
thoughts on Kirby 2018?

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More of the same, which is good because I liked the 3DS games and return to Dreamland. Worried that formation like the circle of friends will become shit. I didn't like the forced use a ability sections from return to Dreamland.

>forced use a ability sections
These are the worst.
To answer OP's question, it looks good, but I'm more excited for Kirby Smash. We better get news on that soon.


It was unexpected for me, cause I kinda forgot bout kirby. If the game is too easy then im prob not gonna buy it.
It looks cool and all, but no challenge = no fun 4 me

They're really pushing Kirby this year. Makes sense considering it's his anniversary and all.


>Whip is still in.



I'm glad that a Kirby game is coming relatively early to the Switch. Now I just need a MMBN reboot and I can finally go back to loving video games.

>ability combining is back
>kirby's friends are back (naga came up during one of clean kirby's moves)
>looks like that one canceled gamecube game that looked really good
>its a kirby game
yes I'm hype

>Not a trace of Adeleine.
Will this meme at least end with the multiplayer action game on the 3DS? If it does, I can look past this game.
Fuck, now I'm annoying myself.

>Combining powers


>user's still got a weird unfounded vendetta agianst whip
yo-yo is a separate ability and unrelated, even if they're vaguely similar in attacks the concepts are still different, just let it go or at least skip deflecting it unto whip for no reason

I wonder if doctor will get in and what kind of helper it'll get.

>Combining powers
Why does this mechanic give me such a raging hard on?

I hope the combining is as robust as Kirby 64.

Reminder, ability combining was used in Squeak Squad... and it was awful.

I don't know anyone who actually likes whip.

Can't wait, I've been saying for years they should bring this project back and make it

It is, the ice curler from 64 was shown but it also has stuff like squeak squad flame sword was shown.

so both which is neat.

If the animal buddies can come back, I'm confident she'll at least be a cameo.

Another Screenshot

- RtDL gameplay
- 4-player
- Super Star helpers
- Power mixing somewhere between 64 and Squeak Squad
- Unreal Engine lighting

Not much else to say about it at this point.
I'm hoping they show off the third 3DS game tomorrow.

It's got 4-player helpers and Clean but it's not going to be GCN, so don't get your hopes up for that atmosphere, piggybacking, or the new helpers like Golem.

My main concern regarding the game is will they be able to top Star Dream?

Is Karg around today? What you think about the new game?

Here, have a webm I made a while ago.

i'm feeling real good about it. the sound effects from the old engine seem kind of weird in the new engine but if it's an earlier build they might fix that. besides that i'm happy.

Fridge power better make a come back.

I'm hyped. I just hope it'll be longer than triple deluxe and robobot.

Excited. I like Return to Dreamland style.

Any screenshots or trailers? I didn't watch e3.

rtdl was pretty long so there's no doubt this one will be pretty lengthy being on a console.

>Sir Kibble wearing Cutter Kirby's hat
Who told them this looks okay?

>Ability combinations are back
>4 player game play
>partners are back

All we need is for animal friends to come back and this would be the perfect Kirby game

All the helpers switch their hats to what Kirby normally wears. or just wear the hat on top of their usual gear. It works for some, but yeah it's kinda silly on Kibble.

I like it for Chilly and Poppy Bro but it looks odd on some.

They only showed fire and ice + ability. It's going to be super lame like Squeak Squad


they showed ice and rock too.

Animal friends are back? Nintendo has finally done it, they have created the perfect Kirby game.

>the link actually works

They showed Water Bombs too

Unfortunately, that's just part of an attack for Broom.

They showed the Water + Bomb too.

He's deceiving you user, Nago is only one of the attacks for the Cleaning ability. He appears when you start that attack and disappears after that attack.

It's just an attack for the cleaning ability

>Sword, Bomb, Whip, Cutter and Hammer as weapons (that we know so far)
>Fire, Spark, Water as elements (so far)
>Rock + Ice breaking the weapon mold
Its already far more than Squeak Squad did so fuck you

imagine arrow + broom

broom schut yaaay

will bandana dee get his time to shine like meta knight and king dedede?

We saw Parasol Waddle Dee, so it's safe to assume Parasol is a weapon too.

>implying he will be in the game

Do you think we're getting a set theme like robots/industrial like in robobot. I see a lot of certain shapes are used in each levels theme. Spirals and circles are an easy example from the grass stages.


>combining abilities
>4-player with helpers


I hoping so too, though I think they'll show Blowout Blast first.

Well probably, but we technically haven't seen it "imbued" yet
Plus all of these could easily have combos beyond elemental infusion, seeing as curling stone exists

Literally the only good game Nintendo showed.

He's been in the last few games there's no reason for him not to show up.

I hope not, I just want to see Kirby go to locations that he has never been to instead of the whole game following a theme.

I was thinking that to myself too when they announced Planet Robobot and look where we are.

They'll do something even crazier I can tell.

i need this goddamn taranza plushie already

>If Ninja is in the game they'll probably use Moonja as the helper instead of Biospark.


I didn't mean it in terms of it being the same game, obviously it's not gonna be the same, I mean't like the same mechanic of the super star shit but with 2 more characters you know

He already had his focus game, Rainbow Curse.


will we see him in this glorious state, Sup Forums?

Yeah, he's an important character. He'll help Kirby by giving him food.
If they take that role away from him to bring back a certain gosh darn nostalgia character I'll be pretty annoyed.

I saw a lot of hearts.

I was slightly disappointed that a release date for Blowout Blast wasn't given.

I miss Golem. Wasn't he in Amazing Mirror?

I like the super star era Kirby plush the most.

>Mario Odyssey
>Zelda DLC
>Mario and Luigi DX
>Fire Emblem
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
I think they showed a ton of good games desu

There's still a few more days of E3 left, user.
Who knows, maybe they'll even show Star Knights


Yes, that was his debut.
It was also going to have helpers that were enemies in Air Ride, and new helpers that never appeared before.



They will proberbly show off that later we still have a few days of e3

I hope it's better than their last albums. Wasn't a fan of Robobot aside from Mind in a Program. King D-Mind from Clash was decent.

doesn't count you can play through the game only as him in a solo run

>MMBN remake and MML3 announced tomorrow

I would die from pure bliss if that were to happen.

So he's only been in one game? That's sad.

With there being throwbacks to Dreamland 3 and and Crystal Shards, I'm putting my money this guy coming back.

>not liking lively street or casino.


TKCD was worth it just for this
Similarly with Dream collection, this
Watch the 3DS game somehow give Susie a theme of her own (or a tailored variation on Haltmann)

Okay so if we're getting helpers for abilities which will we get
Fire=Burnin leo
Spark=Sparky/Plasma Wisp?
Sword=Blade Knight
Cutter=Sir Kibble
Bomb=Poppy Bro

What else

Don't have a switch right now , but it's nice to see more Kirby love.

zero chance

Quick question here for Kirby players.

The only real Kirby game I've played has been Kirby Super Star Ultra, and I fuckin' love it. I'm actually lukewarm on the new one because it's not 2D.

With that in mind, what are other Kirby games similar to KSSU?

If they port KSSU to Switch I'll probably go out and buy one on the same day :(

I want to pound his ass and pump his throat.

I hope we get some cool new bosses or returns of the spooky bosses.

rtdl, triple deluxe and planet robobot are all like super star in some form.

handy chart



I knew I'd have to get one for Kirby sooner or later but I didn't expect it to be so soon

At least I have time to save up and let the stock stabilize (if it hasn't already), Nintendo may even have refurbs up for sale by then