Other urls found in this thread:


it is

How does this picture prove otherwise?

>Resident Evil 7
>Fallout 4
>Ace Combat 7
Eh, VR has/will have more games than Switch and XBOne combined.

it is. only children 15 and under care.

"muh tiddies!!" okay.

It's a meme, but it's a fun meme. The problem is the price. Not many people are willing to shell out 800 bucks (for the most ideal VR) and you need like a 1k$ PC to play it smoothly.

Played it at my friend's place and it's honestly amazing, just pricey as fuck

>Too expensive
>All the games are gimmicky shit on par with the worst of Wii shovelware
>Not even the superior XboneX gives a shit about it


>All the games are gimmicky shit on par with the worst of Wii shovelware
The only part of your post I could even read.

There are a few really solid titles.

Cosmic Trip
Rec Room

To name a few

>The only part of your post I could even read.


get out, shill

If VR were a meme then people would be spreading it and bandwagoning on it. Isn't that what a meme does?

In either case, you have not lived until you've spent an E3 conference inside VR.

vr is a meme

>listening to Sup Forums

I'm ready for Fallout 4 VR porn mods.

I own one and I can easily say it's worth buying if you really want to do VR stuff.
But I can't seem to keep my room clean to walk around in it...

It'll be pretty neat. What's your favorite VR porn game right now?

Is there a VR thread anywhere or something, like in /vr/? VR threads never really go well on Sup Forums since the user base is so tiny. I want to discuss VR with fellow VR owning anons, not the uninitiated.

>FO4 VR porn mods

Fuck that. I want Skyrim VR for that sweet sweet SKSE+Sexlab.
...but it's PSVR, not PC. What a blunder

They fall off page 10 that it isn't even funny.

Same here, start up a general on /vg/. I noticed it's very slowly picking up. I'm getting an occulus this Friday. Pretty jealous of the vive getting a wireless headset adapter though. The Chinese already have it available for purchase apparently, lucky gooks.

Of course it's not!
Be sure to pick up Fallout 4 VR, Skyrim VR, and DOOM VFR!

Will fallout vr be moddable? If it's a completely separate game then I'd be a bit weary.
But for real if skyrim vr came to steam with full mod support I would literally upgrade my pc and get a vive just for that

>Will fallout vr be moddable?

Why wouldn't it? it's not like it's a new game from the ground up, can't current FO4 mods just be imported with minor tweaks? well, mods that affect NPCs and shit anyway, player related mods would need to be remade since it's first person now

Unfortunately I don't have the dedication to run a general on /vg/ but maybe I'll start it up and see if some steam can get going and others can come in and help maintain the threads.


The brand is called Oculus, the product is called Rift, by the way. I own one too, as well as a Vive. I wouldn't worry too much about wireless. The current Chinese one isn't out in the US yet as they're awaiting FCC certification, and it has some problems. We're better off waiting for one of the multiple competitors to come out with something, and actually some of them are apparently working on supporting the Rift.

it's still a meme right now no actual games on it other than re7

memes propagate

>No actual games
So your definition of "actual" is what, exactly? How long its custscenes are? How high its poly-count is? Is this how far down we've gone?
Fine, user. You have fun with your "actual games."
Meanwhile, games like this exist that you're missing out on.

Arizona Sunshine is a full game if you're going off just playtime

Phone posting auto corrected that.
The only real concern I have is that I haven't tried Rift or Vive, so I'm worried about the screen door effect and the amount of games.
Also I'm a comp sci major so I want to look into developing for VR one day. It's been used for a lot of stuff besides games.

>he doesn't know about all the downsizing and studios closing related to VR
t. Laid off fag

>phone posting

The screen door effect sucks just expect the worst right now. The lenses are also quite blurry feeling. It sucks. Just set your expectations beyond the limits of how low they can go. The Rift and Vive are mostly the same in this regard. The headsets really aren't that different.

According to this E3, it is. Not one fucking AAA game announced for it. I'm pretty much set to sell my PSVR once the rest of the RE7 dlc has dropped and I've finished it.

there is no reason not to wait for the prices to drop and for good games to come out for them

>Looking into VR development.
I'm a VR dev myself. I just landed a job in VR educational games, but I'm working on game-games in my spare time. I'll tell you right now: VR game developing is fun. REALLY fun. There are tons of free tools out there for VR devs to tinker with so you can get up and running with a basic VR movement and interaction system in an hour, or so.

Seconded. The screen door effect can be rather jarring at first, but if you can look past it (both literally and figuratively), I think you'll find some pretty neat experiences.

I'm sorry, what is this? Genuinely intrigued. I'm just absolutely lost.

Alright here we go. Attempt #1. Get in here VR fags.

>all that


Copy pasted the wrong link.

It is, just like 3d, and those retarded ass curved tvs. It'll be hot for a while, then no one will care anymore

How could it be with fresh new gaming experiences like you've never seen before?