Last thread died with a mere 100 posts. This one will die with only mine.
Did the live letter finally kill shillblood? Is Sup Forums free from this plague? Can we finally admit that WoW and GW2 is the only playable MMO?
Last thread died with a mere 100 posts. This one will die with only mine.
Did the live letter finally kill shillblood? Is Sup Forums free from this plague? Can we finally admit that WoW and GW2 is the only playable MMO?
Other urls found in this thread:
Lala should be purged
Why am I the only one getting kills in PVP?
ff14 got balance
wow got classes
gw2 got i dont know, never played it
Why is this game's Reddit such an special place?
GW2 leveling is probably the best in the genre.
missed the live letter, anyone got a video link to it
Nooo don't purge us!
>They add in Squall's Gunblade as a DRK arm before the Buster Sword
why are we still unable to get the weapon that all the melee DPS use for limit breaks even though none of them used swords
It's mch though.
>Playing WoW in 2017
MMOs are dead.
Does anyone know if I can download Stormblood before the 16th? I have shit internet. How was it like for Heavensward?
Is there an anatomy diagram for Lalafells?
Something that shows all their internal organs and their reproductive systems?
>doing dumb scat to gear up rdm
>some fagmaster drg lb3s at that point where the balls meteors and hands spawn
>people fuck up and we predictably wipe
>pull out my "don't fucking lb3 ever" macro
>next time get her down to 3%
>this should be easy, we still have lb3, just use that
>that tether add spawns just as I finish lb3 and deal 1%
>nobody else lbs, tanks don't even pick up the add
>she gets too tanky with the tether, and thirty souls everyone to death, other alliances don't lb at all
>I look like that fagmaster now despite the fact we had it if people understood how to fucking adapt
>SB is downloading
That's a MCH gun that's already in the game you dork
who /PLD/ here
me, PLDing through all of SB to help all the poor souls out there
I want a PLD to protect me but I'm a WHM.
>Still haven't got the achievements for mining and stuff a billion times in la noscea/thanalan/the shroud
I want the titles but at the same time I really can't be bothered
Seriously cmon.
Is that meme still going? I got bored after 2 weeks
I hate that I am off Thursday. Fucking day wasted
I played FFXI for a long time, and recently went back and played it again. Have a few questions about getting into XIV potentially.
I quit though, it's just TOO time consuming to do anything in FFXI, playing that game is practically a fucking job in itself, it's ridiculous.
Anyways, my question is how is XIV different? For example it can take months upon months of playing literally every day, farming items / making money, complete dedication to build an ultimate weapon in XI, is XIV more "casual" in that regard? Basically what I'm asking is if XIV is the type of game that I could jump into without having to sell my soul to actually get decent gear and have actual fun instead of a massive grind?
By the way, fuck FFXI. I'm never playing that piece of shit ever again despite all the nostalgia. So much absolute shitty game design, such as needing 1500 of a single fucking item to upgrade a weapon, or needing to kill the same fucking monster 75 times (that requires you farm items that drop from other monsters that are also popped by items you get from other monsters and so on). Fuck that shitty ass game design.
I have played XIV in the past, I think back in 2013 right after ARR came out, I only played for about a month and had 2 jobs (I think MNK) near max level after only playing a short time, but I never got very far as I just decided to stop playing.
>the leak was real
anyone got some sexy lala pics? Thanks, god bless
Not the last part.
Exact same thing here.
I have one day off this week and it's the fucking day before the patch.
Infinitely more casual
There's a bit of autism grinding for customizable weapons, but they're not mandatory or anything.
>if XIV is the type of game that I could jump into without having to sell my soul to actually get decent gear and have actual fun instead of a massive grind?
As long as you enjoy how XIV plays? Definitely.
You'll trip over decent gear, and even the hardest/grindiest of content pales in comparison to what XI demands of you.
>By the way, fuck FFXI.
Careful, you'll trigger the XIfags.
I have very fond memories of XI, and I appreciate that it's more solo/small group friend these days, but I have to agree.
Casual is good for me right now honestly, I welcome it. I played FFXI back from ~2003-2008 and just recently again and XI while having a lot of good adjustments that make it easier to play (trusts being #1), is just still the same game mechanically it was over a decade ago, with the same crappy grind mechanics.
The thing that really threw me off the edge was realizing I was going to have to spend over 6 months grinding coalition assignments in Aldouin to work towards the Geomancer's ultimate weapon. That shit really just threw me off, because the whole design around it is so awful and I won't even go into it.
I have a lot of fond memories of XI too, but fuck the design in that game. I've been playing again for about 2 months now, I literally just uninstalled / cancelled my service account a few minutes ago. That game absolutely sucks the life out of you, when I was younger I could take it because I didn't have other priorities / things to do in life, but today I want something more casual. Thanks for the answers anyways, I'm probably going to give XIV a try again.
Lalas like to _____
Just about to start SMN, I know what the difference is between ifrit garuda and titan but I only ever see people using garuda and never ifrit, is there a reason for this?
Garuda has an ability that extends your DoT timers, so she's naturally better.
Just wait another two hours and 45 minutes :^)
Ah ok, so when should I be using ifrit over garuda? Is the DoT extender so good that ifrit isn't worth using at all?
Please, user.
Forgive my Lalafell kind, for they know not what they do.
I've seen some SMNs claim that there are very specific situations where Ifrit is better, but I don't play SMN myself so I'm not sure. But even without the DoT extender, Garuda can attack from a distance meaning she's not losing out on auto-attacks trying to chase down moving enemies.
>I got bored after 2 weeks
Literally 95% of the people who tried out FFXIV
Alright, thanks my man. A shame garuda is my least favorite egi visually, but I guess thats what carbuncle glamour is for.
poke butts
Any video game period, really. Probably more like 99.9999999999% for GW2
The only difference between FFXIV and XI is that in XIV, you'll grind every day and then have your "ultimate weapon" be shit in one week.
>poetics only
Fucking hell.
If you think that's the only difference between XI and XIV, then you clearly haven't played both.
I want to hug both at once!
HW content will definitely give verities, albeit few and not until 4.1
It won't be relevant after tomorrow so just use whatever.
>weeks for ultimate weapon
Try 6 months to a year
I'm only playing an hour a day at this point. I haven't hit Heavensward content yet
How long do you think it would take to reach Stormblood if I'm level 20 now and only doing story quests?
Enjoy the next three weeks.
2 weeks if you ignore everything else
Just give up now, 5.0 will be here by the time you catch up
I only have cute ones
Why are you even playing
What manner of brain damage does it take to want to play as one of these midget pieces of shit?
Literally every single one I've met has been bumfuck retarded with the social skills of a cockroach.
sad lala
>retarded with the social skills of a cockroach
He says while spouting the most autistic post in the thread.
Damn this triggered me
homeless lala selling flower
I'd protect you.
But I'm probably not on your server.
No patch notes today
t. Lala with a meme name
Touhou name and glamour :^)
post the leaked patch notes
>playing mmorpg
>going on to Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>social skill anything
all is lost.
>that faggot who commissions all the miqo'te bestiality pictures
why can't people have normal fucking fetishes, like lesbian catgirls, or spanking, why does it always have to be bestiality or fucking futa
You're making my point for me.
>not getting off on a girl being degraded by having sex with an animal because she's just such a huge fucking slut
I don't have to defend my choice in race, but to give you some perspective, I chose Lalafell since I usually like to choose races or classes that are overly fantastical yet retain a bit of whimsical to them. Lalafells are like a very weebish Dwarf/Hobbit race with some interesting lore behind them, and they're cute, so that was my choice.
It's a shame footwear doesn't look as cool because you're a walking potato.
If anything, more than one artist should draw bestiality.
I want to _____ alisae!
Greetings from Balmung! What's the status on the bunny outfit for male characters? My partner who's now dead of a blood clot requested it. Keep up the good work and kill all the lalafels!
What I hope the most about SB is that I will not need to up my DoHs to 60 to repair my stuff.
I want to fuck her. Im not ashamed to say it
>people mad at the live letter
dude, what the fuck did you expect? It's information they've shared before because the fucking expansion has early release in like two days now. It's basically just "well, it's live letter time, but we know the expansion is coming out, so here's this."
My fucking man of patrician taste.
To that faggot:
>not realizing it's not about the nasty animal
>it's about the lust and depravity of the whore submitting to that nasty animal of her own free will
Be blindfolded by her and Alphie then they will take turns sucking my dick and riding me but they won't ever mention who's doing what.
Still not happening, thank god.
It's bad enough I have to abandon every duty with a catboy in a coeurl tanga.
The Lalafell shall take back Ala Mhigo
the XIV community in general is hot garbage
the reddit, gamefaqs , official forums and /vg/ threads are all complete utter shit (for different reasons, too)
even the youtube "community" sucks
XIV is pretty special in that way
You got it!
>Even YoshiP dreads questions from Balmung.
Is keeping the degenerates contained really worth the shame and embarrassment for the NA servers at events?
You'll find that most of the non-shitty people will just talk about the game in the game rather than needing another outlet.
Well there ever be a raid tier as diverese as the first binding coil again?
I'm getting real tired of this '4 bosses and literally nothing else' shit they've been doing since. I want 8 man dungeons with multiple boss fights, or interesting gimmicks like T2 again
Something Awful's thread is just reddit: less jokes, look at our femroes in glamour, were totally not dressing up girls and being creepy because they're femroes edition.
Thanks bud