No g rank hunts unless you buy a season pass

>no g rank hunts unless you buy a season pass
>grappling is now a free get out of jail free card
>forced stealth segments
>machine gun for the cod kiddies
>gimmick world traps
>firefly handholding
>epic damage numbers pop up for wow kiddies
>no music when cooking meat

I'd rather have the Monster Hunter series die than see her butchered like this. Was it worth it? Was it worth the PC port? Did you guys really want this to happen to Monster Hunter?

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The west ruins video games. This is a known fact.

>no g rank hunts unless you buy a season pass
Is that better or worse than buying the game again

a lot better if the season pass is cheaper than buying the game again.

Worse knowing Capcom's DLC practices and the west's willingness to buy season passes.

>Fuck the userbase that kept the series alive for hte past 10+ years
he is either anti-fanboying hard against Nintendo or Capcom really went full retard

I must be an asshole, because it looks like an improvement to me.

Sourcearino on that grank bit?

We shouldnt buy it. Let this game flop so Capcom will go back to their normal formula. I own both a PS4 and Switch but will only buy Double Cross.

Still mad?

He's a britbong so the former is pretty likely. Though, Capcom being retarded is also pretty likely.

>Instead of appealing to your core western fans and trying to branch off from there, tell them to go fuck themselves and suddenly release something that's trying WAY too hard to "appeal to a wider audience"
>Not only are you already making people concerned, but you're also alienating the people that have supported the series for years in hopes that the west will take the bait (They wont.)
>On top of all of that, they're putting all of their attention onto this new game, with no plans of localizing the version that's coming out soon in Japan, denying and alienating their existing western audience even further

Lol keep shitposting Nintendildo, maybe someday it will come to Switch

>MHW getting on every non-Nintendo platform is basically a reverse Bayonetta 2
>Nintendo drones massively downplaying it trying to hide the salt
This was a pretty terrible E3 but I love everything about this. All you fags trying to hide the tears are just icing

>no g rank hunts unless you buy a season pass
Wait, really?

Is this Capcom's biggest L since Legends 3???





Why are Nintendo babies so mad?

Capcom will can the entire MH series if MHW fails, just like they did with MegaMan and Devil May Cry. Also, MHXX for Switch isn't being localized.

So, that's it, huh? ...We're some kind of Monster Hunters?

Still waiting on a source for the G Rank hunt claim. Or, is this just good old fashioned conjecture and conspiracy theorizing?

you know, I want to be optimistic but that shit shown wasn't MH. It was a generic Ubisoft game.

sure they will bud


Dlc for g-rank is better than having to buy the game a second time for it

you best be believing in troll threads boi, yer in one

>if you get mad, you salty
>if you don't get mad, you hidin' that you salty
What a dumb fucking post.


At this point, with this coming out to PC even if after some time, what is the point of not just bringing Frontier to America?

Also, this looks like a similar "experiment" to Tri.
>Break from last few consoles
>More "realistic" monster design
>Vastly new mechanics
Did people really like Tri that much?

Shit sounds fucking fun as fuck, live demo impressions coming out now

Started demo off with just one hunter, he tracked the new monster with "scout flies" ...

when the battle got rough, he led the new monster to Rathalos Nest very high up in the environment.

Rathalos was pissed to see the hunter and the monster creeping into his lair and preceded to wreck everything.

Great animations of the monsters fighting each other. The lone hunter sends signal flare and 3 other devs join mid battle.

Lots of vertical combat, more than MH4. Seems all hunters have a grappling hook.

The monsters interactions with each other was very cool, they encountered 3 different large monsters during demo.
One of them ate an herbivore whole lol.

The rapid fire on the heavy bowgun is a special ability.

The combat looks and feels like traditional monster hunter with quality of life improvements.

Day and night cycle is realtime, Rathalos destroyed a dam which cause an area to flood. Sweeping 2 of the hunters out of the area.

I really like that they went back to a more prehistoric feeling and mood to the game.

The fours hunters fighting together looked awesome, Rathalos has many new attacks, throws and animations.

The bow has a nice new attack which drops small bombs on top of the monsters.

I think they finally updated the Rathalos model haha.
I wish it was a bit more stylized, but the Graphics look great.


>fast travel
>damage numbers
>guidelights all the time


>Started demo off with just one hunter, he tracked the new monster with "scout flies" ...

>When the battle got rough, he led the new monster to Rathalos Nest very high up in the environment.

>Rathalos was pissed to see the hunter and the monster creeping into his lair and preceded to wreck everything. Great animations of the monsters fighting each other. The lone hunter sends signal flare and 3 other devs join mid battle.

>Lots of vertical combat, more than MH4. Seems all hunters have a grappling hook.

>The monsters interactions with each other was very cool, they encountered 3 different large monsters during demo.

>One of them ate an herbivore whole lol.

>The rapid fire on the heavy bowgun is a special ability.

>The combat looks and feels like traditional monster hunter with quality of life improvements.

>Day and night cycle is realtime, Rathalos destroyed a dam which cause an area to flood. Sweeping 2 of the hunters out of the area.

>I really like that they went back to a more prehistoric feeling and mood to the game.

>The fours hunters fighting together looked awesome, Rathalos has many new attacks, throws and animations.

>The bow has a nice new attack which drops small bombs on top of the monsters.

>I think they finally updated the Rathalos model haha.

>I wish it was a bit more stylized, but the Graphics look great.


Why does this matter to be honest? If you go into a hunt with the wrong equipment at least you won't be a dead weight on your team until the end of the battle.

>A game in a long series of games drastically changes the formula and business model

>can change gear mid hunt

yeah lets take all the thinking out of going on quests

gotta keep the casuals happy~

Monster Hunter already has fast travel, moron.

If you're not prepared to hunt then you shouldn't be allowed to hunt.

>sonnygers get a dumbed down version of an already watered down multiplat
>nintendorks get the real deal
I feel bad for PCbros, though.
Wish they could at least emulate 3U or 4U properly.

I bet it won't even have ranks for quests. Having to restart with the Great Jaggi after fighting a Rajang but the Great Jaggi hits harder will confuse the new players.

So what? If it gets that bad MH will be replaced.

I'm not seeing a source other than some nobody's twitter with an infographic.

>yeah lets take all the thinking out of going on quests

It's literally just loading a wiki page.

Honestly we need a return to a game like Tri. 4 and Generations got bogged down by shitty gen 1 and 2 monsters that don't work well with the post-tri mechanics.

readings gay am i rite xD

press x to awesome xD


You can feel the Switchfag tears

>no g rank hunts unless you buy a season pass
>forced stealth segments
No source on this.
>no music when cooking meat
Confirmed untrue.
Faggots still dropping nuggets of misinformation as always I see. God, you guys are pathetic. This is the power of unchecked Autism.

Okay, since this is clearly garbage now, the question is what happens afterwards?

Like, is there at least a chance it'll get treated like FE was?
Awakening casualized everything stupidly, but ultimately saved the series.
Following it, Fates wound up with the same casual shit, but with options to appeal to the old guard and take things back to classic a bit.

Could the same happen here?

No G rank hunts unless you buy a season pass? Fucking horse shit. Proof now!!!

>dumb anime poster
>hyperbolic greentext

Not an argument

Sonybros are too given up on their console that they can only see happiness in others not getting one game.

No, you still need to read a wiki page even if you can switch equipment. Nothing has changed.

Do you have an actual argument beyond wow I'm so hardcore because I can bookmark kiranico?

He's baiting with that whole post. We can't know for sure if there will be grank from the start, but we have no reason yet to believe there won't be or that, if added later, it will cost money.

The devs stated in the Playstation Livestream earlier tonight that the grappling hook can only grapple onto specific environmental objects, and the stealth is optional.

Community mananger and livestream both confirm meat jingle and SO TASTY are in the game.

LBG has been able to rapid fire for ages now and the only real change is apparently being able to move very slowly while doing it. Slow enough that it won't actually save you from a charging monster, but should let you maintain your position for maximum monster weak spot targeting.

Damage number popups mean nothing when we already always math out motion values for every single move of every single weapon anyway.

Fireflies replace the popup boxes for interacting with the environment because HD game world means shit you can interact with no longer sticks out like a sore fucking thumb.

the only thing you could remotely consider accurate is that trapping monsters with vines or luring them into narrow corridors for an advantage is a gimmick, but by that logic the entire fucking style and art system from X/XX is a gimmick.

>3 minutes of cutscenes

>looks cool
>changes don't bother me at all

Looking forward to picking this shit up

cool source bro

The amount of tears over this is fucking delicious. If it was a mild distaste or people reserved their salt until legitimate gameplay came out, I might feel bad for you guys. But as it is, I couldn't take more pleasure in this entire situation.

I hope it's a huge success and you people never get a "real" MH ever again.

What's the appeal of Monster Hunter? The entire game feels like an MMORPG raid without the social experience.

Why not just play WoW instead? You can hit 110 and get decked out in entry level gear via LFR in like a week.

You do realize there's no proof of what people are saying about the demo, right? There's not even any gameplay of the demo.

>Tedious backtracking is fun
>Restarting the hunt because you had no prior knowledge, or made a whoopsie with your loadout is part of the challenge!

Don't worry, theres a system for you, it's called the Nintendo3DS.
And maybe one day you can play the same game again on the Switch.

I need to read a dozen guides just to start playing the game so it makes me feel smart and skilled.

You only get one (You)

please get off my board. we're talking about actual video games here, not shitty handholding gear escalator MMORPG's where the entire game is tuned to the lowest common denominator

Faggot did you even look at what I replied to?
>Fast travel
>Equipment changing mid hunt
>That whole description of the demo being purely set-pieces

This all sounds like garbage, even compared to the grinding of the regular formula.
At least that shit is comfy.

As a PS4/3DS/Switch/PC idort, I can tell you that I'm worried about MHW. I've been playing MH since FU. If it didn't have the firefly thing I wouldn't be. Everything else seemed okay though. I need to see combat to be 100% sure though.

>>Restarting the hunt because you had no prior knowledge, or made a whoopsie with your loadout is part of the challenge!
This happens a lot in multiple games, and I'm fine with it. Anxious casualfags are the ones that hate it, just like the guys that hate MMORPGs because they only have many menus and buttons to press.

>People that have been playing MH in handhelds for the past 10 years are mad about all the changes and shit MHW pulled to the game
>Sony friends dont care how bastardized the games becomes, all their pleasure goes that Nintendo Switch wont get a port of it

Who is the true cancer of the industry again?

When you correctly time a full charge greatsword pull on a monsters face when he charges at you its a beautiful feeling

>Nintenbro is mad and making up shit about the first game in the series since the original to look like it will be able to be anything but grindy shit for chinks that you can only play on a shit tier handheld with awful controls
I know you're mad that the Switch you bought isn't powerful enough to run it, but that's no reason to insult the game that will make Monster Hunter fun and novel again like it was 13 years ago.

>no g rank hunts u
Gee, where have I seen this before in previous Monster Hunter games?????

Stay buttblasted Nintendo cuck




>being happy that people are upset that a franchise they love might get fucked over
Why? It's clearly not just "WAAHH I CAN'T PLAY ON SWITCH", people are genuinely worried a game they love might get screwed over. Why would people being upset they can't play a game make you happy?

pc fag here who emulates old monster hunter games. i'm pretty stoked too. if it sucks, i'll just go back to emulating. stay mad nintendofag

No (You)s tonight. Try harder next time.

I dont play this grindfest, im just stating facts

I knew this would happen if that leak was real. fuck all you "NINTENDODO WAS GOLDING IT BACK" faggots, at least it kept the series from becoming westernized segmented gameplay dlc season pass trash. thanks for ruining monster hunter like you ruined mvc capcom, thanks a whole fucking lot.




I'm hyped because it's coming back to proper platforms. Don't know what you're on about.

Because buying the same game twice sure is totally different.

That whole OP post is bait and misinformation.

Lol it won't sell casuals don't like mh

Read my post, you fucking idiot, I don't even play MonHun.

Yeah, a farcaster that takes up an item slot. There's a tradeoff.

I hope the french get their own server

The buttblast from these autists is delicious.

they've already released information on this, the french, much like with their homeland and their women, will share a server with the middle east.



HA HA........

>This happens a lot in multiple games
>this is a reason not to change

Look dude I've been to G rank and back, and restarting the mission adds nothing to the experience.
The better question is why keep it that way?

you are an asshole. it looks like fucking shit mate

I do hope XX for Switch sells gangbusters in Japland just to fuck with with Capcom execs.

Whoa such a hardcore mechanic

damn casuals get off my lawn

I NEVER want to see a mainline game of this caliber on a handheld ever again.

If anything the 3DS ruined it and this is the savior.

Okay, you got me. I fucking laughed

> Also, MHXX for Switch isn't being localized.
Switch is region free you dumbass.

MonHun fans, let's be real

A lot of the "features" of the game prior to this have just been hold-ons from the PS2 era that nobody changed because it wasn't that important.

Grappling hook is just an extension of aerial style

Fireflies point out collection points, oh big whoop game ruined. Even if they show you the monster's location, I always bring 3 psychoserums on every hunt in every game so it's just cutting out the middle man.

Damage numbers don't change anything

Stealth seems like a cool addition, like if you want to set up a favorable start to the monster encounter and get the drop on it instead of "enter arena monster instantly spots you" which I'm sure is still an option

To get G rank for E V E R Y Monster Hunter game you had to buy the game twice, so having it as DLC isn't any different

You can move slowly while shooting with the bowgun which sounds as big of a change as letting you shoot while moving in RE6, they've had the ability to rapid fire for a long time

Even if they add a hard lock-on cam, this isn't the first MonHun game to have it

That's just an extension of them putting the item box next to the quest exit gate and adding item loadouts

Like shit niggas, as long as I can lvl 3 charge that chicken rex and break its stupid face then its still monhun to me

>can move while drinking and eating
>no felx animation
>more vertical gameplay than mh4
>changing equipment midhunt.

Man one can only worry about what they will do with the combat, the manchingun was a fucking HBG.
Also knowing capcom and new title it wont have a lot of content.




>implying I'm autistic enough to learn moon runes

Never used a farcaster before?

>Grappling hook is just an extension of aerial style