>Evil Within 2 announced
>decide to download the first one
>forced stealth sequences right of the fucking bat
>think it's just once
>it isn't
into the trash it goes
>Evil Within 2 announced
>decide to download the first one
>forced stealth sequences right of the fucking bat
>think it's just once
>it isn't
into the trash it goes
Other urls found in this thread:
This. Why is anyone hyped for the sequel when the first one was ass
the first game was playable. You are kinda robbing yourself of the good parts by putting it down so early
>can't into stealth
Your loss, casual.
Is not a bad game. The second time is better because you unlock a lot of new weapons from the start.
This... the first half hour is a lot different from the rest
I agree with you about the stealth sections, but the game is actually good. I'd give it a 7.3/10, and I'm very hyped for the sequel. Horror games where enemies aren't defeated by staring at a brick in the corner of a room are very rare these days.
why isn't it on sale on Steam yet?
want to know how I know you're a faggot?
Only good announcement at e3 desu
>>forced stealth sequences
There's only 1. And it's the tutorial. Good job showing that you didn't play the game.
Monster Hunter
>Monster Hunter
Sold out.
The first game was good. The story was all over the place, however they gathered the majority of it in one place with the chick's 2 DLCs. The 2nd game has the potential to further polish it, transforming it into a regular storyline. The game had a great chilly, foreboding and heavy horror atmosphere, at least up to the last 3rd of the game, where the city levels began. I liked the characters, the enemies and even the combat. To be honest, the stealth, primitive as it was, for me, it fit into the game in the majority of cases. I also loved the traps scattered all across the world, nice gameplay touch there.
The upgrade system should be totally scrapped, it has no place in the game and it is a piece of crap. Do not fucking put any cutscene or gameplay portion in a horror game during daylight. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Also, the Piramid Head/Nemesis stalker through the game will only work in those 2, stop cramming it into every horror. You do not need to be constantly followed by some big faggot. Also, I loved the mansion, top tier RE throwback not to mention the first encounter you have in the forest. The game has it flaws but overall it reminded me why I liked Mikami. Hyped for nr 2.
This and DB fighterz are the only games I'm excited for.
I did the same. The first stealth part with the chainsaw nigga and I dropped it. I just went in tonight to try again and that part was like 12 seconds. I hope there isn't too much stealth. I just pushed myself through tlou
Because the trailer seemed to show that they fixed a lot of the issues the first one had.
>No permanent "nightmare" ambient.
>Improved melee combat
>faster gunplay
and for all you know, the stealth crap will be gone.
btw there's like 3 forced stealth sections in the whole game
Good. I don't want filthy casuals ruining my game, go play cock of booty, son
like i got the time....
Go on , humour me, explain further please.
They basically drop any reason to use the stealth an hour into the game. It was really tacked on.
this game is made for casuals
>The first stealth part with the chainsaw nigga and I dropped it
There is one forced stealth section and its the tutorial
Stealth is an option in most cases but its never forced
> there's like 3 forced stealth sections in the whole game
not even?
>mfw 2 confirmed to have stealth
what a fucking joke.
So casual that you couldn't even finish the baby stealth sections.
RE4 is more casual than TEW
>forced stealth sequence
Yeah how dare u have no guns and ammo after being kidnapped. The game should start u with grenades and a shotgun even though contextually it wouldnt make sense
probably not actually. Replaying re4 recently, you take alot of damage per hit
Well I honestly can't remember. The first chainsaw dude, the YUUGE monster on the parking lot, which else?
> You take alot of damage per hit
Yes and so it must not be casual! There's healing items round every bloody corner, that game was crafted for casuals
It's really not. RE7 is made for casuals. Literally most of the complaints of the game are nitpicky bullshit and things that idiots don't realize they can resolve themselves.
>the YUUGE monster on the parking lot
is that not just a straight up boss fight? how do you stealth that? both of my playthroughs had me shotgunning him and throwing grenades and shit
Are you fags really that put off or bad at stealth? Play on easy mode if your that much of a fucking casual.
The game isn't that bad on stealth compared to other survival horror games. You can still one shot enemies, or do some kind stun/instakill -- it's just that the game provides you with a limited inventory so you have to resort to making your kills efficient. At least that's how it felt on the hardest difficulty.
And the first 30min is not representative of how most of the game is.
looks meh to me
but that doesnt apply to evil within? okay sir
when u play on the hardest setting where u die in 1 hit, you hide underneath the cars
I'm glad you agree
Stealth is just trial and error faggotry.
trial and error is video games. have u ever played megaman?
who cares about this shit
why aren't all of you just watching the new mario trailer over and over like everyone else? Have you even heard that perfect fucking song?
Nobody cares about your baby game
Yea but they're fun
The only flaw with evil within was it didnt have tank controls
Hope they drop the stealth and the crossbow for 2 desu
I agree. A cooler looking villain would be nice too
are you not reading the thread?
>Wanting them to drop the crossbow
I''d be ok with nerfing it a bit but not dropping it.
>All these fags complaining about stealth
I liked the stealth, used it throughout the entire game when possible.
d-don't you like this villain, user-kun
>getting chased around by 2Kidmans
Legitimately the scariest thing in the entire game
People are starving, if not thirsty for a RE4 clone. To bad it is nothing like it. Far more of a head ache to get into than it is worth.
If it were anything like RE4 it would be shit.
this desu
It's a divisive game. Very trial and error heavy, but I love the enemies, traps, and bosses.
The game was crap. I was super excited when I first saw it way back when, but it's predictable, poorly paced garbage.
>mfw reading the casual shits think the bad linear stealth mechanics in the first game is worth defending
Nu/v/ is real.
Only upside to this game is at had decently satisfying combat, the weapons felt meaty and like they did some damage. Everything else about it was pretty mediocre, I might pick it up on sale if I'm bored as hell.
newfriend here
where is my fucking Resident Evil 2 Remake?
this thread makes me smile. i thought people were just avoiding the fact that the first game was mediocre and didnt live up to any hype.
Naw, just shit tastes shitposter-kun.
I wish there's a mode where if you get seen it's game over.
>can play the game in full re4 shooting mode comfortably
>or, use more casual and basic stealth mechanics to make the game feel a bit more tense
its just a gameplay decision. the evil within was a good game and theres nothing casuals like you can do to change that m8, a few basic features doesnt make the whole game bad.
I know, it real shows the kind of audience it appeals to from the beginning. The fact any genuinely liked the first game is astounding with how bland and dull it really was. Not to mention how predictable. Holy shit I wanted to gauge out my eyes, and stick a fork into y brain. I couldn't believe people for for the hype.
But they literally never make you use stealth again after chapter 1?
There are sycophantic fanboys who call it underrated and dismiss any criticism and calling you a casual.
I meant the burnt kid with the white hood, but what you posted isnt all that exciting either.
I hope they don't bring back Not Pyramid Head. That was a really embarrassing attempt at creating an "iconic" character.
Fanbois are cancer. They are the reason shit to mediocre games still survive and exist.
Been waiting to see a trailer for it at E3 for the last three E3's
We still have absolutely nothing
The Keeper was a Pyramid Head reference but the "iconic" monster in EW1 was Laura, who's coming back for the sequel.
Pathetic samefag.
The real irony is that TEW haters are the ones throwing around "casual" as an insult. When in reality TEW was anything but. on harder difficulties they give you like 2 bullets the whole game with instadeath.
But that's besides the points, nobody is saying the original was a masterpiece but it had some decent points. It could serve as a good launching pad for a great sequel, like the original silent hill did.
its like a 6 or a 7 as a game, I really hope the sequel uses some of the half decent/underbaked ideas from the original and makes something great.
The samefags shitting on this game will worship shit like RE7 and Outlast.
>but the "iconic" monster in EW1
I thought it was SAFE FACE
*blocks your path*
The Keeper was fine, but they shouldn't bring him back anyway. Most of the bosses related to Ruvik and they shouldn't be brought back unless Ruvik is back as well.
*runs slightly to the right and manages to get around easily*
(You) tried nigger.
Stay triggered fanboi.
Name one thing wrong with this, nofunposters
Man, the plot never would've happened if Ruvik and Laura hadn't been horribly burned and Ruvik got to fuck his sister.
kidman stole all my sperm
>kemino cancer for shitposting
Post discarded.
Not a single one liner or hot girl in the whole thing
It's like they want the game to flop
no one give a shit DBtard
>trial and error faggotry.
watch this fag turn around and praise dark souls for the very same reason after.
>people are bitching about stealth in a horror game
Jesus christ.
>optional stealth that can be comfortably ignored but is still decent if you use it
>whereas snoozefests like amnesia and outlast has shit forced stealth/"hurr durr no fighting!" mechanics these fucks will praise
her voice actor is a hottie too
If you're an idiot. The game is trial and error. Literally faggots born on the Xbox only find DaS hard.
I thought people were meming/hiveminding when the game first came out in shitting on the game for optional stealth, but are you guys ACTUALLY being serious in complaining about optional stealth in a survival horror game?
if you didnt start out with neurotically calling samefag I might feel like taking your post seriously. but i have little patience for bogeymen chasers. they have little interest in actual discussion, in my experience.
I forget, did Laura ever know that he dissected things or did that not even start until after they got burned
>complaining about a quick, easy, tutorial stealth section
>every other stealth in the game is completely optional
i bet if the stealth wasn't there you would complain it's not real horror huh
>People dislike the stealth
>Immediately resort to strawmanning
>>whereas snoozefests like amnesia
>horror and dread
Post discarded. You don't know what real horror is shoot-bang nigger.
bro you must be so hardcore, can i be you?
I hope they didn't actually replace her or Sebastian. Kidman has a different voice in the story trailer but TEW1 used different voices in some of the trailers too.