You guys are pathetic. This is gonna be fantastic. Nintendo was hindering it's potential

You guys are pathetic. This is gonna be fantastic. Nintendo was hindering it's potential

Other urls found in this thread:

I just wish we knew if it'd have cross platform multiplayer and how long the PC release will be delayed for.

Everyone knows that, relax. Be happy that everyone with technology worth a damn is going to get to play it.

>posting the xbone cover
OP you're shitpost wrong

Not really, the fact that even the Xbox is getting this and Nintendo isn't is hilarious

>damage numbers
Flop on release baybee

I'm stoked as fuck.


nigga you gotta be kidding me are youfucking serious?

Also no cross play wtf

I'm being ULTRA wary of this, I'm getting a weird vibe from this installation so we'll see.


>tfw part of the western audience
Even more excited now
Xbox One X will have the definitive edition of multiplats. It's appropriate to post its cover, not a shitpost

Damn btfo. But it's great to see the series move away from shit hardware.

It's on PC, so...

This, I want to get it on PC, bit I really don't want to wait that long.

What the fuck, it's real

>Those comments

>That icon

I doubt PC will get a physical release for this game. No pic of PC cover

let him dream

if you honestly believe nintendo was hindering its potential you are delusional. The things they added to World like Grapple hook and Environmental stuff and open world could of been done on the switch. The only thing it gets not being on the Switch is a FPS and Graphical change.

Is cross-play a confirmed thing?



Why is this a bad thing?

I still have some doubts about this game but that's because there's barely any footage. I just hope the gameplay of every weapon is largely the same, perhaps improved, and that multiplayer will be comfy.
Also more variety in monsters, areas and armor.

Considering Sony's turned down all the cross platform multiplayer so far I doubt we'll be seeing it from them

Info from the demo at E3

>no flexing, can walk slowly while eating and drinking
>i think clicking r3 brings up a radial wheel to quickly use certain items
>green flies are called scout flies, you use them to track the monster, get greener as you get closer
>there's tracking now, flies go to footprints and other marking to look for the target
>looks like no more animations for gathering items, guy just ran near honey and herb area and obtained the item
>can summon a remobra to fly you back to base, don't know if it's unlimited use
>can switch weapons and armor at base
>NPC's have voice acting now
>can be shaken off by monster if you're mounted
>monsters can destroy cliffs or rocks
>monsters can get trapped by vines on the ground, you can try to lure them there
>can lure monsters that havent seen you with a sling and an item called a rednut, you throw the item and they walk towards it
>monsters interact with each other, if two see each other they start fighting, saw a rathalos pin and breathe fire on dino from teaser

Because the point was that we used the monsters reactions to see how well we do against it, there are so many ways to tell how well you are doing against a monster without healthbars or damage numbers, parts breaking, the monsters animations, if it stackers, how your weapon reacts on hitting, how sluggish its movements become, all of which suddenly become devalued when you can just be like "HURR BIG NUMBER I DO WELL!!!"

Hipsters shouldnt make games

I think you're overestimating the power of a chip made for 4K streaming and nothing else

>>green flies are called scout flies, you use them to track the monster, get greener as you get closer

seriously wtf casualcom

How is that anything different from pulling out your map and seeing a big circle on it?

From what i saw at their two booths, great sword, bow and heavy bowgun looked the same.

The worst thing about the demos were qtes covering the fucking screen while mounting and damage numbers while hitting.

I theres also a weird leveling system that seemed similar to dragons dogma's lnowledge system.

Okay, so it's officially confirmed casual then

That doesn't happen unless you get the skill you gigantic faglord.

Or unless you mark the mon first after encountering it.

but that only happens if you throw a paintball at the monster! or have the ability drawn from your armor

>>no flexing, can walk slowly while eating and drinking
As long as it's slow, otherwise too casual

>>i think clicking r3 brings up a radial wheel to quickly use certain items

>>green flies are called scout flies, you use them to track the monster, get greener as you get closer

>>there's tracking now, flies go to footprints and other marking to look for the target

>>looks like no more animations for gathering items, guy just ran near honey and herb area and obtained the item

>>can summon a remobra to fly you back to base, don't know if it's unlimited use
Shit, unless limited like a farcaster

>>can switch weapons and armor at base
Fuck off. That sucks

>>NPC's have voice acting now

>>can be shaken off by monster if you're mounted

>>monsters can destroy cliffs or rocks

>>monsters can get trapped by vines on the ground, you can try to lure them there
I guess ok, if it's like regular traps, make it only affect some monsters, short duration etc

>>can lure monsters that havent seen you with a sling and an item called a rednut, you throw the item and they walk towards it
Might be ok to lure to a trap

>>monsters interact with each other, if two see each other they start fighting, saw a rathalos pin and breathe fire on dino from teaser
Good rather than getting raped by a Joh + tag team

Or use a Psychoserum, which the scout flies could be

Well that big circle was just an armor skill or a consumable that took inventory space, and it didn't show every little interactive in the environment like the batman fireflies do.

Psychoserums are so precious that you can't even buy them in the normal store. They're not meant to be spammed.

Right and how do you know this isn't a skill you gigantic faglord?

Sounds Like dragons dogma 2 to me

nice bait.

If this is just a big open world map it makes sense to change equipment at base. So far the one thing I'm not hot on is damage numbers. Never been a fan of that.

Yeah, and these flies might be precious, or they are common, but to counter that they don't instantly hone in on the monster and are more like a radar or dowsing rods

But they won't be. And you know that.

Most if not all of this is correct.


>people are upset over damage numbers
>when everyone would just check the wiki anyways

Do I?

Do you?

Explain to me why are people mad except for autism?

A lot of nu-males on cosplayers will flock to this.

Aw fuck what? I kinda liked not having a clue how much damage I was doing.
I dunno if this is real but considering this guys tweets I'm starting to think that when they say western audience they mean casuals who don't want to try. So congrats western audience, apparently we're so shit they have to make games easier for us so we will play them. What the fuck.

you can turn the numbers off, it's already been confirmed by the same guy

the same autists that minmax calculate are only being granted a reprieve to their autism, it's literally not a big deal

aw shit. record some game footage famalam.

>optimoizing for PC well

There's not a single source or piece of gameplay for any of this, but people are desperate to believe it anyways.

No you can't. Here's his twitter, he hasn't confirmed jack shit.

>Checking wiki
>Not just looking at pic and choosing the cooler one.

Source faggot? if not then kek nintendildo rather shitposting MH game to dead then be happy for MH huh.

>mfw capcom will die in my lifetime

Maybe cross platform with pc. Sony at least does it with pc and microsoft would do it if they can.

Console wars bullshit is funny sometimes but it's obnoxious to see cool game announcements and without fail 90% of discussion is focused on "LOL WE WON YOU DON"T GET TO PLAY THIS" bullshit when the vast majority of people here are likely idorts.

>good PC port

>you can turn the numbers off, it's already been confirmed by the same guy
Care to link the tweet cause i'm not seeing it.

Either way its still something that shouldn't exist, toggled or not. We have all sorts of fucking animations and visual clues to tell how you are hurting the monster having damage numbers devalues that so much and brings into question why the animations should exist now.
People wanted monster hunter to go back to its roots with this, defending it as its now about actually hunting the monster, then go to defend damage numbers which go against all of that.

shhh you're hurting the NintendoCucks revenge fantasies.

i'm cautiously optimistic, hearing changes like damage numbers and that grappling hook worry me but all 14 weapons and the team behind it give me some confidence.

Of all the problems that exist, autist gets triggered by numbers appearing on screen. Never fails to amaze me.

>Lost Planet series
>Tekken 7
>DaS 2/3
>RE 5/6
There's like 15 seconds of new gameplay in this if anyone cares.

Check the wiki for what?
Where on the wiki is it showing me my damage number every time i hit the monster with my weapon?

They ruined Dead Rising 4 as well. Capcom has a severe hipster problem.

Yeah, maybe it's because I'm not a poorfag or underage, but I have a PS4 + PC + 3DS and will probably buy a Switch sooner or later. Console war shitposting just isn't relevant to me and I'm getting really tired of it.

I seem to be the only Nintenbro who isn't into MH. You guys can have it

i'll never have a chance to play it because i'm hardly ever at home to play my ps4

Same bruv. I even bought 3 for the Wii U and I just don't get it. Bought God Eater 2 for PS4 and I'm bored to tears with it. This genre just isn't for me.

Capcom has a fucking great track record on PC, what the fuck are you smoking?
Aside from the pre-4 DMC games their PC versions have been great.
IIRC MT Framework games weren't even ports, as they were designed with PC as a base from the ground up.

How different do you think the reaction on Sup Forums would have been if it was exactly the same but also coming to Switch? Be honest.

Xbox is relevant again, Sonygro.

So what's your situation? How do you have lots of free time you can play games in, but not be home?

Get a Vita for remote play.

Just get WoW

you'd have sony friends exclaiming the same shit being spouted about it not being a true monster hunter and it just being casualized western garbage.

Wait Capcom Japan isn't making this?

>good pc version


Remote play only works when the Vita and the PS4 are on the same wi-fi network. You can't just take it to the local park or whatever and play.

>Bad PC version

>Damage Number
>Fast Great Swords

Next they going to announce Health Bars for monsters, lock on, and no sharpening

But it'd be on every system at that point.
There's only one source for sour grapes right now


>the best version of SFV isn't good

>any version

>Health Bar for monsters
The very same tweet you're getting damage numbers from said no health bars
>no sharpening
Same guy already said sharpness, potions, stamina, and health are all there and the same.
>lock on
3U already introduced that, so why complain now?


thats just the way western devs look right now.
the japanese suits dont even know, they just give money to gaijins to ruin their games thinking it will make cashmoney.

Im pretty sure thats not true.

The problem wasn't nintendo, the probelm was it's been on handheld for-fucking-ever since the original on ps2.

>Capcom recently said no plans for Switch
leak busted.

1) I travel a lot and carrying the cement block known as the ps4 pro is a bitch
2) i go to maine for my summer job
3) college takes a lot of time away from you
the main reason i want a switch is because i don't have to lug a bunch of shit in my bad and don't have to aquint at the tiny ass screen anymore. don't get me wrong i'm sure monhn world will be it's own little thing in a good way but why bother when you only have 4 hours to play it?

The Game is fucking Open world now how else are you expected to find what you are hunting!?

Can someone explain why damage numbers are a bad thing? I've only played one MH game, this seems like a no-brainer to add.

3U, 4, etc all had lock on because of control limitations.
And i am mostly worried about it being true lock on, not the psuedo lock on we got in the others.

It's not even fucking open world. They just replaced the old loading screens with cinematic transition corridors.