What's with the paranormal shit in this series?

What's with the paranormal shit in this series?

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What d'you mean? It's mostly mutation caused by the chemical weapons dropped on Moscow.

shit exists, nukes just revealed it

Mutation that allowed Artyom and Pavel to see shit in the past like that plane crash?

Play the first game/read the first book and you'll know.

I'm a little mad because they left the Metro and went to trains outside 'n shit.
I think they sold their integrity for more audience and money.
Games in a closed setting like a metro system underground isn't that much of a shower in these trailers and screenshots.(See that mountains? You can go there!)

They cloud do so much more with the Moscow metro and open world. All the remote stations and the cut off station. All the secret military metro and other forgotten old tunnels.
Bring in dynamic trade and faction behavior. Let the player join a faction and help conquer the metro or just be a stalker that works for everybody who is willing to play. There are nearly unlimited opportunities to make a fun and immersive game with that scenario.

Its just sad they kinda left all of this behind for something maybe worst than Moscow metro.

Who knows. They could be on their way to St.Petersburg or something. They have a metro system right?

Yeah i've read the series in the metro universe that takes place there. But they also didn't walked around in the metro that much. The world and the factions where also not that present. All in all the Petersburg Books where very good but the world was not that deep and interesting as the Moscow metro.

It's intended to be up for the viewer's interpretation. In the books, all the paranormal stuff is usually the side effect of mass hysteria from people living for too long in the tunnels, but there's always a twist that there might indeed be something off with Metro. For instance, the voices in the pipes are actually coming from children captured by the Great Worm Cult, which Artyom encounters at some point. The Great Worm itself might even exist, since Pavel noted that there were some weird sounds coming from the other side of the locked doors in D6, or it could just be the automated trains.

This is the shit i'm talking about! Why not make an open world Metro game in Moscow where you encounter stuff as dope as this?

There's actually a lot more places the devs could use like Rome and Saint Petersburg, I heard Roots of Heaven in particular is really good. Right now the game focus seem to be on Artyom, but it would be nice to slowly explore the surface and come across other metros with their own sets of weird shit going on. A game where you try to contact the remnants of the Russian government in Mount Yamantau would be hype as fuck.

The only gripe I have with this game so far is the fact that you don't need a mask above-ground anymore.

Isn't the entire premise of the Metro universe that the surface is a fucking chemical ridden wasteland, and that the Russians were able to survive by going down in the metro which was deep enough to avoid most of the impact?

Take that away and what's Metro about? Where's the stress about being on the surface in the other games? They're just turning this into another ebin Fallout clone.

I haven't read the book, but in the trailer where he brings up the map it says Boлгa (Volga) there, it's a huge river, look it up. I think they're just going south.

paranormal shit. nobody knows. I liked the simple explanation of "heaven and hell were both atomized, so ghosts linger"

It's supposedly takes place nowhere near moscow. Russia is fuckhuge and nuclear strikes on it's cities won't make all the air suddenly unbreathable.

I haven't read the books in a while, so I'm not sure about the other areas in Russia, but nuclear strikes do enough damage to the area to prevent people from safely entering for quite a long time.

Either this game takes place somewhere else like you said or X years in the future.

>never played the game

nukes drop, humans go underground, everything mutates, some humans were on the surface, they mutated to a higher level intelligence with psi powers

basic gist

The Dark ones yes? They were wiped out in 1. So how is there still psychic activity in LL?

As pointed out, this game takes place far away from Moscow, near the Volga River. The woman in the ending looks like Anna too, so maybe this game will be about people leaving Moscow in search of a less shitty place to live.

what i dont get is that in that trailer, he was underground with a gas mask on, and took it off above ground. The exact opposite of the first 2 games.
so dafuq is that.

tbqh senpaitachi, it looks like metro is/has gone open world.
not too bad if it still hardcore and some what survival horror, but I doubt it. Looks more action shooter

>They were wiped out in 1

Not entirely they weren't.

its confirmed not open world, which is great imo

im sick of every game being open world just because

what about anomalies and ghosts? I'm fine with them but are they linked to the bombs they used during the war?

It's confirmed to not be open world, and try reading the fucking books you goddamn babies

I can't remember it's been 4+ years since I played it, desu senpai, but they are still in it.
iirc LL isn't a part of the books, and also wiping the dark ones in 2033 is optional ending so it might have not been canon.
in the end of LL, the good ending, the dark ones freeze time and come save artyom before he is forced to blow the metro because the new nazis are going on one.

great games, might play them this summer

The killing of the Dark Ones is canon, but a group of them still survives to appear in LL. In the bad (Non canon) ending of LL Artyom blows up D6, himself, and the Red Army to keep them from fucking the Metro over.

No one knows why ghosts actually exist. Most believe that heaven and hell got blown to smithereens when the bombs dropped, causing the spirits of the dead to not depart. Anomalies are the same reason but also people believe the metro itself is somewhat alive with a will of its own.

>try reading the fucking books you goddamn babies
>implying reading fiction is some type of patrician act
>implying these games are directly tied to the books plot
grow up you fucking cumwad
we are Sup Forums not /lit/
We play vidya and read shitposting, not shitpost and read shit

Didn't the books mention something about an NBC equipped tank crew that went near the Volga and found only radiation and cannibals/even worse stuff than moscow?

If you're gonna ask questions about the lore of Metro and why things are the way they are, the simple answer is to read the books. Just because the plots deviate doesn't mean all the basic backstory does.

I stopped reading after the third books. Didn't the author do some kind of 'expanded universe' thing where he let other authors basically write books in other parts of the world of metro 2033? Are any of those books worth reading?

Some of them are pretty decent, but as far as I'm aware none of them have been translated to English.

>ask questions about the lore of Metro
why does he have to now wear a gas mask IN the metro, but doesn't have to wear one outside.
you expect me to read 3-5 books of absolute shit just because yopu suck dick for a living and have no answer for this simple question despite trying to "feel" superior because you pretend that you sat there and read 100'2 of pages of drivel wrote by a vodka drinking slav


The books aren't that different in terms if setting user. If you hate the books you might as well not play the metro series

All you're doing is hindering your own enjoyment of the series, and grossly underestimating how good the books actually are. Your loss faggot.

nah the Moscow metro world is not finished yet.
It feels like leaving the table in the middle of the dinner. They should do it properly just for once.

books are a zombified act of following anothers imagination.
games allow one to create their own path.
I don't watch tv, rarely watch movies, and I don't read fiction.
I don't need to read fucking books to understand a plot in a vidya.

let me guess you are the type of fag who is reading and buying overwatch comics and cried when you found out tracer was Bi

>Create your own path
Metro is a linear game so you don't create your own path. Did you even play the games?

Its the souls man.Souls of people that were killed underground, stays underground. They can not get to hell nor heaven. All they can do, is to wander in metro and try to beg other still alive people to help them. But humans see those beggings as hallucinations

I have read them. And 5 Metro Universe books too.
Metro should go open world, but in the Moscow metro.

just because a game is linear, as in, getting from point A to point B, does not mean the road between point A and B is scripted.one has choices, actions and decisions, unlike a novel, movie or television show.
That is what stands vidya apart from other forms of media entertainment, it's interactive.

>books are a zombified act of following anothers imagination
Only if you have no imagination of your own, you really do need to grow up and open your mind a little.

>read LoTR
>try to not get frodo to leave the shire
how did that work out for you

Alright let me rephrase; If you really find it that hard or restricting to read a book because it doesn't cater to your own self importance, you're a bigger faggot than anybody has realised.

user the game is linear. Almost all of the game has only a few dead end branches with boolets on corpses as a reward. The only way to go from point A to point B differently is if the devs deliberately created an alternate path in the game.
>one has choices, actions and decisions
So do choose-your-own-adventure books

There are pockets of radiation in the metro where you need a gas mask, the game itself tells you this when you first get your equipment.
Also, the game is not set in Moscow, that's why the air in the surface is breathable.

>So do choose-your-own-adventure books
i'm not a 9 year old girl.

because you are a massive faggot i suppose I should just youtube 2 different youtube faggots for you doing the same mission in a metro game, who will do completly different things
now the same story in a novel will have the character doing the exact same thing for both readers as it is deemed in the print in the book. The only difference would be the readers interpretation of the writers visual descriptions in ones minds eye.. Where a game, linear or sandbox, will always have infinite possibilities for variables depending on the player and their actions.

Of course you cannot understand this, because you are a fiction reading imbecile

>reading fiction makes you an imbecile
No, mad user, you are the imbecile for not being able to see the validity of both reading and playing.

>citing the first ten minutes of the game
>one of the most on rails linear part of the whole series
They did almost the exact same thing, they even looked at the exact same nosalis shadow. Your not even trying m8
>I'm not a 9 year old girl
Not an argument. They're still examples of books that have you make decision, choices and alternate paths

>reading fiction
decreased stimuli
>playing vidya
increased stimuli

in layman terms
one is a zombifying action
one is an enlightening action

>>one of the most on rails linear part of the whole series
I didn't even watch the faggot shit I know that they would not do the exact same thing as it is mathematically implausible

holy fuck you are a colossal retard

>mathematically impossible
Actually it's mathematically possible because a game has a finite series of states.
>I didn't watch it
And I suspect you didn't even play the game either otherwise you would've used a level that actually gives you more than one way/route to complete the objective