what's the verdict?
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Funny how I just installed this today. Haven't played it yet.
Is it any good?
it was ok, worth a single playthrough.... at least it looks nice.
GOTY 2016
Don't give a shit what Sup Forums thought, it was easily one of my favorite games last year.
One of the best reboots of all time
I had a lot of fun with it and I still come back to Arcade Mode from time to time
saw the boss fights on youtube
glad i didnt buy a ps4 for this. doom3 last good doom
Designed for and marketed to people who have never played a doom game before. Lots of subtle hand holding and an upgrade system that gives a false sense of accomplishment.
A good spiritual successor to Metroid Prime
I didn't like it. I think its pace really threw me off.
The general consensus here seems to be its good though.
This, but unironically.
Game of the year, one of the best FPS in years. Good old fashioned fun ass video game. Not DOOM 1 amazing but a great game.
Should have been called DOOM 4.
Get to Foundry (3rd level) before making your decision.
Also, this is a picture of Hayden pre-robot. I've actually started reading through all of the data logs. There is some interesting and hilarious shit there.
I liked it, though it didn't stay entirely true to Doom's roots, particularly in terms of level design. Overall, a 9 /10 IMO; the multiplayer is weak as hell. Also it's shockingly well optimized for a Bethesda game.
it was game of the year for Sup Forums's awards show
Better than original doom that had no sense accomplishment
I just marathoned this game, did i like it?
>Not liking the Hell Guard Fight
>Or the Spider Mastermind
I would understand with the Cyberdemon.
Max out the difficulty, turn up the music all the way and you're good.
it's good. style is kind of cringe if you aren't 14. could be better but that it exists and sold well is a positive trend
Better than 1 and 2, worse than 3
BFG Division is complete vidya music kino.
I'll fucking fight you mate with those shit opinions.
Genuinely liked it as an FPS. It's not a good Doom, but it's a very good game.
>Max out the difficulty
I heard this game was brutal hard or was that a meme
What's the canon difficulty of Doom?
So what was your favourite Demon redesign, mechanically or aesthetically? Pinkies for Mechanics, Spoopy Rocket Skeletons for aesthetic.
Does Doom 2016 have the most underrated soundtrack of the year?
It's a thing of beauty. The best game in years and the best FPS of the decade.
Max difficulty + permadeath is insane.
Its all right, soundtrack is pure shit though. Only underage faggots like it.
>That one arena with 2 barons of hell, 5 pinkies and FUCKING IMPS running around
This is also like 4 hours into the game. Fucking hate that one place.
It's awesome don't listen to the autistic ranting on /v they don't like any game made after 2007.
>For a bethesda game.
Because they only publish it and ID are still techno wizards.
you mean 1 death restart game?
I heard max diffuculty was tough as fuck, too many enemies and like 2 shot killed
Why would anyone want to fuck themself over like that
I would want to be doom guy, a badass killing machine, not a flimsy faggot who dies at every turn
I've NEVER heard a soundtrack that fit a game better than DOOM 2016.
Although favourite doom song of all time
I also discovered the other day that you can play the classic level of Tower of Babel (The one where you fight the cyberdemon) and it has the Nu-Cyberdemon walking around. I thought that was a nice touch.
>tfw D44M wasn't designed for mods in mind
>tfw even if it was, the sheer amount of effort needed to create new art assets would stop would-be developers
>tfw we'll never have Reelism for D44M
Yes, it is VERY punishing even without the "1 death restart game" feature. Just like said, there are extremely difficult moments even at the beginning. It's a good challenge, though. It forces you to be even more mobile and more careful when choosing which weapons to use.
Ultra violence
I like it well enough, campaign is pretty fun so far (7-8 levels in). Multiplayer is kinda just a less fun Halo without vehicles, but such is life. Haven't messed with the level editor yet.
At least play the single player. The plot is only there as much as you want it to be, because Doomguy gives no fucks.
I heard the plot of Nu-Doom is actually pretty good. Is this true?
Holy fuck this soundtrack is savage
Even then, the plot is actually really well made in the form of the data logs and the dialogue they actually give you. Even Doomguy can contribute to the plot by just simple gestures.
Also Snapmap is in a better state now. Do I want modding? Hell yes, but it is good for what it is. Also as a Console player, it is the best in game level editor except for Trials
not really, but it builds up the locations you visit pretty well
It was better than expected. Pretty good. Thank god we didn't get the Call of Doom they were making at first.
>Remember: The Blind Council is always watching.
fuck that though I never liked doom and I don't want to play games to give me brain ache where I need to get autistic level good to play it like a "pro"
I have it in my bocklog, whenI play it I will just put it on hard like andy fps and be a badass doom guy ripping demons to shreds without dying
Just finished my 17th run on ultra nightmare. Did I enjoy it?
Was okay. Never finished it but haven't ruled it out yet
It was a blast user, fully recommend it.
Proof i'm not a shill: Fo4 sucks cock on various technical levels
>That first link
Fucking ruined the best Doom song.
Only newfags vote in those polls.
kill yourself, retard.
Presentation wise it's good as you'd expect from a multi million dollar "AAA" project but everything that actually matters is completely fucked up or half baked.
You know it's fucked up on a fundamental level when even the original doom maps aren't fun to play.
all pure fucking garbage but Sup Forumsedditors gobble it up and ask for more anyway
There are so many things that I want to know about. Scrounging through the logs is interesting. Like, the "Wretch", a demon, was the one to build the Praetor suit, HOWEVER, Olivia Pierce says that the demons called the Night Sentinels the "Wretches".
If you pretend to enjoy any game past '77 you're a casual and need to leave.
Get out of my board.
probably the best shooter in the last 5 years
These were really well done though. Enemies especially. Now the Hell Knight isn't just a clone of the Baron of Hell. Pinkies are an actual threat. Imps can move like hell and be annoying little shits.
Well that proves you are a shill, because Fallout 4 sucks on all fronts, the technical levels being the least of its problems.
Play at 1.25x speed for the best experience.
I actually enjoyed the multiplayer until the day I saw my first hacker. Haven't played the MP since. Single player was great. Only complaint is the downright RETARDED looking Imps.
Oh come on, don't want to kiss Bug Demon-fu?
It's fantastic. Level design needs to be more open ended though. And needs to have enemies all over the place, not just in fight rooms.
Not even numales could cuck this up. It was pure. The bad guy was even a slut white woman cunt witch feminist. /ourgame/
looks like it came straight from a pg-13 capeshit movie.
People like to say this shit, but you know, I'm in my 30s, I played Doom when it first came out. Most of you motherfuckers weren't out of diapers by then, so this whole, "It's for people who never played Doom before!" thing is bullshit that people parrot to try and gain some legitimacy for their shit-ass opinion.
The singleplayer is great, both in story and mechanics, faithful to Doom even with the inclusion of glory kills. The multiplayer is a mediocre Halo clone, so if you like that kind of thing then great, if not you'll probably hate it.
To be honest, she was pretty hot before she got super arthritis.
Watch this review cause it NAILZ IT
In short..Great but not as good as OL'School Son
just give me a fucking fps 2hu set in sdm ill do anything
>Should have been called DOOM 4
seriously they said they're just called it DOOM because it's a reboot but wasn't Doom 3 a reboot as well?
it was the first of many shit marketing decisions by bethesda why did they market it like every other FPS
It's bretty gud, snap map sucks dicks, didn't bother with multiplayer.
It gets faster as you play so its pretty good.
>she was pretty hot before she got super arthritis
I guess if you have a Tilda Swinton fetish then yeah
That's post super arthritis.
Fucking agreed, best track in the game
only dweebs and faggot memers like doom music
Wolfenstein 2 is the past of D2016m.
The censored nazi logo is literally just an upside-down UAC logo, or vice-versa.
Which means after you kick the nazi's ass, the remnants go on to form the initial sub-companies that later form the corporate megaconglomorate Nu-UAC.
DooM > Anything you Suggest
Yeah, fantastic game, just not "best shit ever" like the original.
I don't like the overly evil UAC. Hayden pleading with Doomguy not to destroy all the Argent machinery because of its worth to humanity might hold a bit more salt if his company wasn't fucking retarded.
Remember kids, the best villain is the one talking sense
It was so good that Bethesda will do its best to meddle and fuck up the next one.
Poor id
You must be american. The UAC was satire in this one. They were mocking how corporations are full of psycopaths so they move effortlessly into evil satanic cults.
They did a similar thing in the last one but hid it as an easter egg sort of.
At the same time though, it's fucking hell, you can't control that shit.
He does make some sense until you remember where he is taking the energy from. Also overly evil UAC gives some comedic moments. Like for example, Specters only exist in large numbers because the handler thought it went missing in it's cage, allowing for a summoner to transport it back to hell to breed with pinkies.
>it was dumb
>umm, it was dumb on purpose
It was still dumb, newfriend.
Having something tongue in cheek is the basis of Doom from the very beginning. Only Doom 3 took itself 100% seriously. D44M is 50/50 on that front.
I'm with you. I played the originals when they were new, replayed them several times over the years, and was also really into the first two Quake games. (Which I think influenced the new DOOM as much as the old Doom games did.) I loved the new game, it was just a badass headbanging romp through hordes of demons, and that's exactly what a Doom game should be.
It wasnt dumb you're just an idiot. Its actually pretty clever display of how evil happens in the real world, through incompetence and corporate structure.
Its good, mostly hated by "purists" who think any game past the year 2000 is irredeemable garbage.
It's good.
Doom 3 had satire like 4 too it was just buried in the game a bit.
For example a corporate email on how to arrange candles into pentagrams
>I don't like the overly evil UAC
it's supposed to be weyland-yutani from the alien franchise and doom was originally gonna be a video game based on aliens but they scrapped that idea because 20th century would've taken too much creative control so they combined Aliens with Dungeons and Dragons
Stupid underage
>shit troll makes no argument
what a shock
No one stopping you from playing the infinite amount of Doom mods, if that's what you like.
Play with the highest difficulty because the game is boring garbage otherwise.