Do you have yours yet?
Do you have yours yet?
*unsheathes joycon* must think I'm some small-time casual, huh? Your mistake
nope. fucking scalpers, bruh.
Bought mine at launch. Very nice hardware.
2D Metroid's coming to 3DS, so no need.
>live in the Midwest
>only stores in town are Best Buy and Gamestop
>Switch has been sold out since launch and has yet to be restocked anywhere
Feels bad, man.
I'll buy one as soon as they fix those hardware issues it had at launch, but only after Smash gets ported.
probably get one in September, i fuckin hate nintendo trash, but im mad gay for main Mario titles
the only reason i didn't buy a WiiU was because the emulation made it pointless to buy one
Yup, playing Mario Kart 8 with friends and lots of weed is always an amazing time
How the fuck do I get one that's not in a bundle. Why did I have to get a job too late, bro
Unavailable everywhere. Kind of amazed how it's selling since it's literally no where.
how the fuck is it till out of stock so hard places?
Nintendo artificially controls the supply and demand. They have the resources to have Switches waterfalling out of retailers, but only make an allotted amount every few months to keep the price tag high. It's a practice they've been engaging in since the N64 days.
Yep, It's boxed up in my closet after I wasn't that into Zelda after 10 hours. Now I'm just waiting for a decent game to come out.
Nah. There's a bunch at retail here but I don't really want one because I've already played all of its games on the wiiu.
Games? No, still waiting.
>Kind of amazed how it's selling
But the actual numbers are kind of poor because of the supply. They're ahead of wiiu numbers, but only slightly.
So glad i'm a third world shitter. Switches are like double the price over here so i don't have to worry about it going out of stock any time soon.
fucking gamestop employee here. Corporate has the stores take any Switches traded in boxed and mailed to a corporate warehouse. They still make us have "Switch now in Stock" flier right in the entrance way even though the only way to get a Switch from Gamestop is to get it off the website. we get people coming in all the time asking for switches and we tell them we don't have any in the store and how its available on the website or that they could pay for it here in store and have it sent to their house. but they never do, they just shrug and leave.
Best Buy gets random shipments (at least the one in my town does) I'd so check periodically if I were you.
I'm so fucking glad the 2D Metroid didn't end up being the switch game. I'm not buying a switch for prime but I would have for a 2D Metroid. Now I don't have to buy a switch!
>2.5 hour battery life
>dock causes scratches on the PLASTIC screen
>uses tegra X1 chip and not X2
>shittiest D-Pad of any nintendo console on the joycon
>getting a real controller is an extra $80 USD
Fuck off schill. In no universe does this piece of overpriced gimmick shit constitute "Very nice hardware".
Got mine at launch. Now I'm probably gonna have to sell my joycons to get the Splatoon-themed ones.
Nope, no money, not til I has job.
>not wanting better viisuals for 2D Metroid
It would've been great.
I can see Nintendo going the Mario Odyssey / BotW route though with Metroid Prime 4.
I get mine back from Nintendo tomorrow. It had:
>scratched screen from dock
>warped/twisted body near battery
>left joycon would slide right off with no resistance
Those fuckers have better replaced the entire thing or I'm going to be pissed
Why would I need another paper weight? I still have my Wii U
It's fucking 549$ on my 3rd world shithole. I'll wait until Christmas or a bundle with Mario Odyssey
I will next time it goes on sale. It probably will for Black Friday, right? R-right?
An overpriced device with not worth playing games? No, I don't.
Call me in three years when all what they promised becomes a reality and games don't turn out to be glorified borefests like Zelda.
>tfw you have a fear of being killed via trampling and can't wait with a crowd
The only thing I want for Switch is Metroid Prime 4 and the Pokemon games. Assuming they come out in late 2018, I'm guessing they'll have a new version of the Switch on sale by then.
>mon games. Assuming they come out in late 2018,
You wish.
Gotta be honest the only time it scratches the screen is retards that jam it down into the dock. I've moved mine around a lot and take care of it, no scratches. It's the same people complaining who jammed the wrist straps on the wrong way and then blamed Nintendo when they got stuck. They even label what side goes to what.
>It's okay when sony and Microsoft launch with one game
What're you trying to say here?
I only bought a PS4 last year. Thanks for projecting in me what you do and think, silly fanboy.
If you think those games will come out next year, you don't know Nintendo. Hell, I will be surprised if Xenoblade come out these holidays at all as they said on the video.
>vcationing in st. thomas
>go to the only video game store on the island to buy a switch after the nintendo E3 direct
>last one in stock too
>we joke a little bit about how it's sold out everywhere
>then he rings up the price at $500
>says "that's twice as much than what it's worth, this is highway robbery"
>he talks about how it's sold out everywhere and how it's hard to find. like it's justifying the inflated price when it costs $400 online
>walk out not buying one with a bitter taste in my mouth
>now i have absolutely no worthwile vidya to play while i'm at my summer job
they better be restocking the damn things in the millions by the summers end, i'm not paying a scalper to play xenoblade 2
>to get it off the website
Don't lie to me, user, I've fucking tried
>Was going to buy one because of the inevitable MonHun
>Turns out the next MonHun isn't even on switch
Thanks for saving me $300, Capcom
literally have 0 reason to buy this. it has maybe 2 good games and the rest you have to wait for. nintendo's console are only worth the buy after like 2 years tops imo.
I got mine on March 3rd, thank goodness.