>mfw I just spent the past 3 hours playing a pastry bullying simulator
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>mfw I just spent the past 3 hours playing a pastry bullying simulator
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No one can help you now, user. You're a lost cause.
What is the name of that yukkuri bullying simulator? I've been staying away from yukkuri stuff for about 3 years so I'm out of the loop.
I love bullying things
This fucking game
>*unsheathes katana*
Uneasy abuser go away! Puff!!
What the fuck
Fuck yeah Yukkuri abuse used to be my jam
Does it come with built in English?
There's a translation patch for it, and you need to be in Jap locale but if you're weeb enough to play this in the first place that should be a given
bullying is really mean
You stupid? Wanna die?
Why is the middle one happy?
Holy shit.
>baby maricha updated
>there's a translation too
Christ, I've been missing out after all these years.
can you be nice to them tho?
I want to raise them up proper
so is this pretty much a pasta of the shitty fluffy torture meme?
You sure can
Fluffies aped touhou, actually.
Why though?
Don't forget the trans patch, updated yesterday.
It's fun.
can somebody upload to /f/? game isn't loading for me on chrome.
What in the motherfuck is this
It's an .exe
oh, here's a direct link for everybody
I use locale emulator for vns, but its not working with this game. So I switched to jap locale in windblows 10 and still getting start up failed.
Try running it clean without the translation first
Extracting Jap files without Jap locale activated just fucks everything
You can make them grow up too
Take it easy.
welcome to Sup Forums i shall guide you
People who enjoy this shit are truly fucking psychopaths. What is appealing about this?
MARISAs disturb me so much.
Newfaggots need to fucking lurk or leave
Not an argument
You need to take it easy.
vice versa, newfag.
Where do you think you are