What are some games where I can go to the past to save my future?

What are some games where I can go to the past to save my future?

TimeSplitters, mane

link to the pa- eh nevermind


Tales of Phantasia, Chrono Trigger, Terranigma

>Chrono Trigger

Well that will def fit in with OP pic.

oml XD

Life is strange

Came here to post this, Chrono Trigger fits that description perfectly.

I'd say 999 and ZTD also fit this.

Kekistan: The Game

Time spitters: Future perfect

Fire Emblem Awakening

What are some games where I can go to the past to absolutely destroy my future ?

>game is so shitty it went back in time at the end and reconnect itself

Final Fantasy Legend III.

What are some games where I can just be as strong as a fucking god because I'm angry enough and then at the end have a huge ass pull to defeat the big bad?

Ignore super, noncanon

I hate posts and threads like these.

That being said, the only bad thing about the Zamasu arc was how it ended with Trunks getting that strong and Zamasu just becoming a fucking concept.

I'm legitimately looking for a game with that type of concept

Dragon Quest VIII.

well shit i can't argue with that

Then pretty much every game with time travel. Dragon Quest 7 hasn't been mentioned yet.

8 doesn't have time travel though.

and Remember Me, kinda



Body Hakuno is best Hakuno

Oh wait I see more. Rapthorne wasn't a good and there was no asspull. You used the power of the sages to weaken him. If you wanna talk asspull then look no further than DQ9. You, the player, literally do nothing to stop the big bad, and then at the end the power of love puts everything back to normal.

Does inFamous count?


What games let you reconnect with another version of yourself?

t. Zamasu