Hey, Dad's of Sup Forums.
Father's day is coming up soon. What Vidya related items are you hoping to get from your kids/wives/wives son's?
Any virgin losers can chip in with what they're planning on getting their Padres.
Hey, Dad's of Sup Forums.
Father's day is coming up soon. What Vidya related items are you hoping to get from your kids/wives/wives son's?
Any virgin losers can chip in with what they're planning on getting their Padres.
my dick
You want to get your own dick as a present?
Son, I am dissapoint.
Go back to school and actually graduate this time.
Hey grammar Nazi. Lazy phone poster with autocorrect here. Suck it like your Mama's cunt stew.
I actually really have to think about this
My dad was outside of my life for 22 years and I have only recently been able to make contact with him and meet up with him.
I think a letter and card would be the most appropriate but I wonder if I should simply mail it to him or if I should deliver it to him myself.
To hose of you you have been fortunate enough to have grown up with both a mom and a dad, be thankful for your parents and appreciate them. Trust me it kind of sucks to go through your whole life without a father.
Is it wrong that I don't want to give my dad anything for Father's day? I mean where's is son's or daughters day.
When did your dad leave, did you live with him before he left?
Everytime he buys you food, clothes, entertainment or spends money on you, you piece of shit.
I never got this. I grew up with just my mom and I really don't get what all the dad hype is. Longingly looking outside the window at a kid and his dad playing catch only happens in movies. How does it really impact anyone to not have a dad. Yeah sure I had to figure out for myself how to shave and search online for how to tie a tie but I cannot think of a single other time I was inconvenienced by the lack of a father. Same thing with these stories of kids being really affected by their parents divorce like who the fuck cares? Sure I was only two when it happened but I cannot think of a single time that ever bothered me growing up. just REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the whole 'wa wa no dad/my parents divorced I missed out so much' shit is so overplayed I just don't understand
t. juan
i may give my dad a phone call, and nothing more
fuck your stupid made up holidays
>Mail it or hand deliver
Either would work, it atleast shows him you're glad to have him
You should be glad too, to have him back. Mine disowned me in a fit of rage when i was 12 and has never come back to me. He believes i'm the offspring of my mothers fling even though im 100% his
He abused her physically and mentally,
don't pretend you wouldn't try and find someone else if that shit happened. So while i dont have a dad, i guess its better than being harmed by someone so unloving
If your dad stuck around your mother could have raised you properly and not in a shithole.
I like how Nintendo went about showing Bowser as a dad: flawed but loving, stern yet lax.
I think it only really affects kids who grew up or have memories of living with their dad.
>You'll never have a dad who loved you enough to playfully call you a pipsqueak and who always believes in you.
I thought I was above envying video game characters. Apparently I'm not...
Why the hostility?
Not the same guy, but what you said is a pretty shitty and selfish thing to say.
unless your dad is shitty then it is kinda understandable why you would say that.
My dad is dead.
yeah sure sucks living in this shithole they call Massachusetts :^)
nah you could be right though but my mom has a pretty nice 6 figure job as an auditor/accountant/CPA or some such so we were well off growing up. my first car actually cost 16k and she paid for it out of pocket which is absurd. my dad doesn't even make 40k a year I don't think but w/e
yeah I guess when you put it that way it would certainly suck more to lose your dad at like 7 or 8 or something. I only saw him 2-3 times a year growing up and probably less some years idk
Yeah I only saw my dad if I coincidentally bumped into him if I was outside.
He recently tried calling me, but it was really awkward to talk since we are pretty much strangers.
It'll be interesting to see what BJ will be like as a father.
My mom and dad Split up before I was even one year old.
My mom and dad were never actually married and my dad didn't want to put too much off a divide on things so he didn't take things to court. as such my mom was simply able to take me and leave.
My mom didn't want anything to do with him so she never asked for child support and she would rarely ever talk about him and his side of the family unless I brought it up.
My mom always told me that despite everything she always maintained he knowledge of were he lived so that If I ever wanted to I could contact him.
I never took her up on that until I was an adult.
I never hated my father because I had never met him to form an actually opinion of him but at the same time I guess I never tried to contact him because when I was little I just thought that if my mom left him it must have been because he was really bad or something, so I never bothered to see.
I was always told that my dad was really smart good in school and great with computers. during the 90's when computers were just starting to become a thing he ran a computer maintenance company, Me I was always kind of dumb and struggled my way through school and I would have never thought of running my own business.
one day when I was 22 years old I just up and decided that life is short and I din't want to go though all of it never seeing him, so I just drove off to see if he was home.
he was he let me inside and we just sort of talked for 5 hours.
It felt good is really all i can say.
is this a prelude to some steamy scaly sex
I'm a dad, with two grown sons (and two young daughters, but they don't have a clue about games).
Maybe the boys'll gift me Civ 6? Honestly, I'd be happy if they just came over and we had a BBQ.
BTW, sorry about those of you whose dad's sucked. Mine kind of did too. Be better to your kids, they'll make you happy.
>tfw have a pretty decent father who tries his best but I haven't lived with him in years so I'm completely awkward any time he visits me and I can feel that he is sad around me
It might be very guilty steamy scaly sex on his son's part.
Ah I guess if you never met your dad it can feel like your missing out on something, I hope things will work out.
It's idiotic to speak for anyone but yourself in that matter. No one else should be bothered by not haveing a father just because you didn't want one? Seriously? I still wish I had one and I'm well out of my teen years.
>Three upcoming Mario Games
>Only one has even a hint of Junior being in it.
It's not fair. I want more scenes like this... How can Bowser get married without having Junior around?
My dad's not super into vidya much as he used to be. He's primarily into watching TV nowadays. So I got him one of those Fire sticks. He's gotten plenty of use from it already.
We all thought last weekend was Father's Day, so we ended up celebrating it then. No idea what the fuck is gonna happen this weekend.
I'm happy for you man
Ah I guess if you never met your dad it can feel like your missing out on something, I hope things will work out for you and your dad.
I seriously doubt he wouldn't be present at the zero-hour wedding at the very least, he's Bowser's only son-- Nintendo wouldn't cock that up.
>I don't feel this way so logically no one else should
eat shit
>only son
He has seven sons and a daughter, genius.
Bitch, does this look fatherly love to you?