Really? out of all the things they could have changed thats what triggers you the most? They could have completely revamped combat, loot, and gear and you're more concerned with fucking numbers?
why not
Their lord Satan wills it
> all those people asking if you can turn the numbers off
>not casualized they said
What's the problem?
Prepare your anus for camera lock-on.
that was already a thing in the last 3 MH games.
I'de much rather critical effects for most effective attacks/vulnerable spots than damage numbers.
When I think MH I think very raw, It's nice to know what's most effective, but when you boil that down to numbers it kinda gets to raw output and this will outright represent certain weapons as better than others. I think like a hit spark on most vulnerable areas and weakness written in your book for the monster would of been way better.
If there's no health bar then it really isn't that big of a deal. I wouldn't mind an option to turn if off though.
no it wasnt
No, you can just center the camera. It doesn't do jack shit against monsters that move, which is all of them all the time
You know damn fucking well that's not what he means.
are you really such a brainlet that you don't understand what this means in the long run?
I just want to know why the game has them, surely it would make more sense for Capcom to finally show the real damage output of weapons in the stat screen instead of the obtuse arcane mathematics people have needed to use to decipher the actual damage values.
What is this BULLSHIT?!
Have you EVER played a monster hunter game before?
i don't play monhun, so what does this mean in the long run?
Its a big deal when people release the hp for the different parts and what will always allow 100% capture.
This isn't as awful as it seems; you should be calculating damage numbers and hitzone values so you know when you're reaching stagger. But I'm still cautious of this game
If damage numbers become the norm then the series will no longer need to rely on displaying damage through physical changes on the monsters themselves and also their behaviours to being attacked. It could have a massively negative impact on the design of the game.
I will never understand why people like this franchise. Wtf is wrong with numbers?
Of course not.
The grappling hook in the trailer should have been the biggest and most blatant giveaway. Since in MonHon games, even if only contextual to ones surroundings, the ability to move back and forth or up and down opens up the ability for quick get away at a moments notices for one to heal, sharpen, or buff. That would other wise be more dangerous and risky to do without the ability to easily put large distances between the player and the monster.
And since the map will be entirely seamless without any map transitions ,depending on how the monster AI works of course, Shit can be easily cheesed by people just fighting the things in the safest and most convenient areas since monster can then apparently always be dragged and agroed back to that area.
And yo know what there is nothing really wrong with that. But at the same time fags should not be so defensive with shit being called what it is. Which is that MonHun World will be the most casulized entry into the series as of yet. And again nothing wrong with that really but its just weird to see faggy nerds so defensive about it.
Isn't that almost impossible in multiplayer
i mean... is there really no way that the damage numbers merely help additionally clarify some things here?
it seems like kind of a stretch that some numbers will completely replace something so fundamental to fighting the monsters
Then don't look up on the internet what will allow for 100% capture? I don't really understand that argument. What said makes more sense for why it's a bad idea.
The less HUD information, the better
Reading the monster's behavior is what makes a hunt great.
about time
you don't need lock-on with a controller
Not him, but
>the series will no longer need to rely on displaying damage through physical changes on the monsters themselves and also their behaviours to being attacked.
Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.
This shit has NEVER once been consistent.
>unleash a full Level 3 GS charge slash right into a monster's dick
>fucking super armor no-sell and continues doing its attack animations
>do a GS sword slap for pitiful damage on the same monster in its unseverable tail
>falls over and cries in pain
In b4 "hurr u don't even play"
Nigga, I have been G-ranking since Freedom Unite. I may not have started on the PS2 with the big dogs, but even I can tell you this is bullshit that happens all the goddamn time.
They literally just had an interview where the director said the combat, stays the same. They showed more classic GS attacks. He said, all 14 weapons are in and they are only making additions. I repeat COMBAT IS THE SAME WITH ADDITIONS. Why are you people such fucking cry babies?
Health bars next, they want the western casual audience.
I agree its a bad change but my point is that there a lot of other much worse stuff they could have done to the game than this. They already confirmed no health bars so it's not the worst thing in the world. And yes I've been playing since MHFU over 2000 hours across the series.
>Wtf is wrong with numbers?
Pointless clutter. Really if one were honest and were to get into as deeply and cleanly as possible it is just pointless clutter.
Since in MonHun when ever the monsters reach a certain low percentage of life left. The monster walking animation changes to one that shows it more or less limping. Meaning that there is already a way to tell when one has already heavily damaged shit. And since monster can be captured it adds a bit of complexity to it since if one is out to capture it one has to look out for that animation which then means its captureable.
So it just is pointless and stupid because of its pointlessness of it. And to a point its kinda dumb to encourage dumb pointless shit that will only add pointless clutter if added.
So its only really a negative for damage numbers to be added all around since it adds nothing and diminishes shit slightly
Monster Hunter is designed in a way that damage numbers simply aren't necessary, adding them removes the need of the developers to put effort into Monster reactions/behaviour, to believe otherwise is simply naïve. Monster Hunter games do have a stat problem, but that can be solved by actually showing us our weapons real damage values in the stat screen (Previous games use weird logic that the community has to decipher just to figure out how good their weapons are because the numbers lie)
So it'll appease to both die hard fans and new comers alike?
>Why are you people such fucking cry babies?
are you dumb? Like honestly? Or are just steeped like like over a dozen layers of irony or some shit?
>monster stays in rage mode and loses its shit during a cap mission
>doesn't limp or anything just does its retarded dig/fly/jump 50 fucking areas away from you like they all do nowadays, but doesn't go back to its sleep spot so you think it's still ready to tussle
>hit it once with a minor attack after catching up to it
>it dies
So you're saying that those problems will get worse?
Damage numbers are a good thing. I'm actually a bit more excited about this MH following the QoL footsteps other hunting games have brought on.
I don't want to count I want to hit it till it dies. I'd be satisfied if I can turn this the fuck off.
Completely wrong. Look up some japanese speedruns back when headlocking was still a thing, it was 100% predictable.
Why is Sup Forums so terrible at games?
Oh yeah I forgot that MH "fans" can't accept new stuff.
still i think it's a stretch.
of course, damage numbers aren't necessary in any game. would they make the game slightly easier? maybe that was their intention, and not to simply forgo designing a lot of monster behavior?
I don't really get this change. Were people having a hard time determining how much damage you were doing to a body part? I don't think they outright teach you in MH that more blood spray = weaker body part
seems entirely pointless becase you cant see health bars so its just there for the sake of being there
having visual feedbacks like bigger bloodsprays on weak points and so on would fit much better
So, here is a quick rundown.
Monsters are either slayed, or they are captured.
Slaying them mean you kill them, straight up, no bull shit. How you do that is up to you, but most players will be relying on a team of other hunters, all equipped with armor and weapons, but even that is not enough at time, so you end up bringing traps, flash bombs, and other tools to use on the monsters.
Capturing a monster is a different story, as a monster cannot be killed if it is to be captured, and capturing a monster require you capture it in a trap, be that a shock trap, a pitfall trap, or something across those lines. Once a monster is lead into a trap, all you have to do is tranquilize it with tranq bombs, tranq arrows, or using a special tranquilizer liquid on your bladed weapon.
It all sounds simple and easy, right? Now you are wondering, "Well, then why does it matter if you can see the damage you do in real time now"?
Well, you and your party all have bars of health, and stamina, as does the monsters you fight, but unless you hack the game, it is completely impossible to see exactly how much health a monster has left, as no player can see the monster's health or stamina bar.
This is what makes Monster Hunter fun and less casualized, as you literally have to pay attention to the details on the monster in order to find out just how weakened they are.
Monsters can develop scars during battle, and some parts of the monster can be severed, such as the tail, or broken, such as their wing bones. When a monster has taken a beating, it will become enraged, which will cause it to be stronger, faster, and have more moves to use, for a short period of time.
If a monster is beaten down and is not rage mode, it will try to retreat, and this is when observation matters most.
Was the monster salivating and sluggish? It is retreating to eat prey and gain stamina. Was the monster limping or crying out for back-up? It is now weak enough to capture.
Ya get it?
My current main issue with damage numbers is purely for aesthetic reasons, I want a cleaner look.
The only feedback you need when hitting a monster is the blood splatter, and MHW doesn't even have that
>Since in MonHun when ever the monsters reach a certain low percentage of life left. The monster walking animation changes to one that shows it more or less limping. Meaning that there is already a way to tell when one has already heavily damaged shit.
You're so full of shit.
>change is always good
guess sfv is a good game since it has changed so much
MHfags' tears sustain me
> he doesn't know or understand what flinch/stagger thresholds are
> says it's "not consistent"
Please go be uneducated elsewhere. If you've been G-ranking since Freedom Unite then you should have an understanding of how things like flinch/stagger thresholds operate and how you can take advantage of them.
So now I will actually know which attack does good damage and are useful to attack with?
Will this also means that everyone will just play GS as it has always been the most OP weapon in the series and the numbers will now confirm it.
It's a grognard thing.
Using a spreadsheet on your computer compiled by others over time to find out what weapon does how much damage is PART OF THE EXPERIENCE YOU and if you don't like that you're a casual who should FUCK OFF
>This is what makes Monster Hunter fun and less casualized,
Not really.
>Y-You have to watch his animations to know!
Fuck no you don't. 99% of players built up and used a capture armor set to know the exact moment they needed to stop killing. The ONLY thing this addition (not a change) does is remove pointless grinding of parts for a niche armor set.
I don't like lying damage but I also don't like damage numbers popping up, I toggle that shit off in every game, it's just ugly screen clutter.
I'm sure they'll let me toggle it off though so it's not an issue.
Yeah, don't bother with it in multiplayer. But knowing exactly when to stagger is very helpful on tougher missions.
>This is what makes Monster Hunter fun and less casualized, as you literally have to pay attention to the details on the monster in order to find out just how weakened they are.
No, it's what makes at least one poor bastard have to equip the Pro Trapper skill because otherwise if the fucking monster stubs his toe or whatever dumbass trigger barely before reaching that point, he will not show any evidence of being weakened whatsoever when he escapes, and by the time you catch up to him clobber him, you'll have killed him.
This shit has happened countless times to me in multiplayer, even with -GOOD- players.
This is what sonyyggers get lmao. Holy shit. You guys can have your """westernized""" MH
i think damage numbers are bad but health bars are good :)
And they only used those capture sets on monsters that yielded more favourable rewards when capping, or when specific items can only be obtained from quest rewards or capturing.
I've played every single MH game since FU and I have never once had to craft or gem in a capture set. It's PAINFULLY OBVIOUS when the monster is ready to cap because they very conspicuously limp away in a manner that they do not do in any other situation. You're just dogshit at the game and played too much with pubs.
I don't because it's all bullshit when monsters themselves aren't even consistent.
>hunt a rath
>crunch the numbers
>do the exact same quest it's now a bigger rath with more HP and attack
>numbers are all fucked up now
From the stream:
>Starts by showing extended trailer I
think?, notes no loading screens between areas but it's not a fully connected open world.
>Ryozo (Capcom) wants to note 'living breathing world', monsters all have intelligent AI and desires/interactions, world going on around you and you can use their interactions to your advantage.
>Interviewer asks about stealth sequence we saw - Ryozo notes there are new suit items like mantles, new one from the trailer, cannot have on all the time, has a cooldown. Also opposite which lets you lure monsters towards you.
>Interviewer asks how multiplayer is being approached - Ryozo notes previously it was 4 player, going to hub, questing, etc. New game will include drop-in multiplayer via shooting up flair part way through quest (same as in trailer).
>Interviewer asks whether hunter lounges will exist - Ryozo confirms 'of course'.
>Interviewer asked about joined servers (related to global presumably) >Ryozo notes that yes, all servers merged into one, everyone will play together, simultaneous launch as well.
>Interviewer asks about any new tweaks to combat system - Ryozo wants to assure everyone all 14 weapons are in, they know hunting is core gameplay, not removing anything, building on base from previous titles.
>Goes on to talk about 'slinger' (grappling hook item), can also pick up rocks and use slinger to launch rocks around.
Overall Sup Forumsintendogaf got pretty BTFO
but yes, there ARE damage numbers.
>damage control
No, they only used it when it's part of the fucking quest, dipshit.
Case in point being the goddamn key quests that require capping or shit like deviant questlines which have mandatory capture quests.
ITT: fear
> but that's not how it works. The only time when thresholds change are when they're reached or you advance to High-G-rank, or you're doing certain event quests, at which point they're increased to accommodate for higher player stats.
This also goes for things like monster attack values.
they're actually just scared of autism potentially showing up
4 was good. But 5's problem was lack of content and shit balance.
I'll just turn it off, no big deal.
interesting, thanks for the rundown.
but, while they added damage numbers, monsters don't have health bars or anything, and you can't find out a monster's max health
i don't see why you wouldn't still have to rely on watching the monster's behavior to determine how hurt it is
i was just kind of assuming damage numbers were to more directly illustrate the progression and state of the player's weapon
Kys youre'selfs you fucking manchildrens. I hope devs will also put in boss hp bar next desu.
Yeah I don't get it either, nothing will change except that everyone will start using GS because it deals so much more dmg than anything else.
I've been playing MH since the original. The only time I've ever had Pro Trapper is when it was already on a set by default. Very rarely have I ever failed a capture quest, and more often than not, my group and I forgot we were on a capture quest and just ruined the monster before it could even consider leaving.
>crunching numbers
Have you tried, hitting it in the legs until it falls over? Bashing it in the head until it's KO'd? Slashing at tails until they're cut off? It's all pretty simple stuff.
Stop being shit at MH.
Generations does that, I forget but I think XX does too
I hope you fucking casuals eat this up, otherwise they'll only get more bullshit with """""""QOL""""""" additions. I'm gonna bet there's regenerating health and lockon already in this travesty of a game.
>the damage control from shills in this thread
This is just pathetic.
>Letting things like this near your game in anyway
>We want the X audience
Has this ever worked?
None of that changes with damage numbers, because you still dont know the healthbars for the monsters.
health regen got debunked
>implying regen isn't already in
You even play this game?
Welcome to Street Fighter 5, the universally most hated sf game.
He's a public rep. Chirp him all you want he probably has better social skills than most of Sup Forums.
next time then.
Are you going to count and add up a hundred hits?
Monster Hunter Online has a fixed camera lock (not semi fixed like the 3DS games) and it's completely alright, it doesnt makes the game easier or harder, you just don't have to worry anymore on moving the camera, this is specially useful in that game because you often need to use keyboard commands
Stop bitching on a QoL feature
Then dont fucking ruin the game for yourself by looking it up online, dumbo.
no one is gonna buy this shit anyway.
Just wait until the next game when they add health bars, fuck.
being black and meeting a quota isn't a social skill
Capcom just lost a sale. This is turning into some frontier bullshit real quick.
It's better so you know if you're actually dealing more damage when attacking a part of the monster, plus resistances and whatnot.
How is giving more information to the player a bad a choice? Hiding information that you have to look up on other websites is counter-intuitive. It will be annoying having to see numbers pop up every time you hit something, that is for sure.
What's wrong with numbers?
Do you hate math?