>I look at Pro as more of a competitor to S than I do to Xbox One X. This is a true 4K console. If you just look at the specs of what this box is, it's in a different league than any other console that's out there. When I think about techniques to somehow manufacture a 4K screen like what some other consoles try to do, this is different than that. This is 40 per cent more GPU. The amount of RAM we have in this, the speed of the RAM, the speed of the harddrive, the reaction we're getting from developers. [...] There's not a ton of work developers are having to do to get to 4K, and then they can spend the extra headroom they have and time to perfect the game they want to build. That's why we're able to say, over 30 games will have 4K updates for Xbox One X when we launch it. That's going to be fantastic. Third-party support's been great.


Other urls found in this thread:


>Frankly, I loved the fact I didn't have to bring out Gears and Halo just to say, hey. People know we have Gears and Halo in our portfolio, and we're working on other things that aren't on this list.


>we know we're so far behind in sales that there's no point in trying anymore


How are those remakes and re-re-re-re announcements niglet?

What future games do I need an Xbox for? can somebody give me a comprehensive list, please? I missed a chunk of their conference.

>lets show off what the power of 4k can do
>plays minecraft

all the multiplats will play best on xbox now, thats about it, take that for what its worth

ha ha i watch le Dunkey too xD

and xbox is no different im assuming?

You are hallucinating, not assuming.

No games.


>the PS4 Pro is more of a competitor with the S
Weird, because the S can't even match the launch PS4 in terms of visual quality.

>lets not show what a franchise worth several billions dollars can do

I hope you never get in any kind of business.

But that's not true at all. My PC is much more powerful than the Scorpio, and I can play at 60fps, this console gen shows devs will favor resolution over framerate, so you'll have 4k/30 games everywhere. Only one game is even confirmed 4K/60 and we haven't even seen a proper analysis.

A 1070 can run a significant portion of games at 4k/60. Not on ultra, but if you play with the settings you can.

oh i agree show off a billion dollar franchise like minecraft, its great for business

but for 4k graphics? come on now

>"we have the most powerful home console out there! look at all this ram we have! the power of the CPU and GPU! true 4k! HDR! all for the low, low price of $499"
>"we dont have any games that take full advantage of this but now you can play old xbox games on your xbox one X!"

In two years I don't think this thing is hitting 60fps anymore, and I think at launch it still won't have a consistent 60

You also really have to take what they say at these trade shows with a grain of salt. Microsoft has in the past claimed their games ran at higher resolutions than they actually did, like Alan Wake or Quantum Break. The Scorpio whitepaper also goes at length about techniques like checkerboard rendering (which they call sparse rendering) so there's a decent chance many of these "4K" games will be 4K in the same way that Horizon: Zero Dawn is. I'm sure Forza is native 4K but the game already runs at 1080p/60 on the shitty original Xbox One, so obviously it's not a particularly demanding title.

Not comprehensive.

>State of Decay 2
>Sea Of Thieves
>Ori and will of the wisp
>Crackdown 3
>Lucky's tale (Think banjo platformer)
>Forza 7

Personally I fucking love Forza, It's great if you appreciate cars

Just traded in my PS4 pro 500gb ssd and modded controller towards Xbox one s 1tb forza bundle and 5 games
It's good to be back boys
Sony e3 was the last straw for me

Gosh dang*

Xbone doesn't need remasters because it has backwards compatibility.

That's idiotic. They got Forza 7 on ultramax settings with plenty of room to spare.

There's an article on it if you're interested

>have a pc

Well looks like I have no reason to buy their new xbone

>a racing game
Even the PS4 hits 60fps on racing games. I am pretty sure launch Forza 5 years ago was 60fps.
I will be genuinely impressed if Far Cry 5 or even AssCreed runs 60fps consistent. Open world, alot of stuff going on.

>we have all this sick technology
>also silky smooth 26fps
>and uhhhh we don't really have any games but bro you can play your old Xbox games on this brand new $500 beast of a machine breh

>its great for business

Its almost as if Microsoft were a business.... hmmm....

Hmmm. You make good points.
I guess we'll see. Though I am willing to be positive because it's undoubtedly the beefiest option.

>bought 4k TV last year for $500
>bought ps4 pro for $350
>will be damned if I pay full price for an xbonex

even if it's 50 less I'll buy the thing on a deal somewhere, but so far it sounds like I can pay $500 for a 4k/2k capable console rather than $700 for a 1080ti.

Sup Forums, is there a way to pay less for a 1080ti, or am I going to be buying a new xbone in november?

No one is going to buy this thing.

4/10 beginnings of rustling

I thought all of these games are on pc too

>MS wins e3 for showing minecraft, assassin's creed and a $500 PC


all on pc

cmon give me something I only need an xbox for.

I'm buying it user.

Not only will it be the definitive experience for all multiplats and whatever first parties Phil pulls out of his pocket, there's a ton of inexpensive and cheap games I haven't played yet that will get 4k updates.

>"I'm banking on the idea that people will drop another $500 for marginal graphics improvements."

Forza is also a MS first-party exclusive so MS can force them to make the game run at 4K/60.

Oh. I don't know the details of which ones are also win10. The way it works is, when you buy one copy, on win10 or xbox, you also get another copy to play on the PC. So you could either pay 500 for a console with high end pc specs, or build a pc. It's really your choice. Also if you have a laptop or whatever all your saves sync and shit so you can pick up where you left off, but I'm not sure how many people take advantage of both copies.

>4k tv
>console that can't play 4k blurays



I was waiting to see what Scorpio would be offering, user. If I really wanted a cheap 4k player I'd get an xbone s now


why is it all weebshit?

how am I wrong? I'm actually curious
I'd probably buy one anyways specifically for the Xbox and 360 emulation

I did the same only I traded in my PS4 pro

The limiting factor with 60fps here is the CPU in these devices not the GPU.

6teraflops is in the realm of 980ti/1070 but the CPU isn't even close to a 2500k I'd imagine.

That's why they're stuck at 30fps, can't draw enough frames on the CPU.

>Even the PS4 hits 60 FPS on racing games
>he actually believes this
>he doesn't remember DriveClub
fucking kek, anyone have webms of that piece of shit?

MS announced more new games than Sony (Sony announced 1, MS announced 3), and none of them are remakes.

It still is an Xbox One. Do never forget that. No matter how much you paint it, it's an Xbox One.

Take this in: MS showed 42 games. 22 of them can't be played on the PS4- 20 of them can. Sony showed 14 games (including DLC) which can be played on the PS4.
Not only was MS' conference way better than Sony's, it was literally better for PS4 owners than Sony's.

this. only good game at sony's was monster hunter and it's on the xbone anyway.

Are you even going to play any of them on pc even? Don't buy it if you don't want it. If you play pc games then you don't really need an xbox one x. If you dont, it's quite appealing.

I got you pham

I was burned by the Xbox one. I got one before I knew everything would be on PC. Why the fuck should I care about the X? My xbone is a paperweight. I will never stop being mad at microcock.

The multiplats mircosoft showed that's on PS4 were not good except Metro

Go and try tell me shit like Code Vein or Anthem will be good

It isn't.

Yeah, lets see that REAL 4K@60FPS GT footage please.... oh whats that... ps4pro struggles even with checkerboarding... oh....

i feel your pain, bruh. fool me once, shame on you etc.

All the games shown were shit.
The only exceptions were Metro and Anthem.
One exclusive, one not.

The rest was garbage, social media bullshit, cringe presenters, and auto show nonsense.

The Sony presentation was straight up games.
And even if the Presentation didn't convince anyone, Sony still has much better AAA exclusives than Xbox.

So for this WHOLE year, the big releases are Halo Wars 2, another Forza and Crackdown 3 which i still need to see of the online destruction is real because fuckers never demo'd on E3.

What the fuck are they doing?

Sure, continue releasing new consoles to play the mediocre games that continue to be released exclusively for Xbox.

Forza? Who gives a fuck.

All Xbox games are on PC, dont fall for the marketers trying to meme innocent consumers to buy a console based on spec and not on games, because the Xbox literally doesn't have any

>Don't own a 4k tv.
>Do own a semi competent gaming pc

Well, I guess microsoft has nothing to sell me.

>MUH Forza 4K
>MUh Minecraft 4K

Meanwhile, I'll continue playing the great Horizon zero dawn, and get the DLC. Exclusively for PS4.

>give me something I only need an xbox for.
Multiplayer with other people actually playing. Gears 4 was completely dead on PC until crossplay started.

They didnt even show Metro or Anthem.
That shit was not real gameplay, just pre scripted "vertical slice" bullshit that they can claim is in engine cause the engine isnt actually rendering a real game.

I own a fuckload of games on Xbox digital and am getting all future ones on it too. My PC can't run them, but if I ever get a high end W10 PC it'll be awesome to already have a bunch of Xbox games on it. You'd have to be a special kind of autistic to think that Play Anywhere isn't a net positive for both PC (Windows 10) and Xboners.

this is our fucking guy

Your opinion user. A lot of people will buy an Xbone X just for Fifa/Madden and CoD in 4K 60fps.

They have a great console at a great price, but honestly I wasn't impressed or even interested by a single one of the 40+ games they showed off.

Of course, I'm not impressed by either the console or the games when it comes to Sony so point Microsoft I guess.

But metro games are generally good so i don't gotta worry about that, anthem is probably trash though

Crackdown 3's destruction is for multiplayer only. they only showed the campaign stuff.

I think the Xbox event was a pretty big failure. They showed games, but they completely failed to give me a reason why I should buy an Xbox One X. All they've made is an overpriced console that shares every game it gets with another platform. Most of the games they showed arent even "microsoft" exclusive, they're just multiplat or timed exclusive coming to PS4. Xbone still doesnt have a single good game you need an Xbone for.

this is like the only thing i've taken away from e3. microsoft is the only company that knows what it is doing because its the only company with a lasting fucking brand. the line up for microsoft is the only thing to make a ripple in this murky e3 swamp.

>says they will push for new first party IP's
>barely any shown
>says time exclusives are bad
>promotes 20 of them
>says he is at Japan making deals to bring xbox shit
>brings a garbage multiplatform game

Why do xbotcucks like this plain bullshitter? Mattrick was more honest atleast


Also Metro isnt even actually exclusive in any way, not even timed.
Devs confirmed on twitter its PS4, Xbox, PC.

Okay. But don't make it look as if it requires talent, good marketing, and actual good games to make that happens.

All they have to do is make a 500 dollar console, that will run 4K natively, and can play the yearly generic sports games.

Is that the epitomy of a good console? or good games coming to Xbox?

I bet sony could also pull out a $500 PS4 with all the bells and whistles. But Why? Instead invest in games, and stay with ONE PS4 at least for a few years until you release a upgraded version.

Xbox seems desperate releasing consoles every fucking year.

Xbox one, Xbox one S, Xbox one X. I mean come on.

i mean did you even watch the interview?

>Crackdown 3's destruction is for multiplayer only. they only showed the campaign stuff.

Yeah so WHY not show off the fucking thing people actually care about the game for? They have been hyping their cloud shit and can't even show it when it's supposed to release in a few months

i see a few xbone and pc games in your pic. cut valkyria revolution out of your pic please, it's shit, and it's on xbone anyway.

>We've signed some things we haven't announced.
What could it be?

Nah, had enough of his lies and know for a fact what he's saying there is just to paint a image he's a "true honest gamer" had enough of his shit.

>Xbox one, Xbox one S, Xbox one X

PS4, PS4 slim, PS4 Pro

Those shoulders must hurt from moving the goalpost this hard.

Because Terry Crews

they would've had to demo a multiplayer match and that would just eat up too much time. i mean not only do they need to have the match but also need to put the effort of destroying a building in one. If you're at E3 i think the game is on the show floor so hopefully there will be youtube footage of it.

Is there anything for XBOX worth playing that isn't on PC too?

>exclusives are bad
He wouldn't be saying that if they could actually produce good exclusives.

>They have a great console at a great price
a $500 dollar 4K xbox is a good price?
The PS4 has been beating Xbox on prices since day one.
Xbox and their kinect screwed them over big time.

>I'm not impressed by either the console or the games when it comes to Sony so point Microsoft I guess.
Xbox doesn't have any worthwhile exclusives, period. Except Halo.
The rest have been total failures, and Gears of War is not what it used to be either. It died after Gears of War 3.

>dont fall for the marketers trying to meme innocent consumers to buy a console based on spec and not on games
But that's literally what you're trying to do with PC. It has no worthwhile exclusives, and 4k gaming on PC costs more than $500. Having a smartphone makes PC redundant

Tbh, i'm quite upset about this whole upgraded versions, 4K bullshit.

I know they have to release one eventually, but they are jumping the gun desu.

No man ms giving you complete backwards compatibility and two copies of your games to play on console or pc is a shitty deal for consumers. Excuse me while I play re-remaster deluxe turbo 4.


I never got what PCfags where bragging about.
So, you have a machine twice the price of a PS4. That can run much better.
Well, DUH!

>a $500 dollar 4K xbox is a good price?
For its specs? Absolutely. If the performance is good, still have to wait and see for that.
The PS4Pro doesn't have a great performance record and isn't even true 4K.

Come on man, most multiplayer shit is pre-recorded anyways, it wouldn't have mattered.

When games like Shadow of war/mordor gets's 15 minutes to demo their trash game and your own big exclusive fucks off after 1-2 minutes you know someone at the top doesn't have his priorities straight, they could have cut a lot off the indie games off the E3 stage too just for it

>It has no worthwhile exclusives
>this is what consolefags actually believe
On top of that it has the definitive version of nearly every single multiplat.

Steal the 1080, or steal the console.

You really can't beat the 5 finger discount.

Ask the clerk to inspect the video card for defects, run out of the store.

I would argue more about the 4K consoles but I really don't care.

I have my day 1 PS4. on my 32 Inch 1080p TV.
Playing great exclusives. 4K is great, but I would rather have the games.

You can pay for a $500 dollar console that will never run to it's full potential if you want. But it sets a bad precedent. Giving players with the regular console a watered down version of their 4K bullshit.

That's why the PS4 slim at 200 is the best, simple machine with ACTUAL exclusives that are varied with actual support and then a beefy PC for xbox/Nintendo/other emulators and steam shit and this cost less than getting a 4k tv with one X