>E3 2018
>Metroid Prime 4 gameplay
>Mainline Pokémon for Switch
>Pikmin that's been in development
>maybe Smash or Animal Crossing
Has Nintendo already won E3 2018?
>E3 2018
>Metroid Prime 4 gameplay
>Mainline Pokémon for Switch
>Pikmin that's been in development
>maybe Smash or Animal Crossing
Has Nintendo already won E3 2018?
Other urls found in this thread:
I still think Animal a Crossing and Pikmin are in development, just weren't ready to show it.
I don't think Nintendo is going to ever lose E3 again as long as they have a Switch line of consoles
Nintendo is literally saving videogames
Miyamoto has definitely confirmed he was working on another Pikmin. It's gotta be almost ready by now.
This, as long as they don't do any retarded shit like announce a 3DS successor and focus on one single console they can literally own every year.
The problem has always been them trying to split up their development teams and major franchises for both handheld and home consoles, and one always ended up getting the short end of the stick and failing horribly.
>maybe AC
>maybe Pikmin
>maybe Smash
Wow, if Sup Forumsintendo says it's in development, it must be!
I think Switch might be their final "line" of consoles until every device gets merged into a single thing (which will probably never happen). They only need to iterate on it through power or additional features, so Switch+, Switch 2, Switch 2+, Switch 3, etc..
e3 2020
>Metroid Prime 4 release October
>Mainline Pokemon for Switch SUPER version
>Pikmin release October
>maybe Pikmin
Definitely Pikmin
>E3 2018
>Last of Us 2
>Death Stranding
>>Metroid Prime 4 release October
I won't even be mad if it's as good as or better than Zelda
No, since we haven't seen Sony yet. But dang, that Odyssey trailer and line-up is what the Wii U should have been. A few years too late, but still very welcome. I think I watched the Odyssey trailer five times already.
>no f-zero
don't care
>interactive movie sequel no one asked for
>something we can't even say for sure is a game
>the absolute state of Sony shills
Sony is actually getting their games on 2018 so yeah no, they'd have to show at least 1 great franchise coming back or a hype new IP on top of it, but that won't happen.
>is what the Wii U should have been.
With the switch, it looks like that's what they wanted the Wii U to be, but the technology wasn't there yet and they couldn't keep the Wii going any longer. Wii U was a stop gap, and it shows.
I still liked my Wii U though.
Yep OP, that's probably how it's gonna go down
>no one asked for
Yeah, okay buddy.
If sony shows
Teases bloodbourne sequal
Gives kingdom heart 3 release date
CTR Crash bash and spryo trilogy
That would top it
>>Pikmin that's been in development
Are you talking about Hey Pikmin or did they say something during the stream about a new proper Pikmin?
I swear to God, I don't understand why everyone regards Animal Crossing as a must for every piece of Nintendo hardware.
>Have a Switch
>Have a PC
>Have a PS4
You'd think life would be easier and I'd be happier, but the fact I can't shitpost so aggressively anymore makes the whole idort thing not worth it.
pikmin world was leaked alongside mario+rabbids
>Teases bloodbourne sequal
>Gives kingdom heart 3 release date
I think both of these will be at the Tokyo Game Show or Playstation Experience in half a years time.