Not 1 game here deserves it's praise
Overrated trash Sup Forums loves to pretend are good
>demon souls
>not dark souls 1
>no bloodborne
Replace P3 with TWEWY and we're golden.
>All games are incredibly niche and not known by 90% of gamers
All of that is fine except Trails in the Sky. TiTS is objectively one of the greatest JRPGs ever made.
How the fuck are these games overrated OP? Faggot? Do they have 10/10 IGN reviews? Are they praised by the kikes and game journalist rats on the internet?
>200+ empty floor dungeon
>people act like it's 10/10
Nah this game is shit just like P4 but cucks refuse to admit it
I'm well aware of the common complaints about Trails in the Sky, but I can't understand them at all.
>I can't read the OP
These games are not niche on this board, they're overrated as fuck, the only game you may not see discussed a lot is radiants but that shit still trash
No one pretends to enjoy TWEWY anymore.
Add the Devil May Cry series
>can't read the OP
What OP is trying to say is that these games became Bloodbourne tier meme games on Sup Forums, where they were accepted as "great" despite their personal flaws.
Sup Forums is elitist and doesn't like anything that's too popular, but if it gets popular on Sup Forums, then other users start to hate it under the pretense that it's mainstream and casual. Radiant Historia was fun and I'm hyped for the remake.
>mfw I dropped 7 out of 9 of these games
>didn't touch the other 2
I genuinely agree with this except for DeS. DaS is really the overrated one. lol, no
FC isn't very good. SC isn't good at all until 2/3 of the way through. The 3rd is awful. Zero and Ao are pretty great though.
Nah, Des is very overrated, garbage gimmick bosses, 1 good level in the entire game and they're all linear as fuck inside each level and people legit wanna tell me it's even better than das1? Nope
So what the op is trying to say is that Sup Forums shouldn't talk about some game they thought was decent because it will be marked as overrated if some other person on Sup Forums didn't like it?
user, don't you get it? Obviously higher sales numbers = objectively better game. Niche titles don't sell so obviously that means they're bad games, and when bad games are talked about every day on Sup Forums then they're overrated.. Since they're bad, and stuff.
Kay, OP, post games you think are good. I await your nonresponse.
t. Didn't trust his partner
I never got into the resident evil games because I felt the gamplay was crappy with all the camera angles. The newer games are just as crappy.
Yakuza 0 was the only good game on PS4 this year
Can finally play this without bugs and stable framerate
>dragons dogma
the only thing trashy is you op, you waste of human tissue
WOW, you're a miserable sack of shit.
Fuck off cunt!
>tfw 5 of those games are genuine favorites
Your taste is shit OP and I hate you.
I guess you loved that e3 full of movie garbage didnt you?
Which 5?
I actually agree with all these.
Yeah you have SHIT taste in vidya
you have meme taste
I've only played 1/3 of this list. But the 1/3 of the list i have played are amongst my favorite games - RH, Xenoblade, and ToS. Not overrated at all, IMO.
Add SaGa and Growlanser
A true contrarian. A shitposters extraordinaire. I applaud and I weep.
here's your (you) faggot
ITT: Triggered weebs with shit taste
Nier is good, Demons Souls is good, Dragons Dogma is good, and Persona 3 is good. Haven't played the others. Symphonia is alright, but I played it after Tales that came later so I didn't enjoy it as much.
>Persona 3 is good
Nah those games are good to decent.
Favorite games thread?
Favorite games thread!
T. Never played the game before.
>demon souls
>not dark souls
Sleeping Dogs, Xenoblade, Dragons dogma, and demon souls are retarded choices op