You had one job Activision...
You had one job Activision
i dont get it
Empty casings haven't actually been fired.
I've found rifle shells at the side of the road that look the same. Maybe you're autistic.
Did you really think the new call of duty was going to be good
even if it was world war 2
>black soldiers on front lines in mixed units
>female soldiers at all
>walking around with giant machine guns
>red dot sights and scopes
>suppressors for everything
>fast gameplay instead of slower ranged combat
>countries don't use their respective weaponry in multiplayer
>no eastern front
>no pacific front
I think the point he's making here is that the primers in the spent shells here are pristene, when they should have huge dents where the firing pin hit them.
how the fuck is anyone still playing this shit? If you want a casual shooter, battlefield at least tries
the female voices and combat-shrieks are the worst. that's what's stopping me.
Either you are fucking blind or you are retarded, fired casings have their primers hit, whereas the "fired" casings in OP's pic do not.
im pretty sure the dual wield thing was a reference to the 1911's being pack-a-punched. It might also be retarded cod shit
Sup Forums is that way
>does not actually give a way to that
tumblr is to your left and reddit is to your right
pls go
I'd rather see a white woman in a SS uniform
los angeles /k/lippers pls go
>inb4 she gets BLACKED by a strong African-American bull and his entire segregated regiment.
>"ach, I never thought ze big black cohck would be zo wunderbarr!"
That's what I said.
>more like popping tops with a Mauser 98k
>smooth legs
>smooth action
>fashion fascism
>Aryan Nazis flamethrowering black American women
Seems like a Sup Forums fantasy.
they already did that in that one shitty movie iron sky or whatever its called
>inb4 there's a character-specific death sequence where female Germans are raped by soviets, but only if you're playing as a white female German and not a black German
post it
i read the wikipedia article, the aryan girl kisses the black guy for basically no reason, but muh social justice. She does it in front of a bunch of surviving nazis, and she says they will have a lot to learn.
It is perhaps the most semitic ending ever imagined.
Sounds like good incentive to not die
Has that ever been a thing in games before? I've never even thought to look to see if the primers were struck.
This could seriously determine whether or not I continue playing video games.
>implying this won't encourage the average beta male gamer to die more often
inb4 playing as an SS nigger
Devs said you can't be SS, only Wehrmact.