>creativity coming back >unique characters and settings returning >no Toads in sight >real Bros. Moves are back and better than ever >characters from past games retconned to be in the game (Elite Trio from BiS/DT) but still no Starlow, no fucking tutorial fairy at all >tutorials now 100% optional like in Paper Jam >basically: remove sterilized Paper Marioshit and M&L immediately becomes good again
I tried replaying Superstar Saga recently and it has some long and boring sequences.
I am however super endeared to loyal bowser minions trying to rescue him. I want more of this
Tyler Bell
>>tutorials now 100% optional like in Paper Jam Do we know this for a fact? I'd love not being forced to go on those stupid little tutorial courses for every new field move again.
Adam Lopez
dont know if they can be skipped ouright, but that fast-forward button from PJ is back.
David Powell
To be fair they got away with it because it' a remake of game made when Nintendo wasn't creatively bankrupt.
But Bowzuh's Minions seems to be piling on a bit of new M&L lore, like how Sergeant Guy came to be
Jonathan Sanchez
Ah yeah, I saw it used in Bowser's Minions.
Jace Adams
>game made when Nintendo wasn't creatively bankrupt. Holy shit dude, have you seen Super Mario Odyssey? Mario has never been more creative.
Blake Thompson
Too bad the title's a mess. And that none of the M&L games have ever been as well designed as the first in any way.
Hudson Hill
I'll admit I've only ever played Paper Jam, and that was hard to finish since I found it so boring. Are the story and characters much better in SS?
Robert Hill
>all beanbean kingdom enemies replaced by their more familiar, safer mushroom kingdom equivalents >"""creativity""" coming back
Brody Jenkins
Low quality bait
Elijah Clark
I hope this & Odyssey coming might mean Paper Mario will get at least original characters & new creative enemies again in it's next game. I know Tanabe said he had no plans for that to happen a half a year ago but it seems like this series is starting to take a sharp turn back into being creative. Too bad no matter what happens Paper Mario will still have shit gameplay probably, I don't trust this current team with making a another new system.
Robert Robinson
>literally the same game that you played 14 years ago >SO CREATIVE BASED NINTENDO! HOW DO THEY DO IT!?
nintentards should be euthanized
Samuel Evans
except now it has low effort 2.5D graphics that look way worse than the original sprite art.
Daniel Foster
>X is back!!!!* >*by replaying a 14 year old game in a worse art style and a small add-on
Brayden Adams
For starters, there are original races and characters. Second, the writing is snappier. Third, the pacing is much better. Fourth, the battles are harder and the special moves are both more intuitive and fun.
>all beanbean kingdom enemies replaced by their more familiar, safer mushroom kingdom equivalents Since when? It's just a graphics update plus a new scenario.
Chase Walker
Michael White
This is pretty much Iwata's anthem.
Daily reminder that Nintendo went down the shitter as soon as he became President.
Henry Morales
Isn't the DT/PJ/SSSDX style still just sprite art?
Cameron Foster
Matthew Wilson
Proof where?
Post proof
Don't show Bowser Minion gameplay
Cameron Cox
He's specifically talking about the spin offs.
Jayden Davis
shh don't interrupt their narrative
Jackson Gray
That still doesn't make sense, the only spin-offs that have been accused of being sterilized are the Mario RPGs, Paper Jam was a fluke for M&L (thanks to Paper Mario) and it's already rebounding from it. Tanabe needs to take some fucking notes.
Jack Powell
It gets annoying when Sup Forums shitposts every M&L that isn't SSS and now they're shitposting even its remake.
William Anderson
I was disappointed about the DT sprite style at first but I think the Cackletta's Soul battle is going to look amazing with it
Mason Perry
>DT/PJ/SSSDX what the fuck does this even mean
Connor Allen
>that look way worse than the original sprite art Read the whole sentence next time
William Hall
>the Mario RPGs and most certainly the sports games and party games
Brandon Cox
>>creativity coming back It's a remake.
Isaac Sullivan
Initials for the M&L sequels, what the hell's wrong with you
Justin Taylor
Butt hurt paper Mario fan
Jason Walker
But it's not 2.5D or worse. It's just the same shit with better shading and more consistent proportions. Shit, some of Bowser's overworld sprites were bad in SSS, they didn't get a handle on him until BiS.
Dream Team/Paper Jam/SuperStar Saga DX
Jack Howard
Levi Gomez
yea and they could have sterilized the remake you fucking mong
>still the beanbean kingdom and not the toadtoad kingdom
Matthew Anderson
>Thinking SSS is the best Mario RPG means you're a butthurt Paper Mario fan
You fuckers make no sense.
Bentley Clark
Is there a battle theme out yet? I want to hear how they remixed the original
The stream only showed the boss fight theme.
Parker Richardson
But it clearly is 2.5D It looks like fucking ass.
Lucas Adams
>all these years >still no wario & waluigi spinoff
Caleb Anderson
>boss fight theme WHERE
Benjamin Myers
Why are you doing this
you already know that paper mario fans know that the series is fucked
why are you doing this
Parker Cox
Nintendo is 100% corporate. They only make what they think will sell to casuals. It's why you get a shit ton of Kirby games. They hate making metroid/zelda and shit because it takes effort and only sells a few million. And they will never touch their lower selling franchises like F-zero or wario land.
Gabriel Davis
>lack of any and all definition or sharpness >oversaturated colors and shadows >character sprites looking completely disconnected from the floor/backgroudn >better
Kayden Cox
But to be fair, didn't someone suggest to Risa Tabata in an interview that people might be interested in PM1/2 HD and she didn't completely dismiss the idea?
Jacob Williams
The stream, they played the monument guardian on the mountain challenge and fought the guardian boss.
Logan Green
Apparently TTYD fans haven't known that yet
Kayden Evans
Nintendo fans think higher tech (still tech from early 2000s)= looks better. People saying this looks better would say fire emblem shadow dragon looks better than the GBA games.
Got to say I'm genuinely happy the bros attacks look to be the save as the original game instead of being long and flashy like the recent 3ds games.
Caleb Edwards
>I don't know what 2.5D means. It's just more detailed shading and a different style.
In some ways it's better, in some ways it's worse. It really just comes down to personal preference. In this comparison, the animations are better but the color choice is inferior. In the scene when they get to the castle the 3DS version is vastly superior. When the Bowser Ship picks up Luigi, the GBA version looks way better.
Jason White
Not him but a shit ton of Paper Mario fans all shat on Paper Jame like it was Alpha-Dream's fault Paper Mario is bad now
Robert Hall
SSS+ uses pre-rendered backgrounds with 3D lighting effects.
Jackson Harris
It's worse in every way. How fucking shit could your taste be?
Landon Gray
>Better Shading = Univerally better in every regard >Let's just shove words into the mouths of anyone with different opinions than us, that way we win the internet argument!
Christ, you fuckers are insufferable.
Ethan Cox
SuperStar Saga is the only ML games where I LIKED the tutorials. I found each group of red and green friends/brothers funny, probably because they only get a couple of scenes each.
I think if the future games didn't relegate the tutorials to uninteresting Starlow or Toadsworth or whatever, they wouldn't be as grating.
Nathaniel Lee
Just remembered this is the game where absolutely nobody remembers Luigi's name. He actually gained some respect in-universe as each game came by, so it'll be funny to revisit his humble beginnings.
Adam Taylor
Who the fuck cares about the shading when your game looks like dogshit.
Eli King
Yes, Mario's animation actually fucking matching the perspective of the background is worse than a flat side view because [xxx]! It's just universally worse and you have to have shit taste to recognize any form of improvement!
Like for real nigger open your goddamn eyes instead of being a retarded ass fanboy. Just because it's not how you remember it doesn't mean there are no improvements whatsoever.
Brandon Perry
>unique characters and no starlow
Jordan Nelson
You can say all the stupid technical stuff you want the game still looks like complete ass. None of this gay shit matters. You are grasping at straws to defend this remake no one asked for that looks worse than the original.
Thomas Garcia
So, what's the deal with that Goomba on the cover? Did he get a flagpole jammed into his head or something? Poor guy...
Juan Robinson
>creativity coming back >unique characters and settings returning
I'm so sorry user
Joshua Bell
I was about to play the original on my 3DS a few days before the announcement. Should I bother playing it now?
Eli Rogers
If Alpha Dream developed it then it's their fault the game is shit. Though Paper Mario was already in the toilet at that point.
Jose Wilson
>"The perspective isn't entirely fucked for once." >Stupid technical stuff
You just sound like a moron who can't deal with anything less than complete adoration or vehement disapproval of a game.
James Powell
I want to see NEW (good) games, not remakes of games that I played when I was a teenager.
Why the fuck is this allowed?
Landon Reyes
>shows Bowser's Minion screen shots
Meanwhile, the trailer showed the little bean dudes, the fat frog boss, and the stream showed the monument guardian, all looking the same.
Daniel Brown
I get the feeling Nintendo just straight up doesn't allow shit like that anymore. It's stupid and nonsense, especially considering it's okay when Miyamoto gives Goombas more than one design, but that seems to be their stance on this stuff.
Isaiah Reyes
Jordan Long
Why is Starlow so hated? I though he (or she? Whatever the fuck it is) was alright in Bowser's Inside story.
Nicholas Powell
Shadow of the Colossus Remake looks pretty good doesn't it? And those VR ports are looking pretty sick man. Ended up pre-ordering the Crash Trilogy remake after seeing some more gameplay today too
Dominic Ramirez
And you are a faggot trying to nitpick the original to make the dogshit remake look competent.
The perspective means jack shit WHEN THE GAME LOOKS LIKE ASS
Carson Powell
that shot looks incredible. Why cant we just enjo two different takes on the same adventure?
Its like the fags who argued that conker reloaded didnt look exactly like the n64. Like what the fuck? In the end you get to play the game in a new way.
Joseph Lee
>still no Wario
Levi James
Think they'll replace the E. Gadd cameos with the cameos that were originally meant to be there in the coffee shop?
Matthew Morgan
it's new and different and therefore bad because reasons
Justin Perez
I hope changing the backdrop there is just a one off thing to keep with the shitty NSMB style they use for Peach's castle now.
Nathan Allen
I'm just so happy to see Fawful back, and with NEW LINES in the minions spin-off. Best Mario villain fight me Bowserfags.
Oliver Ross
you're a retard you're an asbolute fucking retard. kill yourself for thinking something that speaks for the party and takes away from mario's personality while being an insufferable annoying, demanding cunt who points out the obvious can ever be anything remotely "alright"
starlow was one of the worst things to happen to the series. Mario is a snore because of her
Anthony Long
This, a remake is never the exact same as its original. If you want the old sprites just go play the GBA version
Jaxon Perry
>The perspective means jack shit WHEN THE GAME LOOKS LIKE ASS...in my opinion FTFY
No need to thank me.
Jason Fisher
she's mean to luigi for no reason and she gets to put words in the main character's mouth.
navi-like helpers are generally disliked, they tried to make her sassy like goombella but it just came across like overbearing.
Jaxon Brown
dammit, when was THIS fucking shown? i hate that i only watched like the first fucking hour i fucking hate this wasn't just an hour long thing and i could go back to my fucking day!
Nathan Cox
I think this is one of those cases the imposed limitations of GBA sprites worked in its favor, Superstar Saga is colorful, full of character and everyone looks on model. Aside from smoothing the lines there's nothing to improve, that's the problem.
Isaac Foster
that area looks comfier than I remember. I digs it.
Lucas Hall
>because reasons
why does ever assblasted redditor do this?
Owen Brown
Holy shit, I love how that looks. I really like the color use & lighting in it.
Jose Diaz
>Fawful >Best boss >Not appreciating Fawful and Cackletta working together Sad!
Elijah Foster
>Still no Wario AND Waluigi ftfy
Thomas Jones
Which is why no one wanted a remake.
Luis Brooks
>repeated countless fucking times that the treehouse would have new announcements and more gameplay footage
i've seen so many of you stupid fucks who jump the gun after the spotlight and rush to Sup Forums to shitpost, and i have no sympothy for you. Lurk more, retard. It's been this way the past, what, 3 years? Eat shit. Every fucking year with you idiots.
Logan Reed
Is this it bros? Is this the end of fucking Starlow?
Landon Flores
Reminds me a lot more of Star Hill than the original's, I approve.
Samuel Anderson
>everyone looks on model nigga, have you seen Bowser's OW sprite from that game?
Asher Evans
Whoa, where is this from? I thought they stopped streaming the game awhile ago
William Rivera
tfw wario land shake it is the last good looking game Nintendo will ever make