Shit sounds fucking fun as fuck, live demo impressions coming out now
Started demo off with just one hunter, he tracked the new monster with "scout flies" ...
when the battle got rough, he led the new monster to Rathalos Nest very high up in the environment.
Rathalos was pissed to see the hunter and the monster creeping into his lair and preceded to wreck everything.
Great animations of the monsters fighting each other. The lone hunter sends signal flare and 3 other devs join mid battle.
Lots of vertical combat, more than MH4. Seems all hunters have a grappling hook.
The monsters interactions with each other was very cool, they encountered 3 different large monsters during demo.
One of them ate an herbivore whole lol.
The rapid fire on the heavy bowgun is a special ability.
The combat looks and feels like traditional monster hunter with quality of life improvements.
Day and night cycle is realtime, Rathalos destroyed a dam which cause an area to flood. Sweeping 2 of the hunters out of the area.
I really like that they went back to a more prehistoric feeling and mood to the game.
The fours hunters fighting together looked awesome, Rathalos has many new attacks, throws and animations.
The bow has a nice new attack which drops small bombs on top of the monsters.
I think they finally updated the Rathalos model haha.
I wish it was a bit more stylized, but the Graphics look great.