Xenoblade Chronicles 2

What did you guys think about the gameplay from the Treehouse demo?

Combat seems way slower, especially since battles start with all abilities on cooldown and the auto-attacks resetting on movement. Blades also just standing around in combat looks pretty lazy. Break/Topple/Launch and the combo trees seem pretty neat though, even if they take a long time to build up.

Also, Nia > Pyra.

Is there any good reason why they took out sprinting and long jumping?

Will it get censored?

Do we know for sure its taken out? I was thinking that they were more focused on showing off the world so they decided not to use it during the demo. Long jumping as well.

That, or there's less of a focus on exploration like X.

This "Architect" guy is Shulk, right? Because literally no one else fits that description, since he recreated the universe

Its Alvis, or a separate universe

>sprinting and long jumping?
probably cause theres smaller maps? XBCX had sprinting and long jumping because it was scaled for the Skells

looks like shit desu.

Still, going back to play XC at a snail's pace after playing XCX is just painful

It's original, this is a seperate stand alone entry.
They explained that they choose the title of Xenoblade 2 because it fits the story over exploration that Xenoblade had over X, also same gameplay

Where are the giant robots and Gnosticism that the franchise is known for?

replaced with "le really feeling it xD" memes.

Seeing as how this is clearly something in the vein of Xenoblade Chronicles 1 I'm not sure why you're asking that.

Well, Xenoblade 1 has an entire civilization of giant robots, so I don't doubt that 2 will eventually have some kind of equivalent.

The entire plot of xenoblade 1 was just gnosticism. In case you are unaware, gnosticism is a religion that features female good god, evil male god, and neutral even-more-powerful god.

another jrpg with the most generic party members..... full of cute girld doing ecchi shit and this is how you kill the franchise

>Combat seems way slower, especially since battles start with all abilities on cooldown and the auto-attacks resetting on movement
Yeah, I was a bit turned off by that as well. At least it means you won't be able to just go in guns blazing at the start of every random encounter. I really want to try playing it and see how much of a difference it makes

wtf the graphics look terrible

look as boring and empty with shit all to do just like xcx

I was referring more to the mech part of your post. We just got a quick demo so I didn't expect them to showcase that stuff. An "architect" was mentioned, however.

Ah, wait, you mean giant robots as in the mechon. Yeah, not sure about that.

I feel like people have forgotten just how slow XCX's combat is when you start out. The fastest arts you have are on thirty second cooldowns, and having to wait twice the cd for three times the damage made things even worse.

Yeah I dunno, this looks pretty neat to me.

entirely inaccurate definition of gnosticism leads me to believe you're full of shit

You might be right, I really don't remember what early game XCX was like. There were skills to decrease Arts cooldowns, right?

I never got around to playing Xenoblade Chronicles after Pirating it on my 3DS. Is it worth the play because this one looks sweet please be good I need Switch games now that no MonHun

Yup. There are skills that cut the CD in half when used in a combo, and I'm pretty sure you could get reduction on gear too.

Its more like an imperfect creator god, Yaldaboath, and the true god, Monad.

I don't remember if X did this (though it probably did), but in the original Xenoblade Chronicles levelling up Arts increased their damage / effectiveness as well as reducing the cooldowns. There might have been skills that decreased the cooldowns too, plus when you entered that one Hyper Mode all of your cooldowns were super short.

Personally I'd just recommend emulating the Wii version in Dolphin if you're able but if you don't have a decent PC then go for it. It's ABSOLUTELY worth playing regardless. Incredible soundtrack, awesome worlds, fun characters, okay dub (but you'll love it), and an interesting story.

I was so happy to see Shulk get into Smash.

I agree, I'm concerned that all the blades aren't going to be women with huge tits.

Come on Nintendo, make it happen.

>I'm concerned that all the blades aren't going to be women with huge tits.
We already know of that one Blade that appears to be some sort of rock/armor elemental that gives you an axe. I'm sorry, user.

Looks like instead of having two weapons with their own associated Arts and Auto-Attack like in X, you have up to 3 weapons with their own Auto-Attack and 3 arts + a Talent Art. So you could go with Pyra/sword, a sniper rifle and dual guns (for example) and give the tank a hammer based on how you want everyone to fight.

Do we know if party members will swap between BLADEs, or do they stick with one?
There's a skinny guy (raygun) and a bulky guy (Axe) who look fairly generic so it's unlikely we'll get character designs for each blade.

>There's a skinny guy (raygun) and a bulky guy (Axe) who look fairly generic so it's unlikely we'll get character designs for each blade.
It seemed like you could do some sort of summon with a crystal and acquire a Blade (a la a Gacha game), so I'm thinking you summon those guys just to cover your bases with different abilities and then actual party member Blades are stronger.

Wasn't that tiger/cat thing a Blade as well? But only a Blade for the catgirl.

They also showed off one that gives you a big-ass gun.

>a la a Gacha game
>Ultra Rare 5* Blades that require dozens of crystals to get
>They're all rad things like Ether Longswords, Photon Sabers, Zanza-Monado-esque monstrosities
>You can go through the entire game without ever getting one, and amiibo only give you one crystal a day
Ha ha ha, welcome to suffering!