One is a multiplayer open world game and the other is a single player linear game.
>tfw God Of War was running on the STANDARD ps4 model
Good graphics are client-side, no excuse.
That doesn't excuse Crackdown from looking like a PS2 game.
Those extra teraflops dont do much for you if you spend them memeing at 4k. You would get better looking games if you focused instead on making higher fidelity games at 1080p, than running current games at 4k res.
But the ps4 outsold the xbone 2:1, so everything must run on the OG ps4, because Microsoft refuses to make worthwhile exclusives. So all you can hope for is multiplats running at 4k, for $500.
That pic reminds me of Sly Cooper.
This. Horizon has lower resolution than fucking Steam indies but it looks better, more details, etc.
Last of us remastered ran at 1080p60fps and graphics are better than the new Shadow of the Mordor and on par with Prey
ITT: consolebabbies talking gfx
Yeah, Crackdown 3 is literally an Xbox 360 game. That's where the stark disparity comes from, not the type of game they are. Xbonex will have plenty of GRAPHIX games.
>2D retro Indie platformers and shit console ports
Yes, truly the master race.
>linear scripted game
>a game where you blow up fucking buildings
HZD looks good but TLOU looks rough outside of the pre rendered cutscenes
this screen looks bad. Perhaps it's a ps3 shot. I only played the Remastered and the level of detail and quality of textures are very good.
thats the ps3 version
none of the graphics are improved in the PS4 version, except the shadows at 30fps
>handful of cinematic linear scripted press x to win games and multiplats that look better and run better on master race
yes, truly the master race
Some areas look good compared to current gen games on PC
Outside areas are not as good though
>lost the graphics argument
>jumps to criticizing the gameplay using meme buzzwords
pre baked lighting saves that so hard, the shading, polygon count & texture work is shit
>thinks cinematic linear scripted press x to win are buzzwords when its the reality of sony exclusives
texture is good, the only issue is not high quality anti-aliasing
We must not forget it started in 2008~2009 and it was made for a 2005 hardware.
Still games like Dishonored 2 and Prey aren't much better than that (except for very high quality filtering), in some regards it looks on par if you ask me.
Better than early access survival multiplayer zombie game and pretentious indie flash games
I found Prey to have mediocre graphics technically playing on PC at max settings, but it had great style and ran fantastic. Had 100+ fps at all times on a 980 and 2500k.
PS3 was $600 late 2006 hardware
what's with this revisionist history that PS3 was some $250 machine in 2005
>and graphics are better than the new Shadow of the Mordor and on par with Prey
Fucking Sonybros man.
at least we have genres and options outside of that
you're literally stuck with the 5-10 games sony gives you
have fun replaying bloodborne for the 20th time lmao
*$700~ late 2006 hardware
Dont forget it was sold at a loss unlike the ps4/bone
>what's with this revisionist history
are you braindead or what? it's a 2005 xbox GPU with slightly better CPU that needed ~3 years to developers to fully utilize it
Even so it wasn't enough to run any AAA game in native 720p 30fps.
Uncharted 2 had lots of frame drops because the lack of memory and weak GPU.
>it's a 2005 xbox GPU
Stopped reading there.
The GPUs aren't even manufactured by the same company.
The 360 used an ATI GPU, the PS3 used an Nvidia RSX "Reality Synthesizer" GPU.
>Single player linear game
It's just barely above a DVD QTE at this point.
The power of remastered Naughty Dog.
Now in 4k* (*3200x1800) at 60 FPS on the PS4 Pro.
wow that looks like a pc game from 2004
>Dishonored 2 looks worse than TLOU
Prey looks shit though, seriously looks like an early 360 game
>The GPUs aren't even manufactured by the same company.
so what? you are an edgy 16 year old american that knows nothing about last gen technical aspects
Some 2006-2007 articles even claimed the Xbox 360 GPU was better in some aspects (360 had 4 multisamples per pixel per cycle while PS3 had 2) but in the end they were very similar
Nigger, the fact remains that the PS3 was 2006 hardware while the 360 was 2005 hardware, get the fuck out of here.
>2005 xbox GPU
>games like Dishonored 2 and Prey aren't much better than that
>in some regards it looks on par
>Dishonored 2 looks worse than TLOU
>dude! let's change the subject because you told me that a 2005 hardware is not a 2005 hardware
16 year old american
>cuck simulator
>fun open world game with destructible environment
Gee, I wonder
>change the subject
>outright state that the PS3 uses 2006 hardware
Also, figures a Euro is a sonybro.
Dude you are a revisionist!
>proof the hardware was based on 2005 tech
I hope it's like BioShock infinite, I wouldn't want to walk off the side of a cliff. Man I love videogaming
Because that's the art style of Crackdown 3. Anthem looked way better.
TLOU in general looks pretty ugly.
It was impressive on PS3, but on PS4 or even XB1, it's fucking ugly.
Do people forget that Crackdown has always been cell shaded?
Anthem is gonna get downgraded so hard
Or i wonder if it's gonna be Pro/X/PC only, cutting out Xbone & PS4
>at least we have genres and options outside of that
Nice joke LOL
Nice strategy games on your consoles senpai.
Nice limited selection of games, meanwhile I can play shit from 15 years ago in minutes or last gen games in 4k 60fps on a toaster.
Xbox One X is a PS4 Pro version of Xbox One S.
Same game with a patch (either 4K or performance or both with dynamic resolution)
For perspective, this was the 'top pc game of 2007'. TLOU doesn't look great still but in motion it doesn't look hideous-- certainly not 2004-pc level.
Crysis looks much better than TLOU though.
It also has much more impressive technology behind it (in addition to being the game to pioneer ambient occlusion).
Crysis is the eternal tech demo that was used to sell Nvidia cards
>invisible walls everywhere if you press anything but up
>forced walking so the game can load each area
>go fast
>zip zap bippity bap in any direction flying over towns in seconds while shooting targets from a distance
Now post some of that ugly outdoors shit.
Man, even the borders of the map are horribly ugly.
Kek, even this is ugly.
>That insane overuse of AO
I'm guessing you never played crysis
It has great game play for a single player fps and fantastic physics
Shame the series went to shit after they changed the game play for controllers
>prebaked lighting
>bad textures
>can't even render the outside of the windows