"I want Monster Hunter to finally look up-to-date and be on the PS4!"

>"I want Monster Hunter to finally look up-to-date and be on the PS4!"


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Too lazy to get a MHO screenshot. Go get one it has damage numbers and piss them off or something.

What point are you trying to make



None really. MHO isn't good but you can get meme blurry screen photos and mislead people or whatever the point of this thread was for.

>Looks as generic as MHO (if not worse)
>Now damage numbers
Is this literally MHO re branded for the west?

>That avatar

>Worst MH to date won't be shitting up the Nintendo catalog
Thank god.

>this is capcom's new main mh confirmed by the same community coordinator dude
>japan won't be able to play the newest MH on a handheld
>it'll be too niche in the west still to rescue capcom

what is their endgame?

Capcom wants to commit financial suicide.

>"I want to make a thread on Sup Forums that will make everyone laught"
>"n-no! Not at me, WITH me!!!"

It will be interesting to see how XX sells on switch in Japan

They've been trying for years but the consumers won't let them die

>capcom's ceo entered a deal with the devil
>he now endures excruciating pain every single day for as long as capcom is alive
>he's trying his hardest to put an end to it
>devil laughing

So people don't want the game to look like an mmo?

How could you do this Sony?

Monster Hunter is your child.

Is there no love left in your cold, blackened heart?


Sony didn't do shit

Probably not very well since it's been out on the 3DS for months there, but I guess we'll see
I wonder if they're even gonna bother releasing it in the west or just wait for MH5U, since World is coming out in the meantime.


>nintenbabbies get cucked as usual
>it's gonna be shit! I d-didnt want it anyway...

>MH finally getting off shitty handhelds and back to real platforms where it belongs
>autists ree over damage numbers of all fucking things

You just can't enjoy something can you?

People don't want a game that they like to be completely changed into something that tries to appeal to a group that doesn't exist.

lmao fuckin nerds wanting spreadsheets and shit to do damage get a life nerds

actually defending this

The fuck is this nigger talking about? You get bigger hitsparks when you hit the right spots.

ITT: Nintenbro salt mine as profitable as it's ever been

>that twitter avatar
>"So you don't have to play with a spreadsheet"
Oh fuck

>Made by the main MH team who did 1 - 4
>Directed by the same man as MH4
>Confirmed mainline game

You niggas keep crying. With your anime bullshit cross/double cross.

Too subtle for western audiences.

casuals designing a casual game for casuals.

Keep that in the back of your head and while the feeling of being upset wont go away it will at least make sense of the dumb shit.

Spreadsheet? What? I just hit them until they die.

No. It's more that all the MonHun autists on this board are also Nintendo dicksuckers. So a new mainline MonHun game NOT on a Nintendo system is going to get beat to death here and shitposted to oblivion.

I just don't think they should have gone full "western". It sounds like they're pandering to casuals or people that didn't like MH
maybe I'm wrong though, the features could be fun and interesting and not dumbed down bullshit. But I'm not optimistic
>tracking could be interesting and it might be a more active way of using certain abilities and potions
>stealth looked way too easy, walking right under the Dino's giant nose
>grapple looks fun but probably replaces trap setups so you can know dispense traps instantly at range
>mounting is less mashing mini-game and more Dragons dogma. That seems fine
>Bowgun is a modern machine gun because newcomers probably get frustrated by slow weapons
we'll just have to see
I bet they removed cold/hot drinks


What's this I see?

>game having a long requested feature getting it is now bad
>it's literally an aesthetic feature of numbers being visible and doesn't change the mechanics

Nintenbros sure are reaching

Someone explain whats so bad about this?


I blame soulfags

Requested by who, people who don't play the games?

>long requested
Requested by who? Shitters who dropped the game because the couldn't kill a G.Jaggi?

Why are MH fans so annoying?
It always has to be all about them and sucking them off, pleasing their every insignificant need

What the fuck is wrong with damage numbers exactly? How does that ruin MH?

>long requested
>Every single comment asking if you can turn it off


>long requested feature

Am I being memed on?

>long requested
Is this the part where you lie about being the majority?

You know, if either of you had ever played MH, you'd know the answer to that without needing to ask.


I bet you want the game to also say "WARNING, THE MONSTER IS NOW WEAKENED. PRESS X TO CAPTURE IT!" huh?

Watch this scumbag MH fans
The game will be great, stop being stuck up your own ass

>People mad about seeing the numbers that we fucking knew about beforehand anyway

So dumb

Who fucking cares. Kill yourselves.

>2 replies
>none answer my question
Enlighten me
How do damage numbers ruin MH

a shitty game

I've played MH since the original for the PS2. I put over a thousand hours into Freedom and FU, probably 200 of those just on grinding Ashen Lao Shan for rubies. This takes nothing away from the gameplay and there are no health bars. You're literally not allowing yourself to be happy.

Do you always go into threads discussing games you don't play?

Are you the kind of person who goes into established franchises and expects the game to change to how you want it, despite not supporting the previous entries?

>1 minute of seen footage



There's a skill for that

Requested by who?

can someone please explain why this is a bad thing? never played one of these games

Still not answering my fucking question!
Lighten up fag, the game looks great so far
Thank you for talking sense

Capturing monsters is a big part of monster hunter for that you gotta do a lot of dagamage without killing it and pay attention to how the moster moves and where it goes to know if it's weakened enough, knowing exactly how much damage you're dealing simplyfies it a lot.
This won't ruin the game by itself but it's not a good sign.

damage numbers are top fucking cancer
nothing sucks me straight out of a game more than having every enemy bleed meaningless numbers.

Its not.

Ignore the spergs

>game having a long requested feature
Fuck off pony, you've never played an MH game in your life. Damage numbers are up there with hard lock-on in the list of "hilarious shit casual babbies ask for after getting rekt by the Great Jaggy". It's the casual filter, it keeps shitters like you from ruining the franchise.

Welp, not anymore. Sony paid Capcom to spite-kill the franchise.

The games used to tell you with larger blood/sparks and increased hitstun when you hit weak points for massive damage
The game used to rely on "showing, not telling" when monsters were hurting, they would limp and drool and such when they were on their last legs
But now it looks like it's going to be numbers shown to you instead. Oddly, it's the "games are art" crowd that seems to be in favor of more numbers on the screen, which has me very, very confused.

Explain how damage numbers ruin that?
An HP bar would
And the main tell is how the monster acts and moves, damage numbers won't replace that
So yea, what's the issue here again?
Elitists bitching at nothing it seems

Nigger how do you know what the japanese wanted or didn't want? MHO has it for fucks sake.

I bet you can fucking turn it off too

The games learning curve and combat complexity are two of its major draws. It looks like they're dumbing them both down this time around.

basically this
the game is about watching the monsters behavior
not thinking "yeah, I've hit him enough times to lower his invisible health to point X"
It also strikes me as a very arcadey/RPG/Borderlands kind of thing. It clashes with the games overall style

>Capturing monsters is a big part of monster hunter for that you gotta do a lot of dagamage without killing it and pay attention to how the moster moves and where it goes to know if it's weakened enough, knowing exactly how much damage you're dealing simplyfies it a lot.

That was never a fucking challenge m8
they literally start fucking limping away, it`s always 100% obvious when the monster can be captured.

They STILL fucking drool and do all that shit.

You can see it in the goddamn preview

FUCK you're retarded.

MH is built around not TELLING you things, but making you LEARN them and be wary of things.

Let me give you one example:
Monsters can become weak enough to where you can capture them. This is only possible once you fought them for long enough to reduce their health.

You don't know their health. All you see is how the monster acts. When it is weak, it'll probably limp. So that's how you know.

This is different from you getting a flashing siren on the screen telling you to hit X TO CAPTURE now. Know what I mean?

MonHun fans are some of the most autistic people out there, the entire game is based around grinding for hundreds of hours just to make a single set of armor that's outdated and useless by the time you've completed it.

MHO is a game made by and for the chinese. It has fuck all to do with what the nips want.

>Can you please explain this extremely complex and hardcore game to me? I'm an utter casual

This thread is pathetic.

I've played every mainline MH since the first and this looks cool to me, being edgy doesn't make you right.

>Explain how damage numbers ruin that?
Already did, you know exactly how much damage you're doing with each hit.
I'm still looking forward for the game, it might be good but this is not a good sign.

Slippery slope, health bars will be next

Please don't mix up the Chinese and Japanese, it is very rude!

You knew this anyway after playing.

Don't fucking tell me you didn't know how many swings or how many shots with a certain bullet was needed to kill certain monsters.

Because you fucking did.

You still see monsters drooling when hungry, You still see monsters in pain when they fall, you still see monsters limping.

This is made by the main fucking MH team the fact you lack faith in them is ridiculous.

>I want Suda51 to show up at E3

Just like locking on was added to the 3DS? Just like MAH CUHRAZY DMC styles? Just like playable cats? Just like MAH MEGAMAN MARIO RABBIDS armor?

Get fucked. Damage numbers are fine, no more having to fucking guess if your new weapon does damage or not. Some of the most fun I've had in the series was using cheats to get the numeric monster health value on Portable 3rd and testing out damage numbers.

>Monster switches to a entirely different animation stops attacking makes crying sounds and limps toward nearest exit
>Muh vusual cues you gotta learn

I'll take three bar and a +2

What was their end game when they turned Breath of Fire into a post-apocalyptic action RPG?

What was their end game when they dyed Dante's hair black and gave him AN ATTITUDE?

What was their end game when they sent Megaman to the moon without life support?

Sup Forums is full of mad ninggers. Japan is very positive on MHW. Fun fact, like CoD in the west, it sells well in Japan but for years they have been complaining the series is stale and unimaginative.


As someone who has always hated Monster Hunter and its clones, this one looks like the only worthwhile one in the entire franchise.

Well, what was it?
Is Capcom insane?

Lounges confirmed
All weapons still in the game confirmed
Grapple hook is called a slinger and you can use it for more than movement, such as grabbing things to distract monsters
No damage numbers were seen in the footage on stream so you can probably turn it off

There is no endgame. Capcom saw dollar signs, that's it.

Why would I want flying magic numbers telling me how much damage I dealt? Watching the visual hints, especially when coupled with a crit/break,is extremely satisfying already

>PSP and 3DS games
>Complex or hardcore
I can't believe what I'm reading and I refuse to communicate with you after this post

>Comments disabled

who fucking cares
first mainland monhun on PC baby

Holy fuck you guys are autistic retards. Why do you want the same exact game over and over?

>has me very confused
Let me explain
games are art crowd=doesn't want games to be toys first and foremost=doesn't want challenge and reward core, because it's too gamey=wants things casualised and more accessible

They do that on all their videos you smelly fat ningger. Lots of companies do, but notice the ratings are visible.

Good. I don't speak to casuals, I generally just laugh at them.

who cares, what the fuck is wrong with this fanbase

>Just like locking on was added to the 3DS?
Snapping camera. It doesn't do the whole, you know, locking on part.
>Just like MAH CUHRAZY DMC styles?
You're thinking of arts, the most wild styles get is a jump. Then again I haven't played XX yet
>Just like playable cats?
What's even bad about this?
One's a new game mode that doesn't affect anything else and the other is just a costume.

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