Is MGSV any good?

Is MGSV any good?

yes, but most of Sup Forums will tell you know

what other answer would you expect


controls like a dream, everything else is the worst in the main series.

It's the best half of a game that I've played since DMC 4.

Only Ground Zeroes. TPP is an unfinished turd.

Is there anything crucial that I might miss if I don't play it

It's a solid 8.5/10, and also my personal most disappointing game of all time

Its a 7/10 at best.

it's cringy dweebshit, don't bother

I'm getting mixed messages here

not as good as Fallout 4 Toddy ;)

Better than anything Todd made.

Don't get me wrong the game's really good, it's just that this was supposed to be the greatest game of all time, a game like Ocarina of Time that would reinvent the open world genre. Instead we got MGSV.

oh yeah ita great

If you played the previous you will be greatly disappointed. If not then you will just be disappointed. It's stI'll a great game though

Yeah, it pretty much resolves all loose ends. I think the game is great, the other comments are just Sup Forums being Sup Forums.

Well I just beat the Ground Zeros again so I was curious, should I play all the other side missions before considering TPP?

I have 187 hours in MGSV. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but it has some pretty glaring flaws, the biggest of which is that it's unfinished. It was actually the first time I'd played Metal Gear and as such was my introduction to the series. On it's own, it feels like a pretty good game, it starts to break down after a while because there feels like a lot of filler and repeat missions. If you take it as just an open world shooter it's pretty alright, if you're looking for riveting and deep story the other games are most likely leagues ahead of it. MGSV has its moments, overall I'd give it a B.

One of the few blatantly unfinished games besides KOTOR 2 that is actually really good.
Unfortunately, as with K2, that just makes it all the more disappointing that it could have been much better if they actually finished it.

>resolves all loose ends
The fucking game doesn't even have an ending you dumbass, if anything it creates even more

>Eli rides off into the sunset with a weapon of mass destruction.
>Game ends.
'Resolves all loose ends'

You want to run around and kidnap people and develop a base? Cool we got that in spades. It's a straight improvement over Peace Walker's gameplay if you though Peace Walker was fun.

Want a satisfying resolution to the plot? Stick to MGS 4 kiddo.

No, just play TPP.

PROTIP, don't bother doing the Side Ops,they're all garbage and don't give you much

>It was actually the first time I'd played Metal Gear and as such was my introduction to the series

Goddamn. did you play the previous games and how did it compare?

>Hey guys I finished the BATTLE GEAR and it's ready to deploy!
>It is never mentioned again.
'Resolves all loose ends'

not as good as fallout 4

can't wait for fallout 4 vr

No, it explains nothing and if anything expands the plot to have even more holes. You're not missing much if you just stop at 4, following big boss after 3 was a tragic mistake

Well fuck, saves me $20 but whatever. Peace Walker was boring as hell but I did like the whole Mother Base thing and collecting soldiers. Despite what people say or think, I did actually like MGS4, so I think I'm gonna go play that right now

this pissed me off the most.

>following big boss after 3 was a tragic mistake

This. Each fucking game made it feel like "is this where he goes bad and create outer heaven?" for like, what, 3 games already?

>Portable ops
>Peace walker
>Ground zeros + Phantom Pain

Fucking goddamn it Kojima.

No, play MGS4 after 5

And don't forget that Solid is the only hero in this franchise

did Caramel kill himself

I watched some playthroughs on youtube of 3 and 4 so I'm not sure if I can really comment on it. V doesn't really hold up to those games in terms of story, IMO.

Is there anything that's absolutely necessary to know about in MGSV that is mentioned in MGS4?

GZ side ops are better than all of mgsv5 so this is wrong

Yes, it's an enjoyable game. It's played better in increments than all in one sitting imo. And you have to basically be ready for it to subvert all expecatations of what you think an mgs game will bring otherwise you'll be severely asshurt

Yes, pretty much every part of the story in 5 requires you to understand what's happening between big boss and someone else that's mentioned in 4. Don't play 5 before 4, that guys retarded.

we can only hope.

It's just better for closure
MGS5 is "setting up" for the MSX2 metal gears, MGS4 was made as an actual "last game"

You should really play those user. You missed out on a huge legacy

Gameplay is great, story is meh

How many fucking times have I seen this thread in the past two years now?

And even then they didn't have the balls to show his descent into a villain.
They had the balls to make it look like that's what MGSV was GOING to do, but then they chickened out.

It's one of those "it's a good game, but it's not a good MGS game" things. It'd be a 10 if it was unrelated to the IP

And if it was actually finished.

It's good if you're not an MGS fan, it's mediocre as hell if you are.

Fuck right off Todd

he got retconned out of being a villain. Venom took the fall for him. Thanks mgs 4

It's better than Fallout 4.

Yeah, and we didn't even get Venom's fall. The closest we got was him having to mercy-kill a bunch of his own men and being broken up enough about it to actually speak.

>you get to manage the security for all your FOBs!
>literally no reason not to have the maximum amount of guards and security devices on every platform
>freely placable mines and cameras are locked as super late-game stuff and require an absurd amount of time, staf level and resources to develop

It's weird, but he's right.
The actual gameplay is the best in the series, I could sneak around and kill people all day. But you can tell the exact moment where things went wrong in development, and now they're making you replay old missions just a little harder, and it makes no sense with the story.

They all never stopped being villains.
You think creating a world where every ragtag bunch of mercenaries has nuclear weapons is heroic?

Can we all agree that the worst part of the game is that Snake doesn't talk.
The codec scenes in the last games were really when the game's personality shined through. You got to learn a lot about Snake and there were humorous moments too. Snake spoke so little in this game, and they changed his voice actor, so when he did say something i didn't know who said it.

The game takes place in a vacuum. There's literally one plot thread that works it's way into future games, and it wasn't even really necessary.

No exaggeration, not a single event in the game matters to the rest of the metal gear series at all.

So I don't really have to play it at all? I know I might sound retarded but the only REAL reason I wanted to play MGSV was because of all of the recent Death Stranding and PT ruse

I'm still pissed that I bought the Collector's Edition for my PS4 and didn't get my DLC codes. I even emailed Konami twice but never got a reply back. Fuck that company.

>Eli runs away with a metal gear more advanced than anything in the entire MGS franchise
>What the hell did Ocelot do after V?
>What the hell did Miller do after V?
>What the hell was BB doing DURING V?
>Why aren't parasites a thing after V?
>What happened to Mantis after V?
>What happened to Quiet after V? She only spoke a few sentences and had damaged lungs, I doubt she died.
>Why did Kojima even leave the Battle Gear development in the game if it doesn't get used?
>Why are wormholes suddenly a canon thing in MG, and this amazing technology is never mentioned or used again?
>Why is the TX-55 so fucking shitty if they have access to the same labs and plans that built Sally?
>Did Venom willingly accept his role of BB or was he pissed at what he became? It's only alluded to and left open ended.
>Why did they go out of their way to hire Keifer only to voice half dozen lines? (I know there was more in the tapes, but who the fuck listened to all that bullshit)
>Why in the fuck did they retcon Skull Face into being in Russia cleaning up after Naked Snake, there's literally no evidence and how the fuck did a man with no skin survive a russian jungle, swamp, mountain, fortress?
>It was risky as hell to get Naked into Russia for Snake Eater, how the hell did they get Skull Face in there too as a tag along?
>Why can't I ride that badass Triumph that BB has?

>MGSV is inconsequential
>Death Stranding is an entirely separate game
>PT is a cancelled game
>There is no ruse
>Caramel is a legitimate retard.

You can probably find a cut scene edit on youtube that gives you the whole story in less than an hour. It's a fun game for gameplays sake, but if you're a fan of the series it's such a huge departure that it barely feels worth it.

Then fuck no
Watch MGSV as a movie on youtube instead, don't waste your money just for a ruse that was never real, it's stupid user

Just think that kojima made a weird movie and grab your popcorn, there's a 12 hour video that compiles the whole series as game movies if you want to fully waste your life

>Venom took the fall for him
Venom was willing to give his life for BB. He took that, and much more including his entire sense of self. That alone should tell you how villainous BB is.

it's a fun sandbox. but the story is shit, so essentially it's not worth playing all the way through. play it long enough to get all the good gear and what not to dick around in the open world and stop playing whenever you get bored of kidnapping grunts and making bars go up

Venom never cared about Quiet, so yes.

>What the hell did Ocelot do after V?
He became Revolver Ocelot and helped Big Boss and Liquid in trying to overthrow The Patriots.
>What the hell did Miller do after V?
Became Master Miller, turning his back on Venom Snake/Big Boss and helping Solid Snake before his assassination
>What the hell was BB doing DURING V?
Fucking off and doing other stuff to build up Outer Heaven and Zanzibarland
>What happened to Mantis after V?
Fucked off with Eli, probably had shota sex, then got rallied into FOX
>What happened to Quiet after V? She only spoke a few sentences and had damaged lungs, I doubt she died.
She died.
>Why did Kojima even leave the Battle Gear development in the game if it doesn't get used?
Cut content.
>Why is the TX-55 so fucking shitty if they have access to the same labs and plans that built Sally?
They didn't have The Man Who Was Cucked To Death, which really messes things up when you don't have a rocket scientist to help you.
>Did Venom willingly accept his role of BB or was he pissed at what he became? It's only alluded to and left open ended.
It's assumed he became the BB you fight in MG1
>Why did they go out of their way to hire Keifer only to voice half dozen lines? (I know there was more in the tapes, but who the fuck listened to all that bullshit)
Because Kojima wanted a change to go along with a new Snake.
>Why in the fuck did they retcon Skull Face into being in Russia cleaning up after Naked Snake, there's literally no evidence and how the fuck did a man with no skin survive a russian jungle, swamp, mountain, fortress?
Not that kind of "cleanup".
>It was risky as hell to get Naked into Russia for Snake Eater, how the hell did they get Skull Face in there too as a tag along?
CIA had many agents, like Eva, Ocelot, and possibly more.
>Why can't I ride that badass Triumph that BB has?
Because fuck you.

Everything else is up in the air and I don't have an answer for.

To add to the Skull Face retcon, because it's the worst retcon in the entire series.

They WANTED snake to be noticed to some extent, they wanted proof positive that action was being taken. They wanted Volgin dead, they wanted the Boss dead.

Canonically speaking it's entirely possible to have gone through the entire game only killing a single person, with the Cobra Unit an heroing themselves when they're defeated.

Also, the Cobra unit blow up when they die, leaving literally no evidence. It's 100% entirely possible that the only evidence of Snake being in the Soviet Union was that Volgin is dead, the Boss is dead, and there's a crashed jet in tselinoyarsk. Two things they wanted, and one that's a necessity.

So despite the HUGE risk of sending American planes over russia during the cold war to drop a soldier on foreign soil, they did it twice with Snake and once with Skull Face?

Who then goes unnoticed despite Naked potentially throwing up alarm bells across the entire region? Alerting an elite unit to his existence and tearassing through the place? Yet some skinless fucktard dressed like a discount halloween store Zorro just walks about with nobody noticing? If he was so goddamn good why not just send him in the first place?

Just, fuck.

>What happened to Quiet after V? She only spoke a few sentences and had damaged lungs, I doubt she died.
Who cares?

Venom Doesn't, because he didn't care about her.


>resolves all loose ends

The first mission is pretty flawed hit or miss success running away from the Skulls or changing helicopter LZ's but otherwise it is pretty amusing.

MGSV has the best gameplay in the series and possibly the best stealth based gameplay ever made. The only drawback is that the game's unfinished.

It's a great game but a bad metal gear game

1000% this. It's by no means bad, not by a stretch. It's just an extremely disappointing game when compared to the charm and humor of the series.

It wasn't even a case of the game getting too grimdark, the series has always had really dark moments. It just didn't have any quirky or fun personalities to balance it out, you play as a man with literally no personality.

so nothing was shown at e3 right?
is kojima's best friend still around to talk about OH I MENT ITS GONNA BE SHOWN AT THE NEXT CONFERENCE COMING UP
still laughing at DAY ONE OF E3

I can spend all day just fucking with guards because the game gives you so many ways to do so.

But man, you really need to ignore the story here.

Yeah it's an okay game, gives you tools to do all kinds of shit. Don't expect an MGS game though

I'm pretty sure we'll never see that thing again, he's either dead, so ashamed of himself that he became self aware of his tremendous faggotry and lives in regret, or just mad/pissing himself/crying like a retard and thinking how to make a comeback even when he knows we will shit on him forever

Either way it will be some time until we know what happened to him, it is a bright future for MGS and DS threads

>inb4 caramel "it's not over yet!"

No. The one reason MGSV is a bad MGS game is because it's not tied to any of the lore, just so Konami could push out this game that has no reason to exist.

Mr. Bonefaceman even mentions how "None of this will matter, since the world will hide me and all my actions from history" to conveniently explain why this game doesn't seem canon, but actually is