Sum up your feelings for this years entire E3 with only one image
Sum up your feelings for this years entire E3 with only one image
Other urls found in this thread:
>heaps of great games
>most conferences cut out the bullshit and cringe displays and just showed games
>no kinect style shit or TV bullshit just games
Great E3, lots of good looking games coming.
Saved E3
no patapon 4
>cringy dudebro shit
>dragonball saves everything
>more cringy dudebro shit
This was easily one of the worst E3's I have ever witnessed. Nearly everything looked like hot garbage. Only about a dozen good looking games and most of them are from Nintendo. Time to get a new hobby.
>lots of good looking games coming
Literally forgot it was on due to Stanley Cup Final. Did any games other than Wolfenstein 2 get announced?
A Way Out
Metro Exodus
Dragonball FighterZ
The Last Night
Code Vein
Sea of Thieves
Ori and The Will of The Wisps
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza 6
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Nino Kuni 2
South Park: The Fractured But Whole
The Evil Within 2
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Ace Combat 7
Shadow of The Colossus
Super Mario Odyssey
>inb4 they're all shit
spiderman looks good, God of War will probably be good, that prison break game looked cool. I haven't played the first BG&E but maybe I should so I can play the second one, Rabbids looked worth a try, Mario looked awesome.
I didn't watch the Devolver or PC conferences so I probably missed some stuff.
Monster Hunter looks amazing, everything else can suck my dick
>no new Mystery Dungeon
every year you retards say this exact same shit
just fucking kill yourselves already
Shadow of the Colossus HD Remaster
2 new Metroid games
A new Kirby game
A new Yoshi game
That's about it for big reveals. Everything else shown was already known about.
Did we watch the same thing?
this documentary is amazing. If anyone hasn't seen it, go watch it. i think it's called Empire of Dust on youtube.
>spiderman looks good
It's nothing but QTEs and cinematic shit.
Go to bed, Todd.
Yes. I liked that they just shut the fuck up and showed games. Only disappointment of course being the lack of weebshit.
I really like the Arkham games, like I have more than 100 hours in each of them; I've 100%'d 2 of them and I'm working on the other ones. I can probably have fun with spider-man if I ever get a PS4 or the opportunity to play it.
at least I have something to look foward to
>2 new Metroid games
Please not Other M 2....
They're all shit
>Bannerlord didn't get a date or anything meaningful at all
that had nothing to do with bethesda you fucking imbecile
>no DMC5
>Everyone going for muh diversity
time to get a new hobby
that was the thing that stunned me. At least they called out to the success of Persona 5. Maybe they will learn for next year.
I was also impressed by just 40 minutes of games, that was great.
Having a PS4, and Switch is truly the best combo
I feel everyone is just being miserable to fit in. You faggots do this every single E3.
What game does the lollypop represent?
The only good games at E3 were announced a long time ago and didn't even show any additional info.
Metroid Prime 4 and Metroid 2 Remake
>List of games I'm interested in
metro exodus
I coulda sworn it was from the movie Memories of Murder.
yeah and Ubisoft's conference didn't make me want to kill myself for once
I don't know what all these idiots are complaining about.
Just being jaded for the sake of being jaded to fir in I suppose.
read right to left
>Metroid Prime 4
Alright I'm intrigued, even though they probably didn't get Sigourney weaver for the role.
your taste is just that limited
most likely a mustard
Probably because most of the time they're shit too. You can't keep pretending video games aren't dying when a conference does nothing but introduce paid mods and one new game
>Metro Exodus
Leaked in 2016.
>Ori and The Will of The Wisps
Leaked before.
>Nino Kuni 2
Officially announced long before E3.
>Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Fair enough, this was pleasant surprise. Everything else is simply trash or previously announced trash.
>wants sigourney weaver as samus
are you me?
>video games are dying omg
fuck here we go again
Both of these sum up my feelings on e3 this year
The new DBZ game
Yes, a bunch of retiddots pretending to be miserable because they think the internet hate machine meme is still a thing.
Post E3 is usually the worst time because VIDEO GAMES ARE DEAD threads will pop up for weeks on end, then just dissipate.
I didn't watch anything live, just looked for announced games after each conference.
If you don't believe we're in one of gaming's biggest draughts right now you are too young to post on this board
I mean think about it, they want a tough woman character, I can't think of anyone more perfect for the role of female space bounty hunter.
Maybe Michelle Rodriguez
>they were leaked so you can't be excited for them
I'm not buying Skyrim again, you silly goof.
the internet hate machine is always real because you don't need to do any work to get a black belt in keyboard warrioring. Your post is fine otherwise, I just figured I'd point that out.
Considering I've already played a dozen great games this year you're a fucking moron.
Also I'm 32, and there's a board for idiots like you.
They literally gave no more info about these games than what was known before.
How can you be excited to see the same stuff you've already seen?