Which Senran Kagura girl do you think will be a guest character in Tekken 7?

Which Senran Kagura girl do you think will be a guest character in Tekken 7?

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Thought, personally I would prefer Kyriu for the guest fighter

Post the source cause I never read that anywhere.

there is none, but there will be another guest character added to T7


Can you source?

Who are the others?

Yozakura would easily be the best choice desu. Really popular and would have the moveset

Yomi, obviously.
But my heart says

>Who are the others?


There will be two other guest characters that we don't know yet. Kiryu from Yakuza is one of the most requested.

The two DLC characters from the Tekken 7 season pass specifically calls them guest fighters

This is how you get nobody to buy the DLC.


but I love Daidouji


Yeah and only like 5 other people.

The one with the big o arms seems stupidly obvious choice.

Going to go out on a limb and say it it won't besenran Kagura at all.

I don't care as long as it's not


Probably not.

There isn't much of a chance. Not for a niche title like it. Costumes at best.

Of course it won't, but we can have fun.

It literally can't be anyone else