforming.

desu this looks better than mario 06

>ignoring the fact that Sunshine was clearly rushed as hell, having only 7 main stages which they tried to pad out with blue coins/Shadow Mario chases/red coins

I'll take less content in exchange for kino platforming controls.

Hardly any Sunshine levels have any platforming, you're either cleaning a beach, popping balloons or some other mundane task.

tfw you'll never play sunshine for the first time again

Yeah, well, but the launch stars get sooo annoying after a while. Constant interruptions of the gameplay with the same stupid animation. Same for the space aesthetics and gravity mechanics. (which btw weren't original in the slightest:

Sunshine's movement is god tier, but the level design is fucking abysmal


Go back there.

I'm really sad on what happened with that, actually. Yoshi has real abilities, even if it's based mostly on awesome abilities to deal with regular enemies who are never present in overwhelming quantities outside one boss anyway, but Mario actually LOST things so that they'd have shit to give Luigi and Wario. Like Wario isn't even fun in any way, they just changed certain blocks to be arbitrarily placed unbreakables so that you have to use him to get through.

64 is the only good one.

Odyssey looks like it might be able to overtake it.