>People are excited about Metroid Samus Returns
>Already have a perfect remake with additional content
People are excited about Metroid Samus Returns
Other urls found in this thread:
I can enjoy both dammit
Nintendo needs to see Samus Returns having significantly good sales to warrant more support
>get to enjoy both
What remake?
It was good, but AM2R is hardly a god tier Super Metroid-like experience.
you know people aren't allowed to be happy about anything around here.
Both are short games and one of them is free, why can't you play and enjoy both?
Samus Returns is alot different, and if it sells well Super Metroid is next on the block for a remake like this. probably for Switch too.
>this thread
Can you just fuck off with this shit
>but AM2R is hardly a god tier Super Metroid-like experience.
You can say the same about every Metroid game, included Prime. Also, not even Super is perfect, the game cries for a DualShock type controller.
nothing reggie go to sleep
Nothing wrong with it if it's actually a good game. unlike alot of other things people want us to "support"
>if it sells well Super Metroid
>mercury steam takes over (and ruins) Metroid the same way they did Castlevania
>if it sells well Super Metroid is next on the block for a remake
We starting this 'please buy this game even if it's not good, it has to do well so we get more!" shit with this series now? Go play Super Metroid, it doesn't need a remake.
Sorry, I didn't mean to say you can't enjoy both.
I just wanted a fresh, new 2D Metroid.
Something that added new aspects to it.
Nope i'm only saying this because it actually looks like a great remake otherwise i'd say fuck it.
>if it sells well Super Metroid is next on the block for a remake
Because I really want the most aesthetically perfect game to be bastardized with 2.5D visuals.
Dude did you even look at the game, it's a 2d style metroid game like the original with new innovations and content. also it's being supervised by the creator of metroid. it won't become lords of shadow.
It looks fine to me, it will be alot better too if it's on Switch. i prefer Zero Mission to Super anyways so i'm not a nostalgiafag for it.
Looks a lot similar to LoS, m8.
Now that I've seen this, I don't want it at all.
Watch the gameplay demo, or don't because you don't actually care and you are just baiting like half of Sup Forums usually is.
They revived Yokoi? Whatever, Sakamoto doesn't have complete control over the project so it's good.
Yokoi didn't have nearly as much to do with Metroid as you think he did.
Everyone credits Super Metroid to him, even, when he literally did not do a thing during development because he was busy with other things. It was Sakamoto leading that project.
>Dude did you even look at the game
Yes, it looks just like that piece of shit castlevania 3DS game
>it's a 2d style metroid game like the original with new innovations and content
No, it's a 2.5D with ugly low poly 3D models
> it's being supervised by the creator of metroid
How did they bring back Gunpei Yokoi back from te dead?
> it won't become lords of shadow.
I wish I was as optimistic as you
You said Metroid creator, not who made Super good. But like I said, whatever, Samus Returns looks good so far.
It's also using the Mirror of Fate engine.
reggie pls go
>even if its shit
Pretty sure the vast majority of people were shitting on federation and saying not to buy it. If samus returns is shit id expect the same. But from the gameplay we have seen that doesnt appear to be the case.
So we get TWO cool remakes instead of one? Cool.
Gee Nintendo, why does your mom let you have TWO new Metroid games?
Fuck off with these threads. The new 3DS Metroid game is a Monkey Pawed wish.
AM2R will always be superior. Also nothing will beat the stuff the dev added in like seeing the marines get fucked, or the timed explosion segment. Also the cliff at the top of the planet was great. The new 3DS Metroid game is by mercurystream the idiots that did the 3DS Castlevania games so DROPPED
>2.5D 30fps Metroid 2 remake
>244p graphics
>from the developers of this pile of shit
Oh boy, I can't wait!
Same engine as Mirror of Fate, same slow-motion block-counter move as Mirror of Fate, same floaty movement, same 30 FPS lock with dips way below that (you can clearly see the trailer going sub 30 FPS multiple times) and most importantly, MercurySteam logo at the end.
It's also been casualized, if you die in a boss battle, you get spawned by the boss room. So no, 3D is always a mistake. Bloodstained looked awful and so does Metroid Samus Returns
>People excited for game
>Even though there is other gam??
What the...???
It will be kind of sad when a game made by amateurs in their spare time is better than a professional game studio, but hey, it will wake Nintendo up.