What are your thoughts on the new xbox avatars?

what are your thoughts on the new xbox avatars?
no bully please


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They're cuter than the ones the 360 had but I'm not retarded enough to buy an Xbox so I don't care.


I _____ ____ ____ ______

haha what the fuck is this

Definitely looks better, but mine is wearing a full furfag costume so I doubt it'll look any different

Did they get Shadshit as the lead designer?

The average human being according to SJW-types

Are the old outfits and props compatible?

If not I don't fucking care.



will this meme die

an avatar in a wheelchair

hopefully they include something that comforts you and includes your disability, like an autism awareness shirt or something

Wew lads this sure is the demographic that plays video games

This is most likely a prop you have to pay for.

People where asking for a wheelchair for their avatar because it didn't properly reflect them, Ms said they were working on it
this was the previous model for the new avatars, and thank fucking God they remade them.
now it looks Pixar-ish unlike this previous creepy shit.
it's a very odd request but I'm glad ms gave it to them to those few that wanted it.

she's got big titties, so I doubt it.

Its fine because this is supposed to be a custom avatar, more options is better.

>no asians
its not fair

This is what the top of the progressive stack looks like you shitlord. Know your place scum.

What do the bottom of their shoes look like?

Okay, Okay I'll give you the wheelchair bit, even though most of this is diversity for the sake of it.

where are you reading this exactly?


>implying you wouldn't use the mech arm for costumes

They look fine to me

As long as there's titty sliders, I'll be happy

And I'd use the wheelchair to cosplay Professor X.

Sheeit, looks cute. Totally getting a XBOX now.

According to SJW's a person like this would be the most important in society and their voice would be heard first. "More priveleged" = less important and vice versa. It's called the Progressive Stack, look it up.

they want the young deus ex audience



Burger King Kids Club was way ahead of its time

Nice tits

most likely a body fat slider like the previous one, boob slider would probably trigger sjws

I bet she'll give one hell of a handjob when she gets older.

the wheelchairs is pretty cute imo

>COOL KICKASS MECHA ARM is "muh sjw diversity boogeyman" now

AAAHAHAHAAH kill yourself

Old gamerpics aren't fully supported and it's unlikely these new models are being designed with backwards compatibility in mind.


You'd be surprised.
Transhumanism is an agenda that's been pushed really hard these past few years.

it's supposed to be everyone, why are you so uppity about it? that's the whole point of an avatar.

Just needs a dermatological autoimmune disease and we good.

>when she gets older

Just about everything had a token cripple in the late 80s and early 90s. Burger King was just doing what everyone else did by creating their own hip and cool diverse band of heroes.

lel im just postin pics of these things, mech arm is cool, black disabled woman is a meme,

It looks like a regular black woman in a wheelchair, what's wrong with this?


>ywn be a token cripple

It's like that hand was designed to hold a cigarette.

That avatar reminds me of some shadman shit


This is not that meta but nonetheless too meta.

So why are so many companies going for shitty low effort pixar graphics?
It's so forgettable and such a shitty artstyle.
I suppose the genericness appeals to normalfags, but still.

>because it's an agenda it's bad
Transhumanism is rad and you should neck yourself

>new xbox avatars r34 sfm

The only thing holding you back is yourself, user. It's as easy as breaking both your legs.

I love avatars, been waiting for official news since it was leaked


>millions of people own an xbox one
>want avatars that reflect how they look
>"HAHAHA it looks different than me SJWs panderingn again libtards btfo the day of the rope is nigh you have to go back"

Can I be a token autismo instead?

Now that it was mentioned maybe there is a tit slider, some of these chicks are flat or have thickness to them.

Watch the attitude, user.

>"things I don't like is a meme"

Do you genuinely not think that people who look differently than you exist?

I'm more interested in what's under her dress

I'm okay with it, the more options the better, maybe I can make a Rufus character, that is implying I even get an Xbone X, which is most probably not

Be sure to save a shot of you current avatar and then compare it to whatever it changes into once these avatars go live.

Is this the new Overwatch character?

>average stancefag

Come to my yard and catch these hands Kojima

Reeeeeeee but pol said


Xbox VR headset confirmed?

>thick thighs
>wheel chair

This is not how this works

>the majority of people don't look like x so those people should never be included in anything ever

> in a wheelchair
>still has those thighs

Meet Nick Bostrom co-founder of World Transhumanist Association and all around really rad guy.

He definitely doesn't look indistinguishable from an SJW that's for sure.

white sombra

This is the most retarded way to ruin a nice car

I don't think the idea is that they don't exist, but that they're uncommon enough to be worth considering.

name of show?

Stupid hair aside, she's cute as fuck and that sundress makes my dick diamonds.

>wasting money to appeal to a demographic that makes up less than 1% of video game sales
I'm thinking from a business perspective user. There is a reason action movies are marketed towards men and romance movies are marketed towards women. It's about the money.

>>COOL KICKASS MECHA ARM is "muh sjw diversity boogeyman" now
No, but this is:
>Part of this effort for greater diversity is that the new system won't restrict players to wearing a particular gender's clothing. Anything available can be worn by any Avatar, regardless of gender or appearance.

>we want the overwatch audience

>anything that is cool and co-opted by SJW must be shunned by Us Gamers
Fuck off, fags like you will chimp out at anything

how do you strawman so hard? he never said that

Are Miis still a thing?

Wheelchairs aren't uncommon at all, especially not in the US where people are retarded enough to drive drunk all the time.
They let you get a wheelchair, they let you make a black woman. So what is the issue with letting you combine the two?

Fukken kek

Wash day tomorrow

What about the titcow demographic?

What happens when she grows up? Does she have to keep paying $9000 for a new arm size every two years?

Thats not Nick Bostrom.

Shit avatar. Get on my level mate.

>wasting literally 5 minutes in creating a wheelchair asset and a simple sitting animation
So much hard work

The whole wheelchair thing was literally added because people asked for it.

They're on Switch but I don't think you even have to make one

There's nothing cool about it fag. Maybe in the future sure, but right now implanting useless microchips in your body that do nothing is not cool it's fucking stupid and so are you.

Literally just a flag that simply doesn't exist.
It's more work to segregate them.

Sold just on that idea alone

>It took 5 minutes to make that
Wow, do you work for them? Thats really cool user! Got any stories to tell?