So why is Sup Forums hating on this? It looks good

So why is Sup Forums hating on this? It looks good

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It's just vocal sour grapes by the Nintendopes among us. It's exactly what real MonHun fans have been wanting.

Nintenbros are just salty

It is literally just Nintendofags throwing tantrums that their newest underpowered toy won't be able to run it. This series has been held back by handhelds for so fucking long and I can't wait to play it again with a good controller on a console or even a PEECEE.

Nintendokiddies will call it a casualized piece of shit, a Westerner-pandering piece of shit, etc etc because they're mad they can't play it. I'm so glad this series is no longer just a shitty chink grinding simulator you're only allowed to play on a tiny 240p piece of shit handheld with awful controls and that it's now turning into a real game. It looks like Lost Planet.

>the only title sonygroes keep spamming in the catalog
nope, not salt at all, no sir

>this looks good/it has potential/some other positive thing
wow, fucking sonybro eating up westernized crap
>this looks weird/bad/other dissenting opinion
holy fuck, nintenbros on suicide watch now that MH has come home

>no underwater combat
>grappling fucking hook
>moving while shooting with HBG
>stealth because??
>mounting still there

And the fucking worst


It's just a few autistic weebs sad that this is actually a main game

Monster Hunter has always been a Nintendo series, it won't at all feel right on Playstation.

>open world
>grappling hook like lost planet
>on hardware that isn't shit
Welp, first MH I think I'll play in like 10 years.

Nice bait

obvious troll

We haven't seen any combat yet so I'm not sold exactly. Might just import XX since Switch is region free.

e d g y

Just salty oldfags upset about evolution. Nothing new here.

>damage numbers when you hit the monster
Didn't see this in the trailer, have any proof?

why not both? you're obviously on a PC now, just get world for PC

>can't say the things I'm worried about because everyone will just assume I'm a nintendo fag crying
As long as the combat isn't the same western trash most games have had recently it could be alright

>all change and everything new is bad

>no underwater combat
Always shit
>>grappling fucking hook
Cool traversal mechanic
>>moving while shooting with HBG
Why not
>>stealth because??
For hunting and seting traps
>>mounting still there
Why not

it's just nintentards

I play MH locally with my fiance. I'm not buying two PS4s or building another PC for this, so they've basically screwed themselves out of a sale or two.

All they had to do was release XX.

>Baaaw y du tings hav 2 chnge? Wut am i spos 2 du nw i cn onlee pla da otha 2 billy mon hun dat al pla da sam waaaah
Fuck you dumbass nintenbros

It's probably gonna have an option to be turned off.

>boohoohoo why won't they just make FU over and over again instead of trying anything else wahwah l
>monsters are only good when they can't even fight back because they're so fucking clunky with shit AI!!

>a sale or two.

So are you and the rest of the autistics going to boycott it? By making it an actual good game on real platforms, Capcom will make fucking bank. The original game was PS2-only and even in the US it sold well.

It looks interesting, to be sure. However, fucking with the Monster Hunter formula is pretty damn risky, if you ask me.

Can I play as a Felyne? This is very important

I'm happy, I already own a PS4.
I can get it on PC too.
MHGen is still fun though.

What would make this the most winning Monster Hunter ever would be cross platform play.

I was worried about it at first but then I heard that their Flagship team is actually working on it so now I'm not worried

>Why is Sup Forums hating on this
50% of Sup Forums is using it to shitpost. There are ponies that are pretending this game is exclusive.

I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying the appeal was that it was a thing we could play together. For me personally, it kinda sucks.

Though I am concerned about some things, like the weird fairy highlighting of everything. I'd hate to see this series go the way of Lost Planet.

It's going to have terrible hit boxes and shit hit detection all around. Your weapon will clip through the monster but won't register a hit. A monster can swing its tail 10 feet above your hit and send you flying across the map.

I ain't hating. It looks really good! I'm actually pretty excited.

Because Nintendo fanboys are butthurt that is coming to the xbone and ps4 but not to the switch.

Guild halls are in. Just came from directors mouth.

there more shitposters than Monster Hunter fans on this board

Oh, yeah I'll more than likely get both. I was referring to the idea of World entirely replacing the traditional series.


>cross platform play.

maybe PC and Xbox

No underwater combat is a definitive plus.

Looks fun, going to buy it for PS4 and PC when its out

Just go back a little to see it on the stream.

>Monster Hunter finally gets a game that looks like it is trying to replicate hunting
>Above 240p and 30 fps
>Have decent controller
I'm not surprised the autists obsessed with this series are inflamed

Someone finally gets it.
>90% of Sup Forums is using monster hunter to now shitpost
>Wow, why are these fags so mad?


Can be turned off most likely and there aren't health bars for them thankfully.

>Sony's userbase will literally bigger than both combined five times over
>will be forced to buy the PS4 version for the best experience

>it's bad cuz not on nintendo console

nintendolts BTFO

>being this delusional

>Buying Monster Hunter
It was a mistake bringing MH to PS4. Should have kept it on bone and PC only. At least then we wouldn't be seeing all this shitposting.

>PS4 userbase
>larger than PC userbase

>you literally watch the retarded new monster whiff for a good 10 seconds while the hunter just walks backwards with the machine gun in the new trailer
And tell me all about how you mastered hame in order to exploit monster AI. I'm sure you know all about that.

final fantasy xiv is cross platform between PC and PS4 so who knows

Kinda hope they change their mind with this one. Visual cues like flashier impacts, or the hit sounding more impact are a lot more meaningful in conveying damage than a slightly higher number.

Console shit flinging
Not 2000 graphics portalable dude member 3ds lmao

Thats it.

Too early to tell if its good but it looks promising from what devs and pr have been confirming.

No idea what they are thinking.

No Monster Hunter has found success in consoles, not a single one.

MH1 on PS2? 432k
MH2 on PS2? 277k
Tri on the Wii? 1.6mil
Ultimate on Wii U? 600k

No portable iteration has sold less than 2mil in Japan alone.

This is why Japan has mix feeling about the game right now, Monster Hunter is a portable game at its core, is a social experience, of course friendless people here will disagree through.

Nothing about it is a portable experience unless you commute for an hour a day. I would not want to hunt while navigating a subway. I've been playing since mh1 and I love the 3ds games but I fucking hate playing them on a 3ds.

>Taking your DS out in public.

It's not even an image thing, that thing will straight up get stolen. No one takes their DS out.

Maybe to their friends house, sure.

Those things are already in the games, they said they aren't changing anything, only adding.

The numbers will be there for those that minmax.

The only thing I was worried about was the drop in co-op, but it was just confirmed the lobby system will still be in.

I'll buy it, I hope they keep the original style on Nintendo and just revive the Portable subtitle for it. I just gotta decide if I get it on the Xbone because my nornie friends will probably buy it and we can Co-op, on my PS4 because I like the DS4 controller, or my PC because well PC.

>portable at its core
Nice meme.
are you trying to say japs prefer portables over home consoles?
That sounds a lot less stupid.

>no underwater combat
Faggot that's a good thing, are you fucking retarded?

what does that even mean in this context

Monster hunter is a much more well known franchise than it was during the 1&2 days so it has that going for it.

I think it's going to have a bit of the Dark Souls PC effect where people who are new to the series end up picking it up since they've heard so much about it and it's finally available on a platform they own.

Based community manager. I know, I know, he's just doing his job.

Any idea when we're going to see more? I need to see raw gameplay ASAP.

>Grappling hook
>Moving with HBG while shooting

>But somehow all the fucking anime shit in XX is completely ok
>Laser blades

Hey now don't use my waifu for shitposting

That was just stunlocking user. Or hiding in parts of the map where they can't get you. Literally worse than this.

>Game's called Monster Hunter World
>It's just altered dinosaurs

Smh Tbh Fàm

>moving while shooting with HBG
That was a LBG and you're retarded if you think otherwise

It's a safe bet we'll see more at TGS.

Supposedly there's a capcom stream on Thursday and japan gets something on the 20th.

There's gonna be a stream on June 20th that I believe is focused on MonHun.

Thanks guys. I'll keep an eye out for that stream - really hoping we don't have to wait until TGS to see how it plays.

>Minor changes
That's what has people in fits for some reason. There's this underlying belief that the only thing that should change in monster hunter are the monsters. It's fucking insane, any deviation from the formula is seen as some desecration of a holy symbol. As if MonHun is something that was perfected at some point. It never has been. Every game has had faults, major ones. People who whine about these minor things are fucking delusional. You still HAVE the old games, play those if you don't want any changes.

If you knew anything about actual MH and were a fan of it, you wouldn't be saying that.

It's that simple.

This is MH for people who want to play MH but don't actually enjoy MH.

If anything greater changes to the formula were seen in X/XX, and while people bitched an moaned then too, now they're complaining that they aren't getting their "true" MonHun experience.

If I recall correctly even the changes made in 4U caused a similar, though not as explosive reaction.

>This is MH for people who want to play MH but don't actually enjoy MH.
What is it you saw that made you reach this conclusion?

Wasn't that X?

Yeah, adding in mounting was a huge thing. People complained then, but it added a new element to gameplay. It's just crazy to me that these things continue to be the straw that breaks the camel's back for these people.
>Oh there's no underwater combat
>Oh there's mounting
>Oh there's stealth options now
>Oh there's damage numbers now
it just feels like small potatoes. I kind of understand the complaint about damage numbers, but even so it's just cutting some of the fat away. Monsters don't have healthbars. It just makes the series easier to play without a wiki. I don't see that as being bad. It's not like Monster Hunter is a hardcore francise. Total plebs can farm monsters for their favorites sets.

Look at this "true mh fan" right there...

I playedsince the first and this game had my hyped all day.

Goota stay true to the contrarianism though. Keep it up buddy.