ITT post 10/10 final bosses
ITT post 10/10 final bosses
You first
Implying this wasn't the coolest shit in the entire series.
It's nostalgia fan wank for dumb retards like you. Also more padding before the ending, yay!
Psycho Waluigi. Perfect aesthetics, perfect gameplay, caps the story.
So, have you found a reason to fight...
That final boss fight was shit though. I literally cringed through the whole fucking thing. It was like a bad anime ending holy fuck. How the hell didn't people think this cringy shonen tier anime battle on top of a submarine (so epic) and a fist fight between Le Ocelot and Le Snaek was good. (B-but it's a callback to MGS1's fight between LIQUUUIIIIID and SNAAAAAAAKE).
The entirely of MGS4 was a throwback to something previous. That's why MGS4 was so fucking shit.
I thought it was somewhat dull fanwank in a game filled to the brim with dull fanwank. The fight itself is still pretty decent, but I've never found it amazing.
Is not a final boss sempai
Fucking this
Anime Trump is the best husbando
actually isn't, even though this one isn't half bad, MGS1, 2 and 3 have better final bosses, including PW
>shonen tier anime battle
MGS series in its entirety
>people wanting to fit in so bad they hate on this fight
I mean I'm just trying to think of an explanation for this amazing shit taste but whatever. anyways
you dont get much better than a battle to the death on a space station that's crashing into the earth.
I liked it because it was essentially two old fucks fighting over how much better their genetic pudding was.
I could swoon about this fucking final fight for ages
>is a fair test of every major combat/cutting mechanic in the game
>retarded MGS4 NANOMACHINES make a comeback as his power source
>has his own boss theme complete with vocals
>final stage of the fight has Raiden's theme play instead, vocals start immediately indicating shit is full force
>old school name on his healthbar is just SENATOR
>200% health
>cross counter QTE
Zero series is the best Mega Man series. Unrivaled.
>first turn do all my shit
>her turn
>everyone near dead
I like them all for different reasons. battle network also had some fucking hype moments
I only ever played through 1, NT, and 2, and then I kinda got burnt out on it. I should go back and play, but those dual releases just kinda turned me off to it.
3 is considered by many to be the peak of the series. you only need to play one of the versions as the only differences are some different chips which many people again agree the chipset in blue is better but it's not gamechanging by any stretch of the imagination if you aren't going full hardcore on the game. 4 is definitely skipable as it just makes some major mistakes that make it the shortest entry that drags on the most. either way at least play 3, it's got a good story and some good scenarios. also the battle network wonderswan game isn't honestly that bad.
3 has great music too.
On Dagda's route of course