New mainline Metroid game is another Prime, not even made by Retro

>New mainline Metroid game is another Prime, not even made by Retro
>Actual 2D Metroid made by shit developers and looks worse than a PS1 game

What kind of cruel joke is this? Why does Nintendo hate Metroid so much?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is there any fanbase more bitchy than Metroid's?

at least we know that Metroid Prime will be the first metroid game since 2007 (and made with passion not crash grab shovelware like Other M and Federation Force)


And i love the games

>(and made with passion not crash grab shovelware like Other M and Federation Force)
There's absolutely no reason to assume it'll be made with passion and Samus Returns is a cash grab shovelware game.

>3 years in development
>cash grab shovelware game

>3 years in development
>looks like complete shit


Shut the fuck up, we'll be getting Fusion sequel for the Switch after this. We finally get a 2D Metroid after all these years and all you do is bitch.

>it's shit because I don't like it

Have another (you).

It's the 3DS they're working with here. Absolute crap hardware in 240p, and the game has to run at 60fps.

It'll look like shit no matter what you fucking idiot it's on the 3DS

It's on weak ass hardware you dumb fuck.

It's a falseflagging sonybro, actual Metroid fans have been nutting all day.

Last time Metroid was entrusted to a "literally who" developer we got Metroid Prime, so how the fuck is everyone so sure Prime 4 is going to suck?

Prime 4's team is built from the ground up apparently while MercurySteam's responsible for the mediocre Castlevania reboot games

>bitching about graphics on 7 years old handheld system with a tiny 240p screen
Either this is some pathetic Sonybro trash-talking, or people literally don't understand jack shit about anything.

>looks worse than a PS1 game
>Confirmed to not remember what PS1 games look like.

Because Prime is trash and almost killed Metroid.

>the game has to run at 60fps
This game runs at 60fps? Did they confirm that?

>Prime is trash

Imagine actually believing this

Sup Forums is composed of mainly 14 year olds. They don't even konw what PS1 looks like without having to look it up.

>universally acclaimed game that resurrected the franchise after an eight year, two-generation hiatus
>almost killed Metroid

Sony, hands down.

This is a falseflag. Metroidbros are pretty optimistic about this game.

No but every 3DS game needs to hit 60fps minimum if they use the 3D effect.

Actual 60fps game are actually running at 120fps.

This. Haven't felt this happy over vidya in years.


game didn't even run smoothly in the trailer they showed. and it's not
>shit because I don't like it
MercurySteam hasn't made a single good game for their entire career, odds are Samus Returns will be shit based on their pedigree

this confirms it

Other M did that faggot.

This, everybody likes mercury stream as their output was always top notch.

I don't even consider myself a Metroid fan, but I loved the games and I couldn't be happier with either announcement. I also understand why fans were upset over Federation Force. Same rage I feel every time I see Capcom do another Mega Man collection.

this HAS to be bait

I can't fucking wait until they make Metroid 5 for the Switch oh my god Metroid is back!. :D

>Literally flawless transition from third person platforming exploration to 3D first person shooting exploration
>Universally loved by everyone who played it
>Was Metroid to its core despite having wildly different gameplay

What an awful opinion to have.

You realize MercurySteam is just developing this for Nintendo right? They're still overseeing it. MS has no free reigns on anything. They have to make the game Nintendo wants them to.

Exactly like Retro in the first Prime game.

>gives samus a new melee type move only because they want it to be seen in the new smash bros

Fingers crossed for no the baby

Prime brought the series back from the dead you faggot. Pretty sure it's one of the best selling titles in the series too.

>Why does Nintendo hate Metroid so much?
They don't
They just hate their fans

Not true. This game just looks okay. Rather wait for Prime 4 than touch this tripe.

Pretty much this
We get 2 fucking main line metroid games, though 1 is a remake I'm still so excited. Metroid Is just a game i can't not play

Honestly, Samus has needed a complete overhaul in Smash for a couple of games now. Her moveset from the original game just doesn't hold up against the crazy shit newer characters have.

>fed force
>cash grab

>I hate game, so it can't have been made with passion or love

I hate the fans too, I feel sorry for Sakamoto, Man makes one bad game, fans shit on him, goes back to series roots and fans hate him for being involved when Tanabe 2 years ago stated he was still in charge anyway.

As a Halo fan I always cry about spin offs because they're not good and don't sell well.

It'll look better on the actual hardware and with 3D on, like literally every 3DS game.

1994 Subaru Outback

People with taste who recognize that scan-a-thon trash for the shitpile that it is and always has been.

I'm also disappointed by the aesthetic.

GameInformer likes it

>they let me play through the game's opening and quite literally had take the 3DS out of my hand in order to prevent me from progressing any further.

>The game feels fantastic.

>Perhaps it's a strange, specific element to point out, but the animation for quickly changing horizontal direction looks and feels particularly fantastic. It might be a small element, but it's one that proves that the game's developer, MercurySteam, is paying attention to the details.

>As I mentioned before, I did not want to stop playing. The game plays smoothly, the new counter mechanic feels great, and the ability to to scan the environment will hopefully help reduce those moments where you are exploring aimlessly without clear direction.

>gaming journalist likes something by big publisher

wow.... I better pre-order now.....

Can't wait for it to leak online.

The arm cannon looked unbelievably slow and unsatisfying.

But the framerate looked fine.

>Pretty sure it's one of the best selling titles in the series too.
Metroid Prime is THE best selling Metroid game ever made, at 2.8 million copies. It is only surpassed by the original Metroid and ONLY if you count the GBA re-release sales. This is especially astounding considering it was on the Gamecube, which sold 22 million units.

In contrast, Other M released on the Wii (Nintendo's best selling home console which has sold 100m+ units) and only pushed 1.4 million copies, placing it behind even Metroid Prime 3.

Basically the "person" you're replying to is a fucking retard.

Sakamoto redeemed

Not them Other M bombed

>beams moving at grandma level speeds