Do you play games with your friends?
Do you play games with your friends?
post your dicks
>no gay shit
Sure buddy.
don't worry, that was the plan
hey boys
But that's lewd and gay
post it
post it :3
Its small and ugly, sorry
anyone wanna jack off together with me on skype?
i have trash taste and im waiting for the new dishonored
add me up
come on Sup Forums I don't bite
unless you want me too :3c
I like payday sometimes but mostly play singleplayer games.
bideo games
It's thick and veiny. Sorry, but you wouldn't like it.
Why does it feel like PC gaming threads are slowly getting pushed to the margin on Sup Forums? What happened?
Sorry for what
c-can i post my dick instead?
Yes, but steam games once a week
I don't have many friends, and I'm the equivalent of emotional pillow for those that call me a friend
post your pretty little cack you sexy betch
Play games with what? I've been playing nothing but RPGs for the last month.
It's not that little, pretty average... and veiny, uncut, and unshave
I'll cut down the shit posting quite a bit
>Holy shit those comments
>Holy shit those games
>Holy shit those play times
>Holy shit that profile picture
>Holy shit the friend number
>Oh god Sup Forums groups
>Oh god I know those friends from X...
>Oh god... etc
Gimme an add if you want.
add me im just a normie
>tfw no degenerate furfag friends to play co op video games with
post it faggot