Was this the greatest upset in E3 history?

Was this the greatest upset in E3 history?

>Implying Nintendo isn't a multi-billion dollar company
>Implying Nintendo's conference wasn't average, and you're not hyping it up because it said Metroid on the screen for 10 seconds
>Implying Nintendo doesn't have E3 and their press coverage planned out highly, like every year for decades


What about Nintendo making it to the highlights with a single game last year.

And an entire system.

>trying this hard

That wasn't on E3 though.

Nintendo just released a new platform and in light of the Wii U bombing were clearly focusing the bulk of their first party on the Switch's first year with a mix of new games and Wii U ports. Meanwhile, the other big pubs are either in the business of same-ey annual/biennial sequels or have already blown their wad with their first big wave of first-party releases this gen.

So yeah, not surprising that Nintendo is killing it and everyone else looks 'meh' right now. I wouldn't be surprised if in 2-3 years Nintendo had the 'meh'-looking upcoming lineup while the other big pubs had a bunch of great shit coming up.

Yes, it was, for sure. Nintenbronies were expecting a massive win and instead got fed a turd of a conference and got BTFO even by Ubisoft and EA for fucks sake. Holy shit, only Devolvers show was worse than Nintendos.

Sony > Microsoft (close second) >>> Ubisoft >>>> Bethesda > EA >>>>>>>>> Nintendo > Devolver.

Didn't watch the PC gaming show.

Microsoft some how actually won this year, but that just really shows how shit this e3 was.

Nintendo clearly knows their audience. While the other developers are trying to pander to SJWs and the multiculturalism crowd, Nintendo is proud of its roots of gorillas chasing white women.

Other developers play it safe. Nintendo steers into the skid with zero fucks.

If anything this shows how much of a waste E3 is right now, they should slap the trailers on Youtube and call it a day.



>Sony is first
>Being this delusional


Bad bait either way, at least you got a (You), and at least it was longer than one sentence.

3/10 Bait. Please kys.

>Sony above anyone this year

Mad Nintenbros detected.

Look I know you are mad about your loss. I mean I'd be mad too if I was beaten by FUCKING EA of all people. But you just have to accept that. Maybe next year you will have more than 1 game.

Also Sony and Microsoft where basically too close to call. If you want to say Microsoft won, I'd be happy with that too. I think both had great conferences.

The Sunk Cost Fallacy is strong in this one...


Dunno what drugs you're on, but I'd like to meet your dealer.

>being this mad

you sure got me there


Okay I don't know if this is bait or not but this is pure fanboyism.

Nintendo showed off many more games, most of which were worthwhile and all looked to be of professional quality. Meanwhile, Sony releases the same "DUDE SO REALISTIC!" shit, with one of its most hyped games being quick time event galore, and From not even showing up.

Meanwhile, Nintendo has so much to look forward to, even with two MAIN LINE metroid games on the way.

Look I know you are mad about losing to Nintendo, but you're just a raging sonyfag. Your entire post was probably bait anyways.



I don't own a single next gen console. There is no sunk cost.

What was bad about their show? I've been on the edge about getting a PS4 since it only had Bloodborne and Nioh before, but they seem to have a fairly good lineup coming out this year. I might finally buy one. Plus they have a really large amount of secondaries (ei games that look interesting but you wouldn't buy a console for, like Yakuza 0, Persona 5, Nu God of War, Shadow of the Colossus Remake, Ratchet and Clank Remake). I think if they get one more must play game along with Bloodborne and Nioh I will get a PS4.

The Boner X having OG Xbox emulator in it though is worth buying. I love the OG Xbox. It's my favorite console. I would actually buy A boner X purely for OG Xbox emulation at this point since it looks like there is no future in PC emulation for it.

did you stop posting the images so you'd stop getting your posts deleted?

please stop. i feel heavily embarrassed for you, defending sony so much. just accept that sony lost

please stop user I can't breathe


And I think in retrospect with how boring and shallow that game was I think we can call it unfounded, just like their 2009 "win"
oh wait I forgot zelda is perfect what I meant to say is FUCK OFF "HATERS" YOU'RE JUST MAD YOU DON'T GET ZELDA MMM PLEASE CUM IN MY MOUTH MORE MIYAMOTO

Well, at least you have something of a brain on you. Not a big one, mind you.


Who peed in your cereal?

Holy shit man. I totally agree. Nintendo is one of us! A small time indie developer with limited funds unlike those corporate scumbags! Upvote my dude!


Nintendo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sony > Microsoft > Bethesda > Ubisoft. Nintendo did the one thing they had to do which was announce Metroid, and then they went even further with surprise announcements for both 3DS and Switch and great new footage of Mario and Xenoblade.
>b-but Microsoft showed 69 games
Not a single exclusive. Not a single reason to purchase an Xbone. The big games were as generic, scripted and cinematic as Sony's while the small games were indie shit and early access garbage. They also dedicated several minutes to fucking Minecraft of all games in 2017. Sony at least had the decency to waste my time and piss me off with their own, exclusive games and didn't announce ports of Black Desert Online and PLAYERUNKNOWN's Battlegrounds as """exclusive"""

>this boy never lied to us
>this boy never downgraded his games
>this boy never fucked us over shitty practices
more like /ourboy/

>but this is pure fanboyism.

Pure fanboyism, from someone who has none of the next gen consoles and only a PC. Okay lad.

I am looking at this from an outsiders perspective, I am looking for a side to join. Not defending my prior purchasing choices. Both the PS4 and Boner X look great (Original Xbone looked like trash though, but the OG Xbox emulation on the Boner X is literally what I've been asking for for fucking years now, I don't care how much it will cost I will buy that, in fact I think you could say Microsoft won E3 just by announcing OG Xbox emulation with the Boner X).

>Nintendo showed off games

Nothing no one didn't expect. Wow, Mario, Yoshi, Zelda, Metroid. Holy shit this stuff is a given. I don't give a shit about these tired played out series. I played and god bored of this shit years ago and all that is new is gimmick artstyles.

To be honest, the Nintendo conference was the only one I didn't even bother to watch live. I already knew what would be there. I watched it later in the day and was not surprised one bit by what I saw. It was just meh. Like every Nintendo conference, yet you fags hype it to death. Wow a new Mario, wow a new Zelda. Wow a new Smash/Mario Kart. Holy fuck how does this regurgitated shit surprise or hype you still?

>pro quality


>hating on realism

KYS. Both realism and fantasty artstyles are good. If you can't like both and pick a side with these. Then kill yourself.

>Muh From

To be honest the Souls series needs a break. They are releasing too many and the fanbase of them is just pure cancer. Let it have a break like Ass Creed did. I didn't even want a new Souls game this year so soon after the last bunch.

>Muh 2 Metroids

Nothing was shown of Prime 4. And the other one is just handheld trash on the 3DS. Shovelwear. I have literally no interest.

I suppose. I liked at least a little from each. Nintendo finally deciding to make games again after a decade isn't really worth applauding though. We should have been demanding this years ago.

It does make me vaguely want a Switch though. Maybe around Christmas I'll pick it up.

>The company that panders to children and teens is creating the most buzz

really fires the ol thinking plugs

This is absolutely bait.

>implying I said Sony was above anything

user I agree with you and every word you just said.


>implying Tajiri does anything important at TPC

Sorry Sobros and Xbros.

>Having more of something that is good is bad!
>Wow you don't like realism after having played five hundred million realistic games?! WTF BRO?!
>Ya dude we TOTALLY expected Metroid after having not heard of a mainline one forever
>Hurr I can just call this game trash cause it's on a handheld.

Just stop man. I wasn't even expecting anything of Nintendo, nor have I owned any of the last two generations of Nintendo consoles. The last console I ever owned was an Xbox 360. You are just embarrasing yourself lad.

Nintendo won, get over it.

It's almost like really good games are praised and loved despite not being a realistic Rated M "Woah zombies press A to kill them!" shooter.

Pretty sure Sony won yet again like they always do.

Remember that you have to be relevant in order to win.

>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>New Kirby
>New Yoshi
>Metroid Prime 4
>Metroid Prime 3DS
>Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga Remake
>"One" game

Poor bait. Have a (You) and begone, beggar.

>a million realistic themed shooters

This is such an over exaggeration. You could just as easily say that Nintendo and Sega shat out over a million cartoony kiddie shit platformers and we've seen them all before.

There is nothing wrong with realism.

Also fuck off with the 3DS handheld trash. Why announce a game for than ancienst system. Why wasn't it a Switch game and you can play it handheld on the Switch? It just looked like garbage on the 3DS.

>Wow a new Smash/Mario kart
Confirmed for never watching it.

No one because it was all shit

>Complains about Nintendo rehashing
>Yet is interested into Bloodborne (Souls reskin), Nioh (Souls copy), Persona 5, God of War 4, Ratchet and Clank Remake, and Shadow of the Colossus Remake.

I am talking about Nintendo conferences in general retard. They are so predictable. They just rotate their big 4 every year and then shove a few of their side series in too as filler.

And the new recent IPs like Splatoon, and ARMs are predictable?

Because I've only played Demon's Souls. Never played a Persona game before but 5 looks interesting. There is only one game in existence like SoTC and it's called SotC so this thing needs more rehashes. But you got me with GoW and R&C I guess, but neither of those series are as rehashed as Nintendo stuff is.

Arms looks like that Wii sports boxing game just revamped. Splatoon looked good, and it was the best announcement I've ever seen Nintendo make. But there was no Splatoon announcement this year.

I admit that when Nintendo announced Splatoon a few years back, they had a good conference there. Because for once they didn't rely on their big 4 of Mario/Zelda/Smash/Kart to get by.

>Arms looks like that Wii sports boxing game just revamped.
And this is a problem because???

Because Wii sports was a bad gimmick game you pulled out once a year for christmas, and it got boring in like 15 mins tops. I wont fall for Nintendo controller gimmicks again.

>Sony that high
Nigga the only good thing that conference had was MH
Microsoft > Ubisoft > Nintendo > Bethesda > Devolver > Sony > EA > PC

>Sony worse than Bethesda
shut up, jesus christ dude

>Sony worse than Devolvers fucking meme conference

Someone here just doesn't like Sony.

Nintendo>Sony>Microsoft>Ubisoft>PC gaming>EA>Bethesda

From Bethesda i got TEW and i kinda liked how it looked so i put it there.
Devolver was a mistake tho, should had put it last place i remember they only showed 1 game.

>Sup Forums being retarded
No shit. The objective ranking is Microsoft > Nintendo > Ubisoft > Devolver > PC > Sony > EA > Bethesda
Personally though Nintendo was the best and actually convinced to get a Switch before the year ends.


Okay Sonypone


>call something subjective objective
every time

You beat me to it, user.

>metroid prime 4 is shovelware
>spells ware wrong

why are sony niggers so fucking retarded?

Tell me why that order isn't an objective reflection of the quality of each presentation.

Jesus Christ, just go out and live your life, why spend so much time on wall after wall of insane drivel?

>tell me why my subjective list isnt objective
oh ok dude let me take the time to do this

>why spend so much time on wall after wall of insane drivel?

Not him, but why not?

This is a video game board. Discussion is the entire point.

Why even come here at all?

>implying the same wouldn't happen had Sony teased Devil may cry 5 in the same way as metroid 4

stop projecting

I DO think Nintendo won, but in a way I guess they sorta "cheated".

1 of their biggest announcements was Metroid Prime which had nothing but a title card, one of their other big announcements was a pokemon game for the switch, which didn't even get a title card.
Also I feel like I've lost interest in xenoblade after that trailer.

Mario looks AMAZINg though and I am looking forward to that pokemon game I'll EVENTUALLY get to play.