How can we stop micropenis shills from tricking innocent human beings into buying a memebox with zero vidiya?

How can we stop micropenis shills from tricking innocent human beings into buying a memebox with zero vidiya?

Show them the importance of exclusives.
For the industry of course.

why are some gamers so obsessed with exclusives?

>console war participant over 12 years old
>calls someone else a shill
fucking kek

>why do gamers care if they get to play their favorite games

Gee idk user

yea bud your bloodbourne box sure was worth $480

That is just an argument against exclusives, for consumers anyways.

Why do sonycĂșcks pretend they have PCs capable of playing Win10 exclusive games at anywhere near the settings Xbox One X?

The Win10/XboxX strategy isn't a bad thing really.

It's basically just them acknowledging that modern consoles are pre-built PC's with a locked OS.
No matter how much better a PC may be over a console, there is always going to be loads of people in the world that are too stupid to build and maintain a PC.

>How do we insure people play our games on xbox and not pc
>Make them windows 10 exclusive of course


I agree partially second user it sucks that I have to check to see if my favorite franchise will be on this console or another. e.g which console will kingdom hearts be on theis gen. At the same time though it forces companies to come out with new good games to sell tgeir console

>the only exclusive ever was bloodbourne and on PS4
Kys you idiot it's the same reason why Nintendo fan boys are Nintendo fanboys cause they have all Mario and Zelda games

>insecure people
yea bc they're the ones making console war threads like fucking man children

________blow me_______

Cause people keep Mistaking Nintendo business model with Sony/ Microsoft

Also is in Sony best interest that Microsoft stills as a 3rd leg in the market

oh no someone who makes console wars threads told me to kill myself however will i recover

But I didn't make the thread user you cocking sucking idiotic faggot. Only mistake I made was replying to your stupid comment.

exclusives kills the industry

>being this triggered

>muh exclusives
Microsoft owns Windows 10 too, retard.

Not true. From a pure technical perspective multiplats are watering down what developers can do with games because they can't take advantage of anything proprietary

Can sonybros hold game industry back more plz

>p-please don't buy the shitty console
Why are you so scared?

It's more to do with Microsoft countering the lost momentum of this generation (Xbox one x won't fix shit) and finally trying to penetrate the pc market without fucking people over like last time.

As a pc gamer I'm all for it.

You can place bricks in 4k.

how? They literally incentivize manufacturers and platform owners to actually compete for attention from popular publishers. It benefits developers because they get to work on singular platforms without having to comrpomise in any way (leading to better performing games) and fiercer competition for third party support.

the real cancer is exclusive content. That just ruins games.