Metroid got theirs, we're up next boys

Metroid got theirs, we're up next boys.

Old man Miyamoto killed the franchise

no hope

Nope. He killed sandbox marios too. Look at what happened.

Was sticker star and color splash not enough?

>were the games that ruined the franchise not enough?

Get that trash out of here and gimme a sequel to seven stars. Anyway, animal crossing is actually "up next" hth

It's dead, Jim.

>tfw Lady Bow will never grind on your dick
Why even live?


F-Zero should be next if anything.

What's his endgame?

Yeah, about that...

I still want to fuck the Shadow Queen.

>we're up next boys
Fuck you, no you're not.

Also Mother 4 is ahead of you too

Splashing this franchise with toad survivors.

>Lady Bow will never fan smack your dick

What's dis

don't give me hope, i can't stand to have it crushed again

Literally all they need is Paper Mario 64 DX for the 3DS and people will lose their fucking minds over it even moreso than they did for Superstar Saga

Last time I got my hopes up for it, I got Color Trash.

Does anybody have the image of all the shit miyamoto ruined in color splash?

Love and Romance thinking going by his thoughts on Tingle
Thinks people will eventually like what they hate

Real talk tho, I'd be pretty hyped for a 64 remake on Switch. The game's visuals haven't aged super well.

Paper Mario

No reason for this to happen.

I don't know about that, I find it looks better than most N64 games just due to the fact it had the paper aesthetic.

the text is literally the only thing that didn't age properly.

If that ever happens I hope it'll have significantly more sales and better reception than Sticker Star and Color Splash

Excuse me?
Next should be Fucking Earthbound, make a cellection of the saga or just localize Mother 3 alreday.
As much as i love Paper Mario they got 2 games in the last 5 years, yeah they didn't turned out ok but at least it shows that they have interest in the series.
>Also Mother 4 is ahead of you too
Not happening, Itoi doesn't want to make a four game so unless Nintendo is make a game withouth him or he changes his mind we have remakes or nothing.

The background in that shot is also pretty bad, compared to TTYD.


>menu simulator everyone loves cause "muh quirky"
go back

EarthBound's cartoony style still looks great to this day. I also don't trust Nintendo with localizing Mother 3, Mato's translation is top notch.
If anything, Lucas being in Smash 4 is more than enough to show that Nintendo still cares, along with releasing the finished translation of Mother 1 as a Virtual Console title.

If anyone is up next it's the F-Zero fan base.

fast RMX is all you get. there are like 9 of you. be happy.

No cutting in line.

Goddamn I fucking hate Miyamoto so fucking much. The one series he had interject his out-of-touch, senile opinion into was Paper Mario.

Fucker needs to burn in hell.

Considering that the remaster of MLSSS got through without any of the cancerous gameplay decisions that ruined the later games, I'm thinking we have a solid 50% chance to get a non-cancerous paper mario.

If they see a good response to the remake with classic gameplay, they may give us something for Paper Mario (I'd settle for a remake of 64 or TTYD at this point).

fuck you nigger you have WiiU Paper Mario
its time for f zero

>oh look our mario rpg we decided to keep an rpg is doing very well
>let's just keep doing what we're doing with paper mario since mario and luigi is already a good enough rpg

Watch it happen

>WiiU Paper Mario
kill yourself
paper mario comes way before generic racing game #4032028 that only even existed because of the graphics at the time

PM is OCdonutsteel garbage, at least M&L was unique instead of making shit like a Koopa with a hat

That's kind of harsh when we'd never have any of this in the first place without him

our own fucking fans dont speak the fuck up. If we wanted a remake we would have gotten one but we dont give a shit.

Fuck this gay earth. I'm the only fuck who wants a mother 1 or 2 remake besides you.

>not knowing paper mario was originally as a seven stars sequel

>wanting an official mother 3 translation knowing it would get censored and butchered to death

Fast doesn't play anything like F-Zero.

Yeah, I sure prefer all those generic Toads and Goombas to characters that are actually unique

won't happen they can't have mushrooms in game anymore

Nah F-Zero and Animal Crossing is next. Earthbound got their 2 game releases. They can shut the fuck up now.

>Lady Bow will never fan smack your dick
why even live

>Still blaming Miyamoto

I disagree

Paper Mario is fucking dead my man. We're at the point where regular RPG Paper Marios make up the smaller part of the series. Now Paper Mario is purely an aesthetic. It's sad, but true.

I actually really like those graphics. Especially the lighting effects around Shooting Star Submit.

Nah, it's either F-Zero, or Golden Sun.

>implying it didn't begin with Super Paper Mario

Don't forget Advance Wars.

Who is that guy and why should I blame him?

>shooting star summit in general

Look up Tanabe on the archive, and you'll know everything.

I remember reading somewhere that paper mario is bad because nintendo only wants 1 mario spin-off series, Mario & Luigi. Is this true?

vastly superior to a lot of other N64 games

reminds me, TTYD looked really good for a gamecube game, i don't think it would even gain that much with an HD remake

Everything is going to be Sticker Star style forever. Give up on it and pray for something better.

You do know that image got expanded right?

Do you have the expanded version? I'll toss the old one in the recycle bin if you do.

SSS got a remake, I don't see a reboot of this as such an impossibility anymore

Fuck you, the graphics aged like fine wine



ty user.

Readingthat might cause rage but it's better to know.


Sit down bitch

Didn't they already say something like that?

>I was thinking they could have these big ships come in, and they'[ve got these big chains all over them, and they drop a plate down with cake on it.

Be humble

Do explain

New Leaf just got a pretty big update. And AC is never, EVER coming back to console.

Everything's either not going to get a new game or move to the Switch.

Even Pokemon is moving to the Switch in the future.

Let's get a list of viable franchises to get the BotW/Odyssey treatment.