>tfw 26 year-old virgin
>too depressed to enjoy video games anymore
>can't even get excited at E3
how do I get my enjoyment of video games back?
>tfw 26 year-old virgin
>too depressed to enjoy video games anymore
>can't even get excited at E3
how do I get my enjoyment of video games back?
you don't . trust me
Tell me about it
When the fire goes out nothing can bring it back.
take a break, do some other things and then come back to it. I'd also recommend seeking help if you're depressed, clinical or other wise. No one should suffer through life every day.
Read a book, Vic.
To live is to suffer
>muh depression
work out or do something productive and treat vidyaing as a treat afterwards
Psychologists are useless
must you insert this shit into every thread?
Sup Forums fuck off.
stop masturbating
8 years.
Until your stupid little hugbox narrative comes down. Yep. Sorry snowflake.
This. All they do is talk and antidepressants only go so far and introduce a bunch of side effects.
You're screwed. Once you get depresssd you never go back. It's better to just accept it.
Get a job.
Third year wizard here
The enjoyment never comes back.
Live your life already, you fool, and put away the childish things. You only get 1 shot at this, so don't waste it like I did.
byebye to your post :)
>tfw 27 year-old not virgin
>too busy with my gf to play video games anymore
>no reason to get excited about E3
Feels good, broseph.
Back to /r/incels for you, OP.
hope getting your dick touched now and again is worth it cucky
I like how the 30 year old wizard in that pic is a Chaos Sorcerer from Dawn of War.
>27yo touchless virgin
>playing videogames everyday
>masturbating with a good onahole and VR porn everyday
>leech from parents and have good food and computer always available
>when money runs out I just suicide and carry on
I regret nothing
I guess it depends on the person. I suffer from depression and talking with my doctor was the best decision I ever made. They gave me a lot of different exercises that have really helped reign it in. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my bad days but at least I have bright ones as well now.
If I'm gay and I've only done oral does that count as losing my virginity? Me and my partner aren't into anal.
>tfw still addicted to Sup Forums but don't find it fun anymore
sop playing video games till you feel like playing them again. It might take days, months or years.
>20 year old virgin that has never kissed a girl before
How do I avoid your fate?
Quit Sup Forums.
>tfw 25
>NEET for 2 years
>can't enjoy video games anymore, but play them anyway because I don't know what else to do with my time
>when I don't play video games, I just shitpost on Sup Forums for 14 hours a day and sleep the rest
>tfw don't live in the USA, so I can't even shoot myself for a quick, painless suicide
>When money runs out I'll just commit suicide
I believe you're mentally running into a hole in the ground. You're crafting having a job into an excruciating thing when it's easy if you just look at the positive instead.
After you take your little break, you should get back on the saddle with a different perspective. I did, and I was surprised to find my head to be screwed back-on afterwards.
How does that help?
nah man fuck working.
its gonna be a painless suicide.
fuck this gay earth.
Pick-up a hobby that feels like "working". (Drawing, writing, etc)
I imagine you have to put some effort into it.
But I'm content to just coast through life so I wouldn't know.
It really gets to me sometimes
Fix your life. That's the only way. Eat better, go out more, find a job, new hobby, etc anything that betters you as a person. I was in the same place so I had to change. I have been eating healthier and feel better
>Fuck working
It's all up to your mental attitude.
It's easy to turn a visit to the dentist's into a horrible affair, but if you moderate your thoughts, you can actually find yourself enjoying it.
It sucks, but thought control is the best tool I've found to get through life.
Be sure to learn about mindfulness. This is the best way to dispel thoughts and emotions.
Leave Sup Forums.
Try new games and genres.
go exercise, fuck dont depress us and make us kill ourselves too. Buy some fucking pussy or something. and this is coming from a 22 year old kissless virgin.
>tfw I just lurk Sup Forums most of the time because I can't even be bothered to post most of the time
Also because I just don't care about most of the stuff that Sup Forums goes on about these days, like all the identity politics stuff
have more than one fucking hobby
>get cucked, that'll fix your life
Wonder who's behind this post?
Sorry user, but the only way to feel emotion anymore is to take up a political cause and shovel it into everything you do. It doesn't matter what the cause is, whether it be alt-right, far left, extremely religious or otherwise, the only way for you to enjoy yourself anymore is to use the ideology of your choice to ruin everyone else's fun.
too much work for shit I don't care about, I rather kill myself.
>What do you do on your computer all day user
>Realize I can't answer
go back to pol you fucking jew obsessed cock whore.
Masturbate more.
Make sure you have good hygiene bros.
Get some exercise.
Start trying to be a little more social with everyone you meet.
Do a little research into fashion and put a little effort into your clothes.
The PUA stuff is useful only so far in that it gets you talking to girls. Don't get into the negging shit or trying to love-em-and-leave em. You'll look tryhard and desperate. Just work on getting dates and being flirty. Try to be a fun and positive version of yourself.
Don't dwell on past failures. Easier than it sounds but fixating on old wounds can drag you down.
Good luck bros. I'm rooting for each and every one of you.
The issue here is that before I posted on Sup Forums all day, I shit-posted on Newgrounds.
Fuck off to /r9k/ or kill yourself, pathetic loser. Nobody likes you.
feels good man.
I honestly don't understand how you can still be a virgin past the age of 25 unless you've actively avoided women or are just unbeluevably hideous.
If you ever find yourself without the strength to go ka-splat or whatever, you know what to try.
I'm a fucking dark wizard you nigger.
All i want is the world to burn in nuclear hellfire.
yeah because it's that easy
I sometimes play around in Photoshop, but I feel like I've hit a wall with my skills. I wrote a 40k fetish novel that I posted online last year though, but my brain feels like mush now and I feel like I can't even string my thoughts together most of the time.
I'm afraid of what's it going to be like when I'm a 10 year NEET. I bet I'll have gone feral by then.
I've passively avoided women.
People just don't like to socialize
Very true.
Come settle in brother, we can watch The Greatest Story Never Told together and you can join our discord for right-wing radicals - every night of the week it's a new co-op or multiplayer game.
>tfw I wouldn't be able to answer that question because I literally can't remember most of my time spend on the computer. It's all one big blur at this point. If you asked me to think of a Sup Forums thread specifically from last month, I would not be able to answer.
no I take the helium way.
very peaceful transition into comfy death.
Your brain is mush because you don't give it exercise.
It gets hard to write and analyze when I never do it.
If you put the time in, you'll amaze yourself with what you can cook-up.
i very rarely go outside and don't interact with women
when i do, i doubt i make a good impression on them
ya fkn kill yerself
>23, not bad looking, but student w/o GF
>spend entire life playing vidya
>been remembering a lot of places I would sit and play GB that are now being knocked down
>absolutely no games bring joy
>trophies give me the feeling I'll never truly complete a game, so why bother
>have low firmware PS3, Vita & 3DS
worst one of them all
>haven't worked out in 2 weeks, just got the flu
When you start nodding off and realize you're about to get brain-damage or die, you might just change your mind.
no u
Do you also smoke weed alot? If so, reduce it drastically. Don't quit if you can't, but don't 24/7 anymore. It won't help.
Go get blood work done. You could have a thyroid or testosterone problem tht can be fixed. It will turn your life around.
I'm extremely reclusive, literally autistic, and spend most of my spare time on vidya and Internet
I'm 27 year old virgin and yes I also avoided some "girls".
really don't see why I should bother with some 3/10 or some shit.
and at this point its the only shit that is left. no thank you.
I was that way too, got tired of video games and became very bored. Then I took up programming and drawing. 4 years later I released a game and it's making decent money, more than any job I ever had.
Use your free time to learn skills that will someday bring in money, art is good, both 2D or 3D and you can pirate almost any resource/tutorial. I'd recommend 3D characters so you can make porn get on that patreon cash train
I've literally put zero effort into it.
The only girl I've ever dated asked me out, and then left without a word a month later.
Some people are just introverted and don't want to put in the effort to woo a girl. If you're really good looking then effort is probably minimal so it's easy for you, but anyone unattractive would have to do a ton of work making it not worth it. Women are picky.
You don't. Let's face it, vidya development has been infitrated by SJWs and cultural marxists who don't care about quality or gameplay anymore, for them it's all about their anti-white political agenda. But the vidya is just a small part of it all, they are corroding the society on every possible level, doing their best to undermine the continuity of white race.
So wake up politically and resist! Exercise that you will be fit when the day of reckoning comes, practice wth guns, try to redpill others. Vidya is fucked, but you can always find a new meaning for your life.
>Use your free time to learn skills that will someday bring in money, art is good, both 2D or 3D and you can pirate almost any resource/tutorial.
Any guides or resources you recommend? What's your game if you're willing to share?
Fuck off, Sup Forums.
I don't get how people can be so incredulous about it in this day and age. Is it really so hard to believe that men have it 100x harder when it comes to courting the opposite sex? In this superficial and ultra-judgmental society, where people can actually choose dates based solely on their attractiveness (Tinder), you STILL find it hard to believe that men are finding it harder and harder to land women?
Fuck off.
stop playing video games till you feel like playing them again. It might take days, months or years... For the time being find a job, a new hobby or something.
I haven't left my house in a week except to go to burger king and the store. how am I supposed to have sex with strangers I meet at burger king?
Should I get a Xar, Spritz, or Kippy senpai
shut the fuck up. politics is a labyrinth destine to steal your soul and mental abilities. its all scripted. its all fake. just shut the fuck up and let us play our vidya its the only thing that tgives us joy you motherfucking sisterfucking brotherfucking piece of sealshit. yes i want to kill myself too and you should too.
>If you hate one end of the extreme, you must be on the exact opposite end of the extreme
Fuck off with your argumentative fallacies.
Why would that matter when all of existance is meaningless; Only the suffering of others brings one power.
Tried it. Doesnt work.
fuck off liberal pol fag
A true lion of the tribe of Judah.
reddit is that way idiot
touched nerves aside, I'd honestly say the chief reason why most anons, my self included, don't have a qt gf is lack of effort. I see people all the time that are less than 10/10 in happy relationships.
first find what is causing your depression
I'd rather not post it since this is Sup Forums and all, for resources it depends on what you want to do, but I'd say get a good foundation in 2D art first, the /ic/ sticky is good. Also get a cgpeers account, it has everything.
Keep in mind it will take a while, but treat it like any video game, just look at your steam library and add up the hours played, it's really not that much if you apply those same hours to learning to draw or write code.
I feel guilty when I play games for too long. Sometimes "too long" is hours, sometimes just 15 minutes. Something keeps telling me "you're wasting your time, you're a horrible person".
>Only the suffering of others brings one power
This isn't true.
People bring people into power just because of the fact that they diminish their suffering.
Not caring about E3 is an actual reasonable sensible move.
It may be because of a lack of effort for some, but it's not the case with many others.
>stop playing video games till you feel like playing them again. It might take days, months or years
I feel like it would be a good idea for me to quit Sup Forums for a few years, so that this place gets fresh and new to me again.
Also I end up wasting way more time here than on vidya these days.