Playable in Mario Kart WHEN
Umm, racist much?
Calling it that this is going to be the best world
Peach in a Mexican dress when?
We truly love stuff like that
I hope I can dress like a mexican through the entire game
>Sup Forums is now larping as Mexicans on twitter
just as cringey as when they larp as blacks on YT comments. "i'm black and I'm okay with (x)"
just check that dude's account
he is a spic
Mario Kart character fucking when??
Nah we think it's funny.
>implying Sup Forums doesn't take that into account
you don't know what depths Sup Forums will sink to. not to mention, they've deluded a lot of non-whites into buying into their propaganda anyway. just look at the HWNDU streams.
Vete a la verga
we love speedy gonzalez too, puto
Sup Forums raiding twitter is nothing new. in fact, 40-50% of twitter is literally just Sup Forums shitposting accounts. what's your point?
This is beautiful
You can
They showed at the treehouse you can change outfits in the Hat ship, and you can even mix and match different hats and getups.
There might be parts in the game where you have to dress a specific way to get a moon though.
Dude get a fucking grip on your life. Go outside, go walk in the sunshine. Stop worrying about what a few autists on the internet do in their limitless spare time. Go be a real human.
>implying Latinos get mad for being portrayed in media
Literally every Hispanic character in any media ever always breaks out into Spanglish for no reason and we don't give a fuck
Not only do verified Mexicans like it, but so do most of the posters on Sup Forums who were bitching about the afros.
Stay mad that westcuck devs are unintentionally the most racist shits in the industry.
>anyone with a political view I don't agree with is from Sup Forums
LMAO get rid of that tinfoil hat retard.
>we are useful idiots who don't mind our culture being appropriated and reinforcing negative stereotypes about Mexicans because WAAAHOOO
at least Mexican fans on Sony platforms are mature enough to not sell their dignity to a corporation.
>muh culture appropriation
Terrible bait.
>any non-white who agrees with Sup Forums must be brainwashed, because smart people only agree with me
Pathetic. I know you hate when people have fun that isn't pre-approved by you, but lighten up just a bit.
Miren a este puñetero
>shut up, Mexicans, let whitey tell you how to feel about race
You are more racist than Sup Forums
Those poor Mexican Americans are suffering from internalized racism.
Chinga tu madre. Pendeja.
We love this stuff.
>but so do most of the posters on Sup Forums who were bitching about the afros.
>Sup Forums doesn't mind Mexican culture being portrayed as nothing more than some stupid stereotype
>Sup Forums not always taking the contrary position to ess jaayy dubyas
wow, you're a smart individual. who couldn't have figured that out.
the only time I've been upset is with this bitch
>He really thinks that.
Really, hombre, we dont care about that. We love it, in fact.
Está hijueputa güeva va a venir y me va a decirte como me tengo que sentir? Malparido de mierda, matese gonorrea.
>Mexico must always be portrayed as a shithole for white people to pity
>no one's culture should ever be celebrated
You have a very bleak view of humanity.
>facebook filename
I want this so damn much.
Some Odyssey inspired tracks would be great too.
i bet you get invited to so many parties
based tacovendor
calmate pinche chilango
We're not so thin skinned to get offended at the sight of our culture being put in a children game unlike you, boo fucking hoo
Mexican here. I think it's great Mario is using a sombrero and a poncho. I'm really happy about it, in fact.
She has a point that it's getting a bit old that the only way they represent us is through a sombrero, mariachi, día de muertos; like that new Pixar picture, in which I have zero interest.
I don't see a problem with Mario's celebration, though.
In which other way could you represent our people? I absolutely hated Sombra. She's just a tumblr character.
>i-it's just Sup Forums merely pretending REAL mexicans wouldn't like this
>real mexicans like this
>u-useful idiots you're all just a bunch of corporate drones
Fucking amazing.
u a fag
unlike you, i actually know and have a lot of friends, including actual Mexicans -- which is why i think Nintendo's unbelievably lazy handling of what THEY think Mexican culture is is fucking stupid and boring. it's just idealized Japanese-centric stylization that doesn't take REAL Mexican culture or people into account at all.
hence why unlike yourself, i can tell quite easily who is and isn't an actual Mexican online by whether or not they're offended by this. anyone who isn't is clearly a Sup Forums shitposter, or a deluded Mexican who fell for the Trump meme.
As a Mexican this is fucking racist and am highly offended by this
>mario looks Mexican so lets put some Mexican cloth on him
>desert city miss representing mexico
>skeletons with Mexican hats because lol dia de los muertos
Chinga a tu madre nintendo y ninteniños
How sad it must be to be this paranoid.
you should be tied up and strung up high and be hit like a pinata you bad hombre
Shut the fuck up fag
back to Sup Forums, alt-right cuck.
Oh fuck you, I bet your Mexican friends are just Chicanos anyway.
that's breddy gud
>I absolutely hated Sombra. She's just a tumblr character.
Cierra el hocico, joto, que le quiero chupar la panocha entera a mi diosa morena
Me gusta
Back to your tumblr echo chamber, friend. Go be upset there.
Ni parece mexicana, parece una negra de brasil.
>unlike you, I have friends
Strong opener.
>anyone who isn't offended by this isn't an ACTUAL Mexican
What the flipping fuck, these people have their identities verified, this is insanely racist. People aren't a certain race just because they disagree with a white boi who "has Mexican friends".
>I know some mexicans therefore I am an authority on this
wew lad
This is your posts on autism.
Still want to get spectrum'd?
>not being norteño master race
aren't you too busy looking for food and clean water to play videogames?
Que gustos mas mierdas
American spotted.
>he used a 3 year old Sup Forums meme
>he expects it to have any effect
Oh, oh, call us "snowflakes" or "Trumptards"!
Fuck their stereotypes of sombrero and zarape I say.
ahora los indigenas de mexico son negros de brasil?
>Is actually a white dude
Es hora?
But that's literally Mexican culture...
what's negative about "mexicans play happy music and have a holiday about having a good time so the dead can feel positive about their one day back on earth a year"
bueno, no a todos les gusta la verga como a ti, mijo
what kind would she wear though?
what's stupid about this? curb your hate, bigot
La foto que pusiste no se ve nada como Sombra, ella es mas chocolate que cualquier cosa
Why do Japanese love Mexicans so much?
How can we let the Nazis do this to our comrades
here's a (You) since I can tell you're trying your absolute best
I love Mexican vidya characters
you respect different cultures more when it's from a distance.