Now that the Nintendo E3 stream is over tell me what you didn't like about it

now that the Nintendo E3 stream is over tell me what you didn't like about it

no animal crossing
pokemon and metroid prime announcements were half-assed
kirby looks generic

Needs more F-Zero.



Zelda dlc didn't get released during it.
I know, it's an idiotic nitpick, but it's the only thing I can think of
>lots of games
>lots of good news
>lots of community support with the invitational tourney
It was perfect

No Splatoon 2 bundle announcement. We all know it's coming, but I want details!


complete lack of diversity

who gives a shit about mother 3

it can only be butchered by nintendo. anyone who cares about it has already played the excellent free fan patch.

The two best announcements from it, Prime 4 and Pokémon Switch, didn't have anything to show besides "we're working on it :)".

I figured that the spotlight would be for future, far off titles, but then they kept throwing in games for this year and I got confused.

>No Smash announcement
>not even any balance patches for Sm4sh

All hail ZeRo and his hoohahing dtilt-to-grab sidekick as the king of Sm4sh for at least another year.

Everything about the Ubisoft conference
Everything about Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

People losing there shit over a fucking Metroid Prime game. I would have been 10x more excited over a 2D game. Shit even if they gave it the SMBU kiddie style graphics I would still have been more excited then a Prime game.

>Rocket League
>Skyrim for Switch (which was already fucking shown at the Bethesda conference)
>didn't show the Metroid 2 or Superstar Saga remakes at the conference where they would have gotten much more attention
>Prime 4 had zero footage, not even a cinematic or any concept art (though it's good to know the game at least exists)
>nothing from Retro or Platinum
>Xenoblade 2 has terrible character designs and a shit dub from NoA, let NoE do it again

>3ds will be getting “lots of love" -Reggie
>barely anything shown for 3ds

>didn't watch Treehouse

>Playing smash 4 after the game got even more unbalanced due to cloud, corrin and bayonetta getting in

ok nigger

>think I give a shit about a remake for a shitty handheld

lol no

I hated that the Sony presentation showed off three, FUCKING THREE, if the same shit from last year. I wanted to see new stuff and got shit.

And I'm still waiting on Itsuno to announce his dumb secret project already


So much negativity, girl! You sound like an edgy teen to rival shadow the hedgehog!

Pokemon and Metroid only got a "we're working on it" announcement
no big reveals, just sequels and stuff we knew about
Odyssey was pretty great though and hopefully the reveals through the treehouse (Kirby fighter and whatever else) are good

I was hoping for anything related to the Fire Emblem game coming in 2018 and hoping for a Advance Wars suprise.

Other than those 2, Smash and AC Nintendo has all the major fagbases covered:
Mario (kart)
Fire Emblem*
Arms (newntendo)
Xenoblade (2017!)

I guess Pikmin and some old Konami shit like Castlevania or Contra would have been cool but all in all they did well.

Either you're backpedaling to save face or you're legitimately implying Zero Mission wasn't great.

melee nigger , playing a real out balanced game(GC had no updates and you knew who is better) and calling it better than 4 / BTFO

They have announced something outside of the spotlight?
Also, dem tits in Xeno2.

No Pikmin 4 or Animal Crossing. Metroid made it hurt a little bit less.

Either you are retarded or you can't read. No where in my comment did I talk smack about the game itself, only the platform on which the remake is releasing.