E3 Developer interviews starting up. Get in here.
Giant Bomb
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These are always comfy
are you going to give me a link or what ?
Hope they have a Sony representative get in to get destroyed by Jeff with how disappointing their conference was
are they gonna blacklist The Last Night because Austin/Felix told them to?
Looking forward to it
It's almost time again? So soon. I've been watching JAV since their previous broadcast ended.
Actually, it's still 20 minutes away
He seems to be really close friends with Adam Boyes, it'll probably just be friendly roasting if anything
jason better have his shit together
Nah. I'll play that game if it's any good. Certainly looks very good.
I wonder if Phil is gonna show up tonight. He's been there on the first night the previous 2 E3's, right? He's pretty chill.
wow what a faggot im gonna go take a shower I literally was about to and stopped. because I saw this thread.
You should be more careful about posting unwarranted threads on Sup Forums. I hope you're fucking happy, you fuck!
Considering he actually had a pretty good conference for once, I imagine he'll be there in a much better mood.
Im sure hes not invited to the couch.
Even if he were he would grovel and apologize for nothing again like a little girly pants.
I'm about to take a shower too kek.
Remember, cold water is best!
These are always boring as fuck if its not Lang/Boyes/Johnny V.
will this suave motherfucker be back this e3?
I hope so, he's my favorite, even if the remakes he makes nowadays suck.
Giant Bomb's quality has been in decline since Ryan Davis died. Their quicklooks are a tier below the average youtuber.
OmG a CoNsErVaTiVe!
I also like how tweet three implicitly acknowledges she's witch hunting but justifies it by saying "2017."
>not showering in steaming hot water until you nearly pass out
>not bringing your phone
>not bringing cold beverages
>not spending 90min in there
You are gonna miss the start if you shower now.
>Giant Bomb's quality has been in decline since Ryan Davis died.
What a unique opinion. This totally hasn't been said about one billion times since his death.
They still unironically cite the current year?
i mean it guys i'm not finding it
help plox
Is Xavier Woods there?
I wish all 3 of the New Day went, I wanna see how Jeff responds to Big E gyrating
i fucking hope not.
It doesn't start for another 15min. It will be streamed on 3 sites and there will be a network stream URL.
>Is Xavier Woods there?
No, he was on Smackdown earlier.
Fuck off you cancer ridden meme fuck.
Using my waterproof phone! scrub a dub dub
You too you shit posting cocksucker!
i hope jason does the right thing after e3: quits and then commits murder suicide
How long until the first tranny?
How much longer until the first real woman?
>double playing their throw away the key music
Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.
Jesus fucking christ quality start.
Of course these faggots fucked up the stream BEFORE IT EVEN BEGAN!
here we go, the stream hasn't even started yet and he's already fucked up
Goddammit Jason!
>audio is doubled up
thanks a lot jason you fucking retarded piece of shit
>hire a woman
>streams go to shit
Dish of the Day > Lockdown
ben looks like such a fucking fag
First for Abby is looking a little cute today.
durr he does the dab wrong on purpose so funneh
What the fuck they actually started on time for once? Must be a first. I missed the start because I grabbed a burger.
Kill those who insult Islam.
I gave up on their terrible podcasts and quick looks, so it just hit me, WHOA ABBY IS CUTE! CUTE!
oh boy the one week out of the year these fat fucks actually have to do work
I wish it didn't still bear repeating.
Brad "I just want to sleep" Shoemaker is just not feeling these young whippersnappers
>have decent internet
>stream is 360p
What is wrong with Ben torso.
Why is Abby and Alex in the back?
giant bomb is done
Does Ben have fucking Down syndrome? Jesus
Abby actually looking cute? I'd eat her ass
I like Ben and Abby
The girl dos not look that bad. I would have sexual intercourse with her.
It seems like Brad has just given up on life in general. Must be /ourguy/
What is that melting man with the glasses on?
Abby is literally better than 3 people on that couch.
>I'd eat her ass
but it's deviated
durr we got these shirts ironically not like those stupid fags who bought them unironically, were so fucking funneh
He lost like 100 pounds, it's probably loose skin
Brad secretly voted for Trump
not ugly enough to be /ourguy/
Brad is tired, let him sleep.
Brad secretly bought a gun
You are so kind, user. I'm sure she would be very happy to hear that and definitely take you up on it.
Alex sucks
Ben sucks
Dan sucks
Abby is better than all three of them combined
Brad is ok
google 'physiognomy'
I think is a pillow, to look funny.
SJW signal boosting tends to work better when people actually know what the fuck you're even tweeting about.
No, no its not.
>Abby is better than all three of them combined
I'm an E3 virgin, btw. Please be gentle. *queefs loudly on your face*
Is Vinny teaching Jason how to use the video equipment?
are you upset
SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFF....oh yes my dear...
*sniff sniff*
Ben legit looks like a tard
Yep. He's an unfortunate looking man.
She said she bought a T-Shirt that said that.
abby with straightened hair incoming
yeah, they're okay desu
>stares off to the right slack jawed
That would be cool, i really enjoyed his perspective.
She's not even behind the camera you autisric virgin fuck. Stop blaming her for everything just because she's a woman.
Brad is bad at a Mario platformer.
Abby is p alpha t b h
go back to Sup Forums
>falling for bait this low tier
I think its more or less the switch is shit
it is
Reminder that those posters that say Abbey was never gonna be on camera continue to be wrong and always will be wrong. Only an idiot would be believe otherwise.
Abbey is a diversity hire.
Vocal Fried Mongoloid looking tranny fucker
It would be easier if Abby just admitted she was here for a paycheck and not really interested in video games.
who cares, at least she's not annoying or obnoxious