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What style of talking was the Monkey doing? I really liked it. It was very ghetto trash but sounded nice.

Finally, the biggest question of Beyond Good and Evil will be answered.
"How come Peyj is a pig man?"



a) The first game ended on a cliffhanger, but they make a prequel?

b) Why is it so edgy compared to the first game (inter-species relationships, cussing)? I can't imagine Double H (the Buzz Lightyear rip-off) existing in the same reality.

I swear this whole E3 was a massive monkey paw.

The kind to get you punched if you attempted in RL.

british nigger

Can I get a quick rundown of this franchise? it seems really kooky

East London, and also his cap seems to imply he Jamaican-English...a Jamaican-English monkey...

>Finally, the biggest question of Beyond Good and Evil will be answered.
>"How come Peyj is a pig man?"


I like how nobody threw a fit about the chick's tits

>Why is it so edgy compared to the first game
Clearly, they are investing more into it as an IP while at the same time trying to make it more appealing and cool/weird to normies since the first game was a huge failure sales wise.

Has anyone been able to join the Space Monkey Program thing?

>"How come Peyj is a pig man?"
Dude. Sus sapiens.

>...a Jamaican-English monkey...
Have you ever actually been to London? There are plenty of them

Cult classic from 14 years ago ended in a massive cliffhanger, a sequel was teased 8 years ago and it went nowhere, now they're finally doing it, but they decided to make a prequel instead

>Can I get a quick rundown of this franchise? it seems really kooky

Loosely a Zelda-like, puzzles and gadgets to solve them with, minigames, a hovercraft to explore islands with in search of money and heart pieces equivalents, staff-swinging combat. It also had light stealth. Oh, and good "in-game world" (I can't remember what that's called) music.


As I said above, the tone was different, no cussing and more of a cartoonish vibe.




>Not posting the best song in the game

They should release the remaster for PC

"action adventure" that combined quite a few genres.
Sort of open world with islands on water.
You walk around and can slap shit with a stick, photograph stuff and some light platforming.
You also have a hovercraft you use to get from place to place that you can upgrade with weapons and jumps etc. You use it to race only once or so.
Later on the game has more and more stealth sections and some bossfights.
The game has a metroid like structure where you keep unlocking items and abilities that let you access new areas in places you've been before.

Imo the game was a bit jack of all trades master of none and the french artstyle isn't really my bag. But i can definately see why people reallly liked it and how it gathered a cult-following. It really has its own vibe and the creators obviously put a lot of love and attention to detail in it.

>no release date
>beta signup broken

This piece of shit company is killing me. This is one of my favorite games of all time, just let me have it.

Also inb4 no camera mechanics, Jade is the trailer woman's kid and only shows up at the very end as a baby, and it trades puzzle mechanics for guns.

>They should release the remaster for PC

It looks like it only increases the resolution, so in other words it's the PC version is at least as good, probably better.

Note it has a game-breaking bug, so consult pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Beyond_Good_&_Evil#Patches

It was a Zelda game where you fight the big bad through photography and featured a multitude of nonviolent activities in a time when most games where chasing the GTA bug hard, including even kid friendly franchises like Jak & Daxter. It took place around a futuristic Mediterranean sea in a sci-fantasy universe where space travel and flying cars exist but the empire is still armed with war hammers and other such sci-fantasy things. You had exploration, dungeon crawling, platforming and open world boat travel which you can also to participate in races. It was a short game that had a clear setup for a sequel which never came because it bombed. To this day there still isn't another game like it and it appears that will remain true even with the announcement of this sequel.

>not per capita
>not showing local rates
>thinking this is saying anything at all

>you are a photographer
>Shit invasion [routine]
>The shild are broken
>You need fight for saving the orphanage from alien

This is the start but I recommend too play it is great


I want to FUCK FUCK FUCKF FUCKING FUCK that asian lady. Eggcelent tiddies.
SFM when?

>government good
>oh wait, government bad!
>and then john was a zombie

Asian titties were the only good thing about this turd





Everything is wrong in the world.

>autists getting triggered because a ghetto street rat and what seems to be a crime lord swear a whole lot

Yeah, totally not the kind of language you'd expect these guys to have, right guys?

The reason why the swearing frustrates people is because it's a complete tonal shift from the first game and it was added in solely to get the attention of those who had never played the first one. Which is also the reason why it's a prequel, so the sales are higher because no one's gonna be like "Oh, I didn't play the first so I won't get this one." Everything with this game that calls itself Beyond Good & Evil 2 is wrong.

On another note, I really liked how the protrayed the monkey and the black girl's relationhip in the trailer.

You can tell they genuinely care about each other through body language alone.

>It seems you pulled one of your tricks again Monkey! I want every lad in this room to chase him down!

B... But non-whites and people from non-western countries are all criminals and they will be peace loving like us.

>Yeah, totally not the kind of language you'd expect these guys to have, right guys?

The stormtroopers from the first game didn't swear, even though they were brutish thugs - that's because they were going for a lighter atmosphere.


Reminder, this game was once a sequel not a prequel:


Interesting the gameplay resembles the on-rails chase sequences from Uncharted 3, but leaked in 2009, 3 years before Uncharted 1's release.

More importantly, that 2009 concept actually looked like BG&E. I don't know what this new game is, but it's not BG&E.

Never played the first one.
Should I? If so, whats the easiest way to play it?

>I don't know what this new game is, but it's not BG&E.
I'm legitly furious that Ubisoft decided to stick the BG&E name to an obviously unrelated sci-fi ghetto-blaster game and that most people are eating it up just like that.

First prey 2 and now this. Worst timeline.

>Everything with this game that calls itself Beyond Good & Evil 2 is wrong
This, it might end up being a good game, but it won't be BGE2

Why is Michael Ancel back?
I thought he left ubisoft to work on a nature possesion game for sony.
good stuff right here

Yeah, the first game is great. Pirate the GOG version on PC.

>has zero idea of anything related to the first game
why do you think your opinion matters?

He's been working on Wild and BG&E simultaneously.

Reminder that the sequel must have been so shit that it didn't even reach ubisofts standards and they had to scrap it.

We're lucky we're even getting ANYTHING.

Sounds like a game THAT KID would play and talk about non stop until you told him to shut the fuck up and everyone laughed at him.

>The reason why the swearing frustrates people is because it's a complete tonal shift from the first game

So cursing didn't exist at all in the universe of the first game? You got to explore their whole universe. All the planets, galazies, moons, etc and there was 0 cursing anywhere? Or was it because you played as a bunch of space children and the original game was aimed at the kingdom sharts audience of sheltered kids who moms screened everything?

I understand you are memeing but have no idea what you mean with your post.

>We're lucky we're even getting ANYTHING.
It's better to get nothing than to get shit.


Spanish, they add tito to everything.

You sound like you were a loudmouth "nerd king" who kept the other losers under your thumb but quaked in fear when you saw a teen athlete strutting down the hall.

Anybody thinking that Asian at the end will be related to the creation of Jade since she's confirmed as inhuman?

And you know it's shit....because?
Oh right, you're probably one of those Sup Forums shitters that got triggered the second they said multi diversity world.

Which literally only means aliens living among other aliens.
Jades black btw.

>it's not what I want. It's shit.

Spoken like a fully grown baby.


that is quite an assumption you just made there

Hah xd

I know you're trying to meme the BRAVEST RACE in an attempt to trigger Sup Forums but she's actually asian.




Are you fucking retarded?

She's the brownest asian i've ever seen.

Wear was she holding that? Does she have a pocket on the inside of her dress?

Her breast sliding down that pig's arm...

This was the best thing about the trailer. Big floppy asian tits for hwaitu piggu

>I have literally never seen a philipino, paki or polynesian
nice la

I like how the first scene is robbery and done by monkey with nigger accent

Is that an imprint of it on her belly? Fucking attention to detail man, who made this CGI?

You're right, never seen one. You know why?
Because Jade is none of those.

>still crying about jade
kill yourself .

London black youth.

Hugely underrated film

ow, the edge!


I guess we're both wrong
"While Jade has been cited as a black character,[3] Miller states that she has no established ethnicity, since the game takes place on another planet."
Either way it doesn't change the fact that people tend to consider her black and most people will perceive her as a black either way.

Again, keep shitting up the board with your senseless arguments that have no points.

What the fuck is wrong with Poles in Britain?

>in a sci-fantasy universe where space travel and flying cars exist but the empire is still armed with war hammers and other such sci-fantasy things.
I don't think you know what science fantasy is. Does it have wizards and a fight against the light side and the dark side?

user, do you have a case of the 'tism by any chance?

What sort of dumb shit thinks shes black. Shes obviously a asian

but she isn't

>obviously Chinese

Why are you using terms that you don't know what they mean, bra?

English niggers are vastly superiour to your garden variety American nig.


They are arguably worse. Also the attempt by the media to normalise it is fucking stupid.

You're obviously an idiot. The new trailer asian lady and pig are a nod to the first games characters.

This is how it should of been. This is a great example of a black female protagonist. It's not shoehorned in for the sake of sales or agendas.

Alright user, i'll take your asspulls as official canon then.

But when was it shoe horned in? From my point of view it's one of the few black protagonists that didn't scream I'M B LACK BTW!!!

I would argue they are superiour.
The garden variety American nig behaves like any dumb animal.
Barely comprehensible guttural utterances constitute their form of communication and their motivation is entirely primal and largely non-cooperative.

Compare this to the English nig who is articulate in a colloquial manner, capable of some endearing rhyming slang and more or less on par with your average low end population in so far as they are generally dumb, but helpful and friendly.

Exceptions of course exist at both extremes in both communities.

>but leaked in 2009, 3 years before Uncharted 1's release.

what? Uncharted 1 came out in 2007.

They are not English chav niggers are barely understandable. Commit retarded senseless crimes and are even more useless. They are like bacteria.