Console gaming

>console gaming

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That would be an asolute bitch finding desktop wallpapers for.

You could just center and crop 4k wallpapers.


It's so disorienting.

>Mustard race can't look at the floor or the sky
>They fell for the robocop visor meme

Does this seem fun to people? Hunched over a desk craning your neck around left and right just to play some shitty modern multiplayer FPS?

>I have never seen a vagina; the monitor

>15cm height
>probably costs half your organs
more memes

>only the bottom half of a normal TV


wow PC gamers you sure showed me, WOWZERS please spend all your money on this

No seriously what the fuck

Not any harder than finding any dual monitor wallpapers.

imagine if they made it taller, perhaps 32 : 18

hmm wow, a 32:18 monitor? That sounds like it would be even better!

Like, this, but with more height to it so you can see EVEN MORE. Man, can you imagine?

>Not using Hidamari Sketch ones

When will this shit ever drop below $1000?

I've been craving an ultrawide for years that will replace my dual monitors

it probably costs 3 times the cost of your PC

the new acer 3440x1440 200hz ultrawide costs $2500

God damn, 32:18 would be amazing, I hope Based Samsung gets on this pronto!

>all the poorfags in this thread

Just get a VR headset and emulate one?

What the fucking actual fuck is the point of this

No seriously.

"You can see more of the sides!!" is bullshit because the actual size of the screen is still smaller than a TV. You can achieve the same fucking effect on a full normal screen with just more FOV and you'd get more top and bottom image too.

How fucking dumb are PC gamers, seriously?

I'd rather just have three Acer predators. Or three 4k monitors when they're affordable and 144 hz

yeah, but does it run at 120Hz

My current screen is 120Hz and I really can't go back


good luck using a hud that's 3 feet long

>but with more height to it so you can see EVEN MORE
It doesn't work like that and you know it

We all collectively agreed that curved screens where a retarded idea
>Console fags can't understand a joke

there are 100hz ultrawides that overclock to 120hz but that's the limit right now until comes out

I don't think HS is even wide enough for this

finally a monitor suitable for Hidamari Sketch

Bitch please.

I'm in

Wew, how much is that moniter?


>not 1440p


But then it would have to be 5120 pixels wide instead of 3840 pixels wide


Virgin room

It's nearly double the amount of pixels you fucking twit

I'm not seeing the problem?

you can buy 3 korean monitors with that money

That defeats the purpose. It's supposed to be for people who use dual monitors, which is 32:9

just buy 2 monitors for far cheaper

Dead wife and daughter

You can always play in 16:9 if the game doesn't support ultrawide, and when you do you don't have to fuck with rearranging monitors

Windows 10 handles multiple windows on one display very well

Wait, do people buy a second monitor /primarily/ for gaming? I'm getting a second monitor to make it easier to do two things, like draw on one screen with quickposes up on the other for example.

>having to turn your head to see what's on the screen
That's just retarded, like those pointless curved TVs.

That monitor is like 2 monitors but without the bezels. If you used 2 monitors for gaming you couldn't see fuck all what your aiming at.

Should have clarified.
>It's supposed to be for people w̶h̶o̶ ̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶d̶u̶a̶l̶ ̶m̶o̶n̶i̶t̶o̶r̶s̶ with money
That's better

Is it wrong that I kind of want one?

they must've smelled the stank in your virgin room

What if I'm not a pathetic weeb?

Then you ask your 10/10 supermodel girlfriend to pose lengthwise for you.

then I'll tickle your balls until you become one.



Well I'm a fag so I'm gonna have to go with this user

they actually died in a car crash

>calling yourself a fag
kys fucking fag

What if your entire WALL was a monitor?

that would be pretty sweet

Why don't they just go all the way and make 360 degree TV/monitors at this point

>position 2 monitors behind it that are both taller and wider.

Why is ultrawide such fucking shit.

It's called a VR headset.

I stand corrected.

I would settle for 48:20

It's really too bad the gaming ultrawide meme died out but really, PC "master race" fags get upset about spending more than $200 on a monitor despite it being one of the most important parts of their entire setup so expecting them to spend $1500 on a monitor is just ridiculous.

wow that monitor is almost as wide as the average pc gamer

>nigger behind the white woman




>2k gaming

LMAO pcpoorfags

Bring back 16:10

The vast majority of PC neckbeards are still on 1080p.

You're just mad I won't fuck your ass fuccboi

Here have it user

Probably blinded by that stank from your virgin room.
in all seriousness, I'm sorry for your loss user. keep pimping out that virgin room in their name.

23" 16:9 master race here

>in 2017
It's been a while.



>tfw wide threads got booted off of Sup Forums

Haven't been there since

Why are headpats so big in Japan? I mean I get it but you never see that shit in western media.

I can show you what the big deal is.

I exhaled swiftly from my nose.

I swear you fucking fags are always shoving your gay fucking agenda on others. Kys.

Whats the point of having a monitor this big


based sysadmin

Are you actually the sysadmin from Sup Forums?