State one (1) thing wrong with it without mentioning the graphics
State one (1) thing wrong with it without mentioning the graphics
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Roster is really boring.
There are few new characters and literally all of the Marvel guys are incredibly safe picks
Art style. It's horrendous especially the character models
Small roster full of MCU garbage. Fuckloads of DLC already.
Casualized as fuck.
Gem system is retarded and unnecessary.
DLC, 1 button to super and 99% chance of high input lag
-extremely shitty roster
-horrrible art style
-re-used assets
-casualized fighting mechanics
-broken gem system
-not DBFZ
I guess I got them all
Dumbed down to hell and back
>press square to combo
Boring roster that was gutted for the sake of season passes
Plot is pretty much a MCU movie
Gameplay-wise, it looks worse than a fucking licensed Dragon Ball game
All-in-all, it shows that Capcom's learned literally nothing from SFV
Just don't give a shit about it at all. Make DD2 or DMC5, Capcom.
Beside the obvious, I miss 3v3. I enjoyed building new teams, thinking up compositions, choosing assists etc. It just won't be the same
It's offering less to me than UMVC3
going back to 2 vs 2. Thank you dragon ball fighters z.
Good. X-Men were so broken that they practically made the other MvC games unplayable.
Same god awful camera work that was in SFV's story mode.
It actually looks fun, teleporting arthur looked really cheap. But it's capcom so they're probably botch it somehow.
The roster is trash from both a gameplay and fanboy perspective and Capcom is trying too hard to chase the NRS normie audience with its story mode. Plus X's new voice actor is fucking garbage.
Little to no depth, from the looks of what has been shown and talked about so far.
Making a competitive fighting game accessible to all may draw in some new fans, but ultimately drives away core fans, and doesn't reach it's goal of appealing to everyone.
It's the next installment of a long running series that has less content. How do you do that with a straight face.
I actually sort of liked SFV's story mode because it at least had some good cheese going for it. MvCI's just plain boring though, probably thanks to Marvel.
dlc reveal before full roster.
Defend this.
>broken gem system
The graphics are shithouse
The Dragonball Z game looks superior in every single aspect.
>I like mechanics that not only completely unbalance the combat, but also give me less options at the same time.
Dude, why?
>Has less than 20 characters
The Roster, 2V2, tacked on gimmick (gems)
>Marvel's Lightning
There you go.
Infinite is the amount of money that Marvelbros and FGCucks will sink into this abomination for a handful of new characters every 8 months.
How the fuck do they give you less options and how are the unbalanced?
Like why the fuck do retards keep choosing the only good aspect of this game to shit post about?, literally everything aside from the gameplay is an absolute train wreck.
Tiny character roster
>Disappointing roster, consisting mostly of MCU characters and re-used assets from MvC3
>Capcom once again going with the "we're trying to appeal to a larger audience" route, while simultaneously acting like this isn't a euphemism for dumbing down the game for casuals
>Emphasis on story mode (Who cares?)
>It now has the misfortune of being compared to and having to compete with Dragonball Fighterz, which looks like more of a "Marvel" fighter than the actual "Marvel"
And fuck you, I'm going to talk about the graphics as well
>Shitty art-style
>Embarrassing graphics - Once again, Dragonball puts this game to shame
I could live with the graphics being kind of crap if they didn't both cut the roster down and straight up reuse characters from Marvel 3. Pretty much everything about the game says rush job.
>Who cares?
Suits who want a piece of the Injustice pie
>Reboot Spencer coming back
>Reboot Spencer being made shit
>Free Level 3 when you're in Infinity Surge, say hello to the new X-Factor
>A Season Pass
>low effort copy/paste veterans from the Capcom side
>No Wright
There you go.
>Marvel is still trying to push Carol
fuckin lmao
Arstyle is shit
Roster is boring
Combo button
Story and interactions are pretty shit
2 characters is less than 3, hence less options for characters to use in battle. And the gems are unbalanced because they give one side a distinct advantage over the other. Watch some gameplay footage, it completely destroys the back-and-forth that makes a good fighting game.
>Wright with the garbage artstyle
Dodged a bullet there desu
Yeah I'm starting to lean over to this honestly, still upset about shit Spencer making a comeback out of literally anyone else.
Is DBFZ the most hyped game that will actually deliver in this decade?
Spencer (with the alt costume) was one of my favorite characters in MvC3, I'm more upset that he's completely trash now.
>getting hyped for MvC:I after this reveal.
Which would honestly be fine if Capcom weren't filled with talent-less hacks.
SFV shows that Capcom has no idea how to do a decent story mode for a fighting game that isn't completely cringe-worthy. I'm also about 99% sure that part of the reason SFV was so un-finished at launch is because they couldn't manage the development time with trying to do a story mode as well.
Also, I want to know how we ended up in the timeline where Capcom is now having to play catch-up to Mortal Kombat/Netherrealm. When did we cross timelines? How did this happen?
>DLC announced before even knowing the roster
>Shit roster (who asked for Arthur?)
>More casual shit. No DP motion
>JUST dante
>speaking of casual shit and dante, apparently stinger bold cancel was too hard for everyone to do.
I want Marvel vs Capcom to die
I don't want it to continue like this, it's too painful to see this shit and know it will continue in the same way, there's no going back, just let it rest in piece. Be happy Capcom has some many dead IPs, you wouldn't want to see them turn out like this.
Capcom isn't right anymore, and they will never change back to what they used to be.
Please reconsider giving any money to Capcom, really think about what your doing, what your investing into.
>And the gems are unbalanced because they give one side a distinct advantage over the other.
So does choosing top tier characters, fuck we don't even have all the Stone revealed, trying to figure a meta for them at this point is retarded.
Are there assists in this game?
>who asked for Arthur?
I did, eat shit my man.
FOX owns the rights for the X-Men so you cant blame Capcom/Marvel for this
>shoryu inputs (Aside from Ryu's) are down > down now.
>that voice acting
>story mode is cringe as fuck
>being casual as fuck
>stones mechanic
>not being DBFZ
Doesn't FOX own just the movie rights? Because there are mutants in MvC3, released like 6 years ago.
Arc-Sys is too niche and Eastern for Capcom to truly have had to contend with (until black people get their hands on DBZ) so when Neatherealm was able to put that MK9 money to good work and actually create good games, Capcom was doomed.
I think the timeline went array went SFxT came out. That's when I noticed something was off.
I liked RE7 desu
>story mode is cringe as fuck
I give you everything else but what did you expect? It being campy as fuck is fine in my opinion. And it seemed like the interactions between characters was fine.
It's funny how they're always taking advantage of "Lol do you want new game sequel? Buy this new collection pack and we will think about"
Fucking assholes.
>BT games had a better roster
>BT games had the best gameplay
Will we ever get a great DB game again?
Only the movie rights, which they have had since the 90s.
This is just Disney being Jews and only wanting to promote characters they can use in their movies.
Chun Li's face
This whole thread is just OP getting BTFO
Justin Wong is that you? I'd rather listen to this bearded fuck
Game isn't even out and there's already dlc planned for it.
>BT games had the best gameplay
>UMVC3 rerelease is gamestop only
Fox only owns the movie rights. Marvel is purposefully torpedoing Fantastic Four and X-men. Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter is pissed they had to sell the rights back in the 90s to avoid bankruptcy so he cancelled the Fantastic Four comics and pushed the Inhumans as Diet X-men while reducing the X-men role in the universe.
this is basically Marvel Cinematic Universe vs Capcom
>casual autocombo bullshit
>DBFZ looks infinitely better
Marvel was literally killed when their movies and IP became loved by hordes of normies who think "geek culcha" is fucking rad and cool.
Shitty story mode with badly voiced characters and boring, sloppy direction.
X didn't even have voice acting when DLC was announced
That should be completely unacceptable from any fucking dev
>people can't stop mentioning auto combo
People, please, you can turn it off, like every other fucking fighting game, even the shit demo lets you turn it off. I hate this game too, but fuck, stop the ignorance.
Marvel 3 had that tho
You actually can't turn them off tho, stop spreading lies mahvel shill
>It being campy as fuck is fine in my opinion. And it seemed like the interactions between characters was fine.
Campy is one thing. This is just boring as fuck.
Here you go, man, just take it
The Marvel roster looks like a bunch of literal whos to me.
It's doubly embarrassing when he's been put so far in the forefront that he's the first fucking character you see in the first trailer.
What is this? Why even X? I loved seeing him, but not like this. Not now.
>no Dormammu
>no She-Hulk
>no Taskmaster
>no Venom
It's Capcom, so odds are a good chunk of that DLC will already be on the disc.
They're pulling the same shit that they did with SFV too. Start with a ridiculously small roster, shove in a forced story mode that introduces more characters that aren't playable, and then give them out as DLC later.
Sigma, one of the 2 main antagonists of the story, is DLC, even though we saw a full model of him walking and talking to Ultron in the first trailer of the game.
They also tried the same thing with MvC3. Since SFIV was selling like hot cakes, they decided to make expansion pack after expansion packs. Since those were also selling, they said "Hey lets do the same thing with MvC3 and make an Ultimate, we'll make loads of cash!"
Capcom just needs to go bankrupt already
>dumbed down fighting
>shit roster
>no wolverine
It is mostly guys that where in movies/MVC3. How the hell did that happen?
Itas data mine
THey awill all b ein their
Dormammu and Venom are planned for DLC.
Removal of classic series-defining characters in favor of promoting the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Reminder that nothing is legally stopping Marvel from including X-Men, Deadpool, or Fantastic 4 characters in video games. They purposely chose to not include them out of spite.
Considering how blatant they are with recycling their Ultimate MvC 3 roster, I'd say give it about six months or so. Especially with that "I'VE COME TO BARGAIN" meme from the Dr. Strange movie being a thing.
>dumbed down fighting
>shit roster
>no wolverine
they intentionally made chun and morrigan ugly to make captain marvel look better
Where the hell is spiderman?
>reused assets
>took the time to make fucking disgusting new models for characters instead of just porting the 3 models over
What the fuck is wrong with them?
in the game, just not the E3 demo
no Squirrel Girl
It's like when they were porting over the assets from UMvC3, something went wrong and they got converted all fucked up, but they just shrugged it off and didn't bother fixing it up. No fucks given, no effort at all.
It's a disc-locked-content era Capcom fighting game.
>mfw haven't seen a single Marvel Studios movie, but watched Wonder Woman last week