No feathers

>no feathers


Other urls found in this thread:

>shaking my head

The filter changed Sydney Morning Herald to Baka because it was abbreviated


The reputable source of


Not dropped but disappointed.

Saying dinosaurs have no feathers is like saying ALL cats look like pic related

They're dinosaurs from Marios world, not ours. It's okay for them to not have feathers.

Feathers on Dinosaurs are lame and i dont care what the science says.

If we are accepting people with pretend genders these days then im only accepting Dino's without feathers.

The moment I accept that massive fag shit is the day i die

If you read the actual study you'd know that it doesn't change anything and they were still feathered, news organizations just like to senasionalize shit

They had to use the DNA from other animals to fill in the gaps, otherwise they'd look drastically different

no but some cats look like this so why not dino?
shove ur autism back in there

>retards bitching about no feathers before sensible people bitching about no lips
Called it.

You do know sphynx cats don't appear naturally in the wild right? They were bred by man to be hairless.

Yeah, and this is what a baboon would look like if we only had fossils to go from. It works both ways.

T-Rex has enough scale impressions to where it seems unlikely that it's feathered.


technically their feathers are treated more like mohawks

>find less than ten dino fossils with feathers between hundreds without
>now every dino needs to have feathers

that's wrong though

elephants are pretty freaky too from fossils alone

they arent from marios world though


>Not reading the actual study
>That scale impression was known years ago and didn't do shit to harm the idea of feathered dinosaurs
>The scale likely came from either the tail or the legs which scientists agree were scaled regardless of feathers or not.
Eat all the shit

*sits on powerline*
*shits all over parked car*
*slams head into tree trunk*
*runs into glass window*
*gets killed by housecat*


>Bell and his colleagues examined skin from T. rex and four relatives from fairly late in tyrannosaur history: Albertosaurus, Daspletosaurus, Gorgosaurus and Tarbosaurus. Tyrannosaur skin is rare, Bell said, in part because paleontologists historically favored smashing through skin to get to bones.

>From these skin patches, representing the tyrannosaur abdomen, chest, pelvis, neck and tail, the researchers found nothing but scales. If feathers existed, they did so only along the animals' back or spines.

featherfags btfo

there better be little gomba sized raptors in that level

Real life animals are fat.
Someone should draw a fat dinosaur.


Even if some dinos were covered in feathers it looks gay as fuck.
In a fantasy game they shouldn't put realism before aesthetics.

that is the funniest shit I have read all week

why have so many pictures of dogs pooping been posted lately

That was probably me, though that is funny as fuck if other anons have started too.

Featherless dinosaurs are monochromatic and boring.


So Godzilla should be feathered?

godzilla is an iguana you fucking tard

Tyrantrum looks cool

You're an iguana

>1954 Godzilla: Was an underwater reptile that was the last of it's herd and mutated by the atom bomb which killed it's family.
>Showa: An underwater reptile from the Jurassic that has gills on the front of his neck.
>Heisei: A fucking straight up dinosaur
>1998: Iguana
>1999: Same as 1954
>2000: Same as 1954
>2001: IS 1954
>2002: Same as 1954
>2004: IS 1954
>2014: An underwater marine reptile from before the dinosaurs evolved.
>2016: An underwater marine reptile from before the dinosaurs evolved.

All based on DINOSAURS.

Based user

Some guy drew an art book of dinosaurs with floppy skin and stuff. It was pretty cool.



why is tyrantrum so perfect
what went right

Fuck me I laughed out loud



But that's not true at all.




>want to see this
>look up fat dinosaur
>instantly greeted with a slew of deviantart fetish shit

I don't really care, but
>People still think giant turkeys didn't have feathers

Why isn't the T. rex in the same style as yoshi? Aren't they both dinosaurs?

The inconsistent design flares up my autism

Found this one

Does anyone have the pictures of those feathery raptors? Those looked pretty cool and were an aesthetic improvement in comparison to the t-rex. Although I remember seeing really badass feathered t-rex before in some art.

That's what a baboon would look like to an artist with no idea what he's doing trying to reconstruct an animal without regard for muscle attachments or joint movements in some lame attempt to appear smart. No one would look at a baboon skeleton with all its mammal features and draw it like a dinosaur.

at least the worlds are flat though

>Future lizardmen dig up an Rhino and a Rat skeleton
>Rat has traces of fossilised fur
>Decide that by proxy the Rhino had shaggy fur

Doesn't rule out feathers is what it says.

What it says is that T-rexes are more scaled than they are feathered, which is cool enough for me at least.

It isn't a T-Rex but here you go I guess

whats the deal with every dinosuar needing feathers? did they stick feathers on Triceratops too?

yes, yes they do

>I want to see fat dinosaurs

say no more, senpai

Well, they wouldn't be entirely wrong.