Is it me or does this look incredibly boring?
Is it me or does this look incredibly boring?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's just you
just you
the video where your pic comes from is pretty funny though
you either have objectively bad taste, you hate platformers or your're a paid marketer.
Super Mario Odyssey is the best game shown at this years E3 and it has a power gap, it's probably going to be this years best game, it's probably going to beat Breath of the Wild.
It literally looks like Super Mario 3D World for Switch. Fuck this, I wanted another Sunshine.
>The state of ninten(c)ucks
>asks a question
>gets mad when he doesn't get the answer he wants
No, 3D world was basically 2.5D levels. It sucked. This is once again free roaming levels like SM64
I don't get the cuck part, the only cucking I saw was Nintendo cucking Sony out of it's best year by having an even better one.
Nah, last year I had zero interest in odyssey, but now they got me hooked
>includes the date on-screen when you pick up a moon
what a strange pointless feature
Sony did kinda cuck with MHworld, but who cares? It's coming to PC
Its not just you. These levels look awful. What happened to Super Mario being a platformer?
This is a tech demo.
what did he mean by this?
uh oh
I hope that HUD is a work in progress.
Everyone is going to accuse me of being a fanboy, but I don't think it looks particularly impressive after watching the full gameplay videos.
this looks so boring and slow. all you do is walk.
not suprised you guys like this, switch has zero(0) games after all
>Sup Forums has finally turned against Mario 06 and there's literally nothing Nintenredditors can do about it
The fucking state of Shitendo. Literally one of the worst games this conference.
>dude what if we made Mario but le empty open world with NO PLATFORMING XD
>b-but muh hats
>literally nobody debating us
So we were right? What a fucking blunder. No wonder why dronies are so attached to this on a console with ZERO FUCKING GAMES
shitposting is against the rules
In Sony's attempt to Cuck Nintendo, they ended up cucking themselves since Monster Hunter World is played best on the platforms that aren't Sony.
How is "I hope that HUD is a work in progress" a shitpost?
salty much
This looks like a ton of fun actually
>criticizing nintendo is against the rules
I'd be salty too if I brought a console that had 1 good games for it's first 3 years and 5 after it's 4th year only to get upstaged by another system in it's first year.
The literal apex of the PS4 and it gets upstaged by the start of the Switch.
dead spanish pirate talkign about shit threads.jpg
They only limited MHW to PS in Japan only, the nation that values portability more than anything else. Jesus, Sony is fucking desperate.
what did hse mean by this
Mario still moves like 3D World Mario.
>inb4 no longer restricted to 8 directions
He still does everything else like 3D World Mario.
No its not just him, anybody who isn't a nintenbro realizes that they ate the "open world" pill. Have fun with your 30 hours of walking through emptiness "gameplay".
It's my opinion though.
The reason 3D world sucked so hard was it was basially NSMB corridors with slight 3rd dimension movement added.
This is nothing like 3D world, even if Mario controls the same.
Just looks like a shit level. This seems much mroe fun:
Oh they will, and well just sit back and laugh at them eating up all the shit
>tfw people say Wolfenstein 2/BGE2 was the worst shit to come from this E3 when literal Mario Skyrim with no platforming exists
>more empty nothingness
Kek. Enjoy your shitpile "game" Nintenbro.
It's you, mario is an actual videogame rather than some scripted cinematic experience that plays itself you might be used to
>oh no, people on Sup Forums arent talking about the new NoGaemzbox
>theyre talking about mario? better say it's a reddit game, they'll hate that
please crawl back off to wherever the hell you came from, you are the cancer that kills online discussion by people who actually like video games
They filtered Nintenkuk too.
I admit it does look a bit boring, but I'm hoping that it's the fault of the player that made it look bad. She treated the game like a walking simulator instead of an adventure.
I also hope there are clear mission objectives beyond "explore this world and find moons". Linearity isn't all that bad.
She's literally moving as slowly as possible through the world as to not show off much.
Shitendo whiteknighting censorship knows no bounds it seems.
Seems like they're going for the Banjo-Kazooie style of a fuckaround sandbox where you search for stars instead of mission-based like 64 and Sunshine. I dunno how to feel about it yet.
it's only dr0ne and cvck that are word filtered
>she's making it look bad on purpose when advertising the game
Can't wait to see Sup Forums get blown the fuck out when there's a world dedicated to hardcore 3D platforming like "The Secret of..." levels
if you think mario is boring
I have bad news for you OP
you are not kid anymore!
I know right? It's fucking pathetic now desperate they are now that non-drones have exposed their game for the shit it is.
>j-jjjust wait for the secret super awesome level g-guys
I always wanted Mario to do that. I could never play SM64 for more than an hour or two, because getting a star is so tedious. You grab it, then fly out of the picture, wait for the points (that mean nothing) to update, jump back into the picture, select a star, wait for the loading screen and then you start at the beginning of the level again. I know they couldn't make it any different, because the levels often change when you select a star, but it still takes like a minute of waiting to get to the next star.
The one that's playing's voice is really cute.
Jesus fuck, what causes people to become console warriors? This Sony v Nintendo bullshit these past few days is insufferable and reminds me of why I left this board. It's especially funny when people accuse the board of being Nintendogaf when these Sony obsessed preteens are just as if not more vocal with their vitriolic shitposting all across the board. Why not just like good games because they're good games?
Maybe it's just people who aren't fucking abortions exposing an objectively shitty game for what it is, drone.
what does OP have to do with console wars?
I own a ps4, a switch, and a gay ming pc
Why does this game take so much from Nier Automata? Mario is literally 9S
It looks like they're doing that thing like from Yooka Laylee where it's going to be a collectathon with big patches of bare space in each level. It doesn't seem fun.
I'm talking about the posts in the thread you mong
I was criticising both. This board being called Nintendogaf is common though, don't even attempt to deny it. These threads just prove you're all as bad as each other. Pathetic desu.
Heres what happened.
Everyine loved videogames, then Nintendo started making shit games like the wii, people got upset, and only fanboys are left to defend them because you dont defend a company doing shitty stuff.
Then anytime they get called out its "muh SONY"
>literally THIS DESPERATE to shitpost that he bumps his consolewar thread when everyone rightfully ignores him.
Christ, don't you have any games to - oh, wait. I'm so sorry.
I'd agree with you but the Minecraft cross play threads the other day constantly defended Sony's anti consumer practices while constantly deflecting to Microsoft and Nintendo. This is what I'm trying to say, you all act as bad each other but are too far gone to realise it.
it´s the same moveset since 64, no real innovation outside of the hat gimmick. Nintendofags just ignore the truth.
Enjoying your Rabbids garbage and Mario rehashes toddler?
This. Shitendo does nothing but fucking rehash, now taking the Ubisoft open world pill and killing off their biggest franchises.
I agree. I thought she looked cute and her voice was pleasant and sweet. I'd titty fuck the hell out of mega milk but this is the type of girl that cooks dinner for you and gives you a nice back massage and asks about your day after an afternoon of shitposting.
Why would the moveset change? It's a 3D platformer. It's about level design, not moveset. Do you want Mario to do a Shoryuken?
>It looks like they're doing that thing like from Yooka Laylee where it's going to be a collectathon with big patches of bare space in each level.
I was about to post this as soon as I finished the video. And I had the same fear when I saw all that empty space in the mexico desert level from the earlier trailers.
Another disappointing reveal.
How on earth is this game even remotely open world? It literally has a number of levels in every piece of footage we've seen.
Possessing enemies seems fun though
I agree with you my man but I've never really understood the Mario craze. Galaxy was good, the rest were pretty meh dude.
You and everyone else on this board that isn't a Nintentoddler. Quite possibly the worst game to have been shown off this E3. Way to kill anything resembling hype for your games Nintendo.
No, fanboy sales aren't going to take you far.
Look at the fucking footage again cuck.
I sorry but 64 moveset is different of modern mario games.
Look all those complex moves that Mario dont make in modern releases and in OP video
>He still does everything else like 3D World Mario
like jumping and running?
you know its a plataformer right? thats kinda all you do in those games
I agree to an extent. It didn't "blow me away", but boring is the wrong word. Besides 3D Land, which was a mistake I think we can all admit, I have no doubt this game will end up being amazing. The amount of polish this game already seems to have is comforting. If it's anything close to 64 or Sunshine, I'm all in.
This will honestly make me get a switch. I played botw on my friend's wiiu that he let me borrow but considering how Mario 64 was practically my early childhood after DK Country on the SNES, I feel like I must get this game.
I may sound like a Nintendo drone, but I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the gamecube. This game gives me a reason to finally buy a switch.
So Odyssey has literally LESS FEATURES THAN A GAME FROM THE 90S?
Holy fuck what a blunder.
Except there's no platforming in Odyssey. Just walking around open fields. Enjoy your rehash!
I have seen the footage. We saw the city level in depth during the Treehouse stream; it's a really small contained area like the levels in 64 and Sunshine. Jesus, you're trying way too hard for this. It's getting a bit pathetic.
he actualy did almost all of those - summer sault + some extra ones in the forrest gameplay
>Except there's no platforming in Odyssey.
did you even watched the steam jungle gameplay?
Are you fucking retarded? It obviously has the fluid movement that makes mario 64 and sunshine great. The only thing that this and 3d world have in common is the graphics... Kinda.
>nobody realises that this is a collectathon, not a traditional mario game
It looks average. A big bland open world with a few carved out parts with brain dead level design. I have a feeling its going to really need to ride its atmosphere and creativity hard as the game itself is so far just looking average.
ok looked at the footage again and saw
- New york city
- Egypt
- Mexico
- Polygon land
- Forest
>they realized this isn't a skyrim game anymore but a call of duty type game
How does this exist already?
You could make that argument about most games... what a terrible shitpost.
>you can literally be a tree
if that's boring to you I feel bad for you user.
Everything about the visuals is just so weird. The UI, the character and world designs, they all feel so very not Mario.
I guess that's the point, but I don't know if it works for me.
>You can own ONLY ONE console
Bitch please.
I bet you like Borderlands and tabletop simulatr too
It's you. game looks fantastic
I do not.
it looks a lot more exploration focused, with the platforming sections hidden everywhere like sunshine.
check this out:
I kinda agree with this. I like what they're going for but a lot of it looks like fan-made Unity engine shit you see on YouTube. Though the deep forest level kinda sold me on the idea. Still hyped nonetheless.
You really underestimate people's desire for smut