Daily reminder that if you play western games, you are the cancer killing vidya and probably should kill yourself.
Daily reminder that if you play western games, you are the cancer killing vidya and probably should kill yourself
Where did you get this video of my girlfriend? I am contacting the police.
At least I don't roleplay as anime characters
>Animeposter telling someone else to kill themselves
Kill youtself weebshitter
GO masturbate to your imaginary waifus
>sony make miscegenation ads for westerners but not japanese
Are the (((japs))) the real problem
>>sony make miscegenation ads for westerners but not japanese
>Are the (((japs))) the real problem
Sony is Korean, no?
I prefer first person shooters and Japan doesn't make those. I'd love to play as a cute anime girl shooting aliens or demons, but the nips can't into fps.
Friendly reminder that the rebuilds are hot garbage for dipshits
nips can't even get RPGs right on a conceptual level, fuck off
Upset Xcronies
Asuka is cute, post more Asuka gifs
i too love wee...anime cartoon games also friend.
fallout 4 is currently the best jprg.
So true bro
well, it makes sense that a worst girl poster is also a total faggot.
If shinji and asuka ever actually managed to fuck, would it be as healing as pic related?
Shinji is too much of a twink to give Asuka what she wants, unfortunately.
This is now an Asuka thread
Please don't post images of my girlfriend.
Same shit different pile
Are you literally me?
I'm so in love with her too
Please post more rare asukas
Get away from my wife
Delete this picture of our wedding day please
Where did you get a picture of Asuka and I on our wedding?
this is one of my favorite asukas
Asuka is so pretty
Western games are such trash!
*plays Senran Kagura: Super Shovelware edition*
They are always re-using assets like CoD does every year
*plays through copy pasted Neptunia dungeon for the nth time*
Western games only care about cinematic cutscenes
*sits through half hour Persona 5 cutscene*
and western devs try to milk you dry with their DLC!
*buys all ~$800 worth of DoA5 DLC*
And don't get me started on SJWs trying to force LGBT into our games!
*plays Valkyrie Drive*
I don't know who the fuck you people think you are, where did you find these pictures of my wife of 14 years?
I already have these asukas, post rarer asukas please
>P5 and BoTW turns out to be alright
>faggot pedoweebs imediatly get cocky
She looks really cute in this one.
Nice Asuka!
>all these normalfags ITT
I know this is Sup Forums but still.
Asuka is sexy and has sex! Wow!!
This is the love of my life, back off Sup Forumsirgins
As animeposter I know many things and reasons for killing myself.
evangelion is trash
wow this is a great asuka, mind if i save?
On the left: Asuka, my girlfriend
On the right: you
Out of frame: me, Asuka's boyfriend
I just came here to thank you OP. I was really pissed a minute ago but as soon as I saw my waifu I remembered why I'm here.
>21 years and still best girl
Are reifags even trying?
But Asuka is a cute cute cute!!!!
this is some asuka oc i made for christmas time!
What is pic related from
You guys are wrong, back the fuck off or catch these hands.
>it's a "waifufags completely miss the point of evangelion" episode
I wish she would marry me.
can someone post the puddle of molten iron that Mana turns into at the end of girlfriend of steel?
Asuka has a rocking bod literally made just to sate my biological needs.
tfw no kick ball asuka gf
>it's an 'anonymous needs, desperately, to assert his intellectual superiority in every thread' episode
You're an insecure teenager, please grow up.
Thanks. She has a really cute butt.
Funny how playing video games are the only thing that gives my life a purpose
Too bad she's marrying me
Hey guys, I told my girlfriend that you're posting about wanting to have sex with her and she's really upset.
Me too thanks
asuka gives my life purpose, i'd be lost without her.
Yui is the best girl
Kill yourself furryfag
>more than a decade of 2D love
You are an inspiration to us all.
LOL don't kid yourself friend, she's all mine.
>nigger butt
delet this
>tfw didn't know it was see though until I saw a bunch of perverted pictures about it
Daily reminder that Deus Ex is superior to any japanese game
I don't think so.
lol ecks dee
Which VN is this from?
too lewd for me no thanks
i like this gif alot.
Some years ago, someone on /jp/ manually spammed Asuka threads for a year straight, 18 hours per day, to the point where /jp/'s janitors had to stay up at night just to delete all the threads.
From the janitor IRC leak
>Jan 06 07:46:51 Oh yeah, sorry alt I sleep mostly during the day because nighttime is when asuka spammer is active.
I wonder what it is about this character which inspires such autism?
Plebs step aside
True best girl coming through
both are fine, fighting isn't gonna fix a shitty e3
i don't know ;_;
low test
Moot would be proud
stop posting my wife
I think I might kill myself soon to be with her.
Asuka is for love not lewd
excuse me who the fuck are you.
Found it.
From Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel 2nd
Does Asuka dream about having a relationship with sweaty nerds who will love her for something other than her piloting skills?
nice detective works, imma check it out
I play Japanese games but I'll never spend a penny on them. Japs abuse the US in trade. Their protectionist as fuck when it comes to agriculture and won't buy any US produce. They also pass all sorts of stringent laws to make it impossible for US auto makers to penetrate their market. Until they change their shitty trade practices, they'll get none of my money.
Feels good to see them quiver in the presence of Trump.
It's been awhile since Sup Forums had an Asuka thread.
i hope so