Nintendo is going to censor this game to hell and back aren't they

Nintendo is going to censor this game to hell and back aren't they

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Right is still hot as fuck

Name ONE(1) Nintendo game with a female that had a burqa added in localization.

It was uncensored at E3 and it was the english version running.

Can't censor those curves though

it's still the same character user

>tfw you think girls in burkas are cute

Merio Sixtyfour on the Nintendo system(trademark)

if anything the left one is so busy and breaks up her silhouette so much she seems more voluptuous in a burka

Yes, that goes without saying

>Generic Animu Garbage
>Inevitable Shit Gameplay

this is what Matsuno died for? this is the future of critically acclaimed JRPGs?

Well put.

Still got dem hips no matter what you put her in.

>One(1) game that had a burqa
the burqa wasn't the point of the post user

No. There are no lolis so far, and most of the recent censorship has been loli related. Xenoblade X had a bunch of lewd outfits that went untouched, as did XC 3ds. Thus far treehouse hasn't stooped to cutting bog standard t&a.

unlikely, japanese production houses tend to give no fucks about western opinions

Pretty sure that user is aware, and you fell for the b8.

He's got a point

it's almost like she is wearing a extra layer of clothing

I wouldn't put it past them.
They have already deemed vagina bones verboden.

...user, have you not followed Nintendo games for the past 4+ years or so?

they're showing gameplay on their streams with the outfit intact

Plus her sweet ass was practically shoved into the camera for a not-insignificant amount of time

Chronicles was localized in europe though

Didnt the last game have a english trailer too before it got censored

>Region free.

On top of everything the console adjust the game language to your local settings.

That's because that art is more of a skin tight dress than an actual burka. Burkas are baggy and make the wearer look like a walking sleeping bag. Next thing you'll tell me Samus is wearing a burka because she has no skin showing

I know nothing about her and she's already trying to overtake my waifu!

no shit sherlock

>game isn't censored


>game is censored


Simple as that, I don't bother complaining online, I just do my part by not supporting malpractices

this is why I stopped buying nintendo games after the SNES era.

I grew up, they did not.

Switch is region free.

There is zero excuse

Damn, right is way cuter


You can't even control the damn character AND there is no equipment to play dress-up

What difference does it make? Did any of you faggots watch the stream?


yes hello i am a big bad treehouse employee and now that you have put pyra in a dress that has convinced me that i must do the same because sex is evil and the white male menace must be stopped and also i browse Sup Forums for some reason.
Fucking idiot.

>people complained about xenoblade x censorship
>you could still make every female member in your team wear skimpy outfits (not counting the loli)
I do understand being mad about no boob slider, though.


how is that related to lolis in any way?

Fair enough, but NA left characters like Camilla and Charlotte alone in Fates. I really don't think there's much to worry about, especially with them demoing this version and the worldwide release.


I actually wish right was the canon look. Left is the dad walks in on you look of horribly impractical clothing no one would ever wear.

Some people think they did that to keep people from making lolis.

oh fug I forgot about this.

yeah they will without question censor the shit out if it

>playing left
>dad walks in
>"...son, dad needs to borrow your gameboy for a few minutes"

No if Pyra is 18 or up than they won't give a fuck about it, they only censored outfits for Lyn for obvious reasons.

Are you fucking stupid, user

>Playing Soul Calibur back in the day
>Played as Ivy
>Dad walks in
>"Holy fuck I knew there was a reason we didn't nuke them a third time"
>Days later on the internet I see "gamecube soul caliber white hair titties"

>that voice acting
>no dual audio

I'm betting she's some 1000 year old ancient sword or something then.

Well, technically Pyra is a sword. Not sure how that translates into age.

No region lock. Learn japanese.
You are not living at the shithole like Brazil where I live, aren't you?
Importing should be easy if you are not from Hueland.

>look at combat
>Homura just stands there channeling energy into Rex



I think the most offensive censorship in #FE was Tsubasa's wedding dress. That was just some of the laziest shit.

why don't you just move.

X and Fates were shown with the Japanese versions so no text translations at all.

This atleast the text and some voices are localized

Well because the Switch has no region lock you could buy the Japanese version and play it in the original uncensored version.

Gaf is about to start a campaign to make Nintendo censor the game.


I am not worried by it for that reason.

that makes her hips look amazing

1. How is that starting a campaign?
2. Why do you care?
>t. neogaf
You bitch more than they do.

I want to rape the girl on the left.

>censorshipcbros in this thread are already brainstorming the excuse they'll run with when the game is censored

>why do you care
>even asking that question

You realize we're talking about anime girls right? I want nu-Sup Forums to leave.

isn't having sex with a sword, well, painful?

Finally, a game Saudi Arabia can approve on before they say it's created by jews

>tfw religious clerks outright said Pikachu meant "curse allah" or "islam is shit"

Some reatrds, man.

>no dual audio
Where was this confirmed? I wouldn't put it past them, but in an update to BotW, they added new voice options

I don't mean "why do you care about anime girls being censored." I mean "why do you care about Neofags complaining about anime girls." They're bitching for a pretty stupid reason, because they're offended by sexual imagery, but at least it makes sense. You're bitching because of something that hasn't even happened. That doesn't make any fucking sense.

This shit aint gonna fly in the west

Things like this are complicated, it's like an Upotte situation

Based neogaf, helping us get smaller titties.

Fuck off waterboardfag.

>implying this won't backfire and give her literal watermelons strapped to her chest

One can only hope.

People exaggerate the hell out of what was actually changed in X

>no boob slider
>loli wears a less revealing bra/underoos
for some armor
>fundoshi replaced with boxer shorts
Meanwhile armors like this are plentiful, you can use fashion armor to use skimpy armor for graphics and proper armor for stats.

They're not gonna remove anything meaningful.

user it's just a discussion about thing that may or may not happen because prior circumstances and releases it's hardly bitching.

>messing with loli
this is why. pedophiles will whine and complain impotently for a million years if you stop them from looking at lewd children

>series goes to Nintendo
>it suddenly gets lewder with every new release
Takahashi must be living the dream right now.

>boob slider, a part of making the character being removed was not meaningful

Come on now, some want to be flat chested, some want big knockers, there was no reason to remove it and force all female PCs to have the same bust. I can understand Lynn change, but the boob slider removable is really dumb.

this. they made it a wedding onesie

I agree that removing customization options is hella dumb. I'd rather they reduce the range of sizes if they had to change it for whatever reason (like avoiding making characters that look underage, or something).

Pic kind of related, you can edit stuff like height and breast size using XCXgecko.

This is the protagonist of Xenoblade Chronicles 2

imagine all the lewd stuff she could be wearing under those things

What "discussion?" All I ever fucking read is "OH WOE IS ME NINTENDO IS GOING TO CENSOR THIS GAME BECAUSE REASONS MY LIFE IS SHIT," in every Xenoblade 2 thread I see. Watch, I can even point them out individually if you want.
We don't even know who's doing the fucking localization yet, and already you're jumping the gun and saying it's going to be #FE 2.0. When it's getting to the point that you're so paranoid that you think some meaningless forum's whining is going to somehow convince Nintendo to put burqas on every character, you need to take a step back and think about who's really being irrational here.

>Days later on the internet I see "gamecube soul caliber white hair titties"


>Nintendo is going to censor this game to hell and back aren't they
No, but treehouse will


o/10 no afro

that's a big sword

Bong VAs mean NoE.