This is how desperate they are.
This is how desperate they are
>still selling out their new system everywhere
>giving people video games to play
>giving fans the video games that they want
I wish all companies were "desperate" then.
Good, Pokémon in the Switch will be interesting.
It's easy to sell out, when you only ship five of them worldwide at a time.
>fake scarcity
>selling out
Metroid 4: A JPG
Pokemon: A tweet
What's next that nintendo fans have to get excited for that isn't even gameplay? A snap?
keep mad sonybro enjoy your shitty sjw games
Why do you think they never did this before?
Maybe you are just a kid and don't understand how business work, but Pokemon is a system seller for Nintendo DS, by doing this they are cannibalizing their own "consoles" (if you can call what nintendo is releasing lately consoles)
Reminder that everyone thought the Wii U would be a runaway hit for the first month or so. Just wait until the momentum stops and you'll be back to getting like 2 games per year.
These are console sales months after release.
Exactly how many games are on the Switch currently? Ports and multiplats included. I'm genuinely curious
Wow are you a business major
>less than Wii U after 2 weeks
>all of the sudden is the best selling Nintendo console ever with literally 0 games
Yeah...... no.
how are the pokemon if theyre on the switch? can a switch really fit into your pocket? how fat do you need to be to have pockets that big. at that point it probably doesnt even matter if they can fit in your pocket you arent going anywhere. is that who this games for, fat idiots??
I just put it in a bag like a normal person
Only thing that will sell me on a switch
>Win E3
If you've ever seen Pokémon manchildern in public they carry around purses.
If they release a Pokemon World online, I'd buy a switch asap.
Right now, I will just wait till they sell a bundle including Zelda/Splatoon
>show literally 0 new things
>win e3
there wont be a new ds console. Switch will merge the handheld and console businesses.
>Pokemon World online
Pokemon has been online since 2006 you dumb cunt
is like you want people to laugh at you
>announcing a game that's not going to have any footage for a year
>announcing a game that probably won't be released until 2020
This is the worst business decision ever.
user, its been 3 months, and Reggie said MK8 Deluxe was the highest selling SKU of May
Its time to let go
I hope it's a continuation of Colosseum of XD Gale of Darkness.
Cause looks like the 3DS is still getting support anyways and they're making Ultra Sun and Moon.
>Ultra Sun & Moon coming out a year after release
>all VII gen Pokemon already officially revealed
They're gonna pump this one out quick. We'll be seeing it early 2019, imo.
Still really early to reveal it, though, that's for sure.
That was literally Sony
I wonder for how many months will sonytards keep this
>Nintendo still struggling to meet demand
>LOL they are just faking it guyz, my uncle dog fuckers worst on their secret warehouse told me they only shit 1 console per day
Or appease you whiners
>Throwing in a clip in the Nintendo Highlight of Ishihara doing damage control after everybody threw a shitstorm over the Pokemon Direct
kek I'll forgive the autismo. Here's hoping we get another Colosseum-type game on Switch.
Are sonyfags still pushing this bullshit?
>unironically using XD
kys faggot
I thought the artificial scarcity meme was dead
am I being shitposted?
I think this more to do with Pokemon.
Because alot of pokemkn fans felt cucked by the pokemon direct and really backlash.
So they just announced this to shut them all up.
It also benefits Nintendo too. Both win
lol try harder
Bro, I don't know how to tell you this, but Nintendo is back on top. Back to back E3 wins, BotW being the highest rated game in a decade, the Switch is the best selling console of all time in multiple countries, the Switch is literally impossible to get right now if you don't want to pay a scalper, ect.
>Core rpg.
Seriously, what does this mean?
If they had just said "A pokemon game" i'd assume a mainline pokemon game, but if they wanted to make sure I knew it was a mainline pokemon game, i'd expect them to say it was a "mainline pokemon game"
What the fuck does "Core RPG pokemon game" mean?
Pokemon XD???
Mystery dungeons???
fuck you that logo was animated and it had music
Yeah, I'm sure they're making a lot of money selling less consoles.
I hope you are only pretending to be this retarded.
Explain the problem with that chart instead of relying on logical fallacies
He probably meant a MMO Pokemon.
>A snap?
Yes actually.
Is Ultra SM coming to Switch?
>>Nintendo still struggling to meet demand
>sell less than Wii U in the first 2 weeks
>absolutely 0 games (not a meme)
>struggling to meet demand
they didn't want to fuck up like with the wii u and it's hurting them
Sites like Kotaku eat this shit up which in turns raises hype were none is, yes, it sells more consoles in the long run, its what they've been doing for years, why are you in denial about this?
It means a mainline game. Made by Game Freak.
>fake scarcity
more like they just fucked up their forecasting because the Wii U was such a flop
Do you drink reggie's cum before typing these retarded excuses? Release date was long ago, the only reason why there are no consoles is because nintendo likes to pretend they are selling out constantly so it makes the "news".
>Making video games for your console is desperation
You need to earn this (You), Op.
He said Game freak is developing a core rpg Pokemon game.
Game freak only makes the mainline games.
Officially they don't call something mainline game
Hey retard, try looking up a Switch for purchase on GameStop.
Oh, what's that? You can't find it? I WONDER WHY.
Here's your (You). FUCK YOU. SWITCH IS KING NOW.
And even though it's selling out it's not even 500,000 ahead of the wiiu's first quarter.
Something like XD is what I'm thinking with the way they worded it. If it was a true mainline title they would just say so imo.
''core''. If it's anything like sun/moon then piss off. Make Pokemon Great Again. Pokemon is the only real reason why I buy Nintendo consoles now a days but after sun/moon was made accessible so literal new born 1 year old babies can play then I wait until it's confirmed good game or bad game before I buy.
please kill yourself
The last Nintendo anything I owned was a GBA. Look at it this way: They forecasted ahead of time that the Switch would sell about as much as the Wii U (meaning close to none) but for some reason the retarded nintenbabbies loved it.
>Release date was long ago
Sure 3 months ago which is close to nothing when retooling facilities for manufacturing. Nintendo is no Toyota when it comes to production. Most likely they based their production off their fucked up forecast and are running around Japan trying to set up production lines for their gimmicky product.
Pretty much confirms that the switch will be the only console for a while when the 3ds support finally ends.
GameFreak didn't make XD
GameFreak only makes the core, mainline generation games.
Lmao stay mad faggot
Yet Kingdom Hearts 3 still has people cumming buckets anytime anything is shown about it.
>Announced in 2013
>small gameplay snippets maybe once a year since
>probably not coming until 2021 at this rate as FFVII will be pushed out first
Try harder.
I can't tell if this is meta-bait but it made me laugh
>Nintendo is no Toyota
Yeah, nintendo has its own factories....
My god.
>giving fans what they want
really charges those neurons in that cranium up there
People in this thread are honestly debating that Switch isn't their next handheld along with their next console?
They're killing the 3DS yet they haven't announced a successor.
Fall 2018 they will release a Switch Lite to appease to the portable fanbase. Smaller, lighter, clampshell design, looks like a 3DS but with one screen, non-detachable joycons. It's inevitable. The writings on the wall, poorfags.
>>sell less than Wii U in the first 2 weeks
Yes but more than the ps4 in the first month, I guess Sony was also just under supplying on purpose?
>wii u release
>switch release
Your turn.
OP... Do you actually know what desperate means?
a lot, Wii U was a total disaster to Nintendo´s economy, thats how they recover and make some new IPs at the same time
It literally cannot sell any more than it's selling. It is sold out literally everywhere.
I was surprised the 3ds got so many games at e3. They are coming out soon too unlike most Switch games which are coming out in 2018. I think the 3ds is shit honestly but I only care about pokemon so I have absolutely no interest in it.
Yoshi looked cute though.
There was an article recently about how Nintendo's bottleneck in production was a chip they buy from outside their company but the quantity available is limited since they pretty much have to fight with Apple, who also uses the chips for their Iphones.
they know people are pissed because theyre only making one game per year for their new console and sat on their asses for all the years wiiu received nothing.
isnt this the first time theyve announced two major franchises are just starting development? seems like damage control to me. and its not even from retro studios.
I wish Sony was this desperate
It's not artifical as the Switch uses some components that Apple uses for their stuff, and Apple practically bought out everything. Nintendo is literally unable to create more Switch than neccessary. I genuinely think Apple is trying to starve out Nintendo so they can increase their foothold into the casual gaming market.
How is this selling out exactly? People have been asking for a core Pokemon game on a home console since forever and they're finally doing it.
Is it developing a new core game aka something new just for home consoles, or the Pokemon that's generally reserved for handhelds?
Alright, then can we make Sony desperate so we can get a real God of War game?
That's not quite true as Nintendo did eventually see the WiiU turn a profit much later down the line.
>fake scarcity
Apple is fucking Nintendo over for component parts they both need.
Not in Europe
>more people are excited about a vague reveal of a long begged for sequel than the entirety of a single other companies conference
Yeah those factories which are shit compared to Toyota. They scaled down their production based on their faulty forecasting and now they're fucked.
Also, scarcity of materials to actually make the shit which could cause bottlenecks.
Artificial shortage is a dumb meme and a shortage will only hurt Nintendo's image, reputation and profit.
>Let It Die
>SJW game
How is making video games for your console desperate?
A man stranded in the desert is more excited about a cup of piss than a man walking down the grocery isle seeing the shelves of sodas and drinks.
it means Gen 8 faggot. When was the last time Gamefreak made a non mainline pokemon game?
Gamefreak only do two kinds of games: main pokemon line and weird indie stuff.
All the other pokemon games are handled by nintendo second parties.
>being an idiot
Ehhh I'm still waiting till Christmasish before deciding to get one or not
Skyrim with waggle combat looks interesting but I don't know about justifying spending 60 toddbux on it and I don't care too much for Zelda.
What was at Nintendo's conference that was interesting for the switch?
Nintendo have to compete with apple for the IPS screens.
And when you're competing against a company that sells 200 million devices per year that can gouge the price of those devices much more than you, shit get dire.
Yes, the wet dream of nintendo in number of total switch sales is 6 months of apple.
I'm going to green text
>food analogy
and move on. Also you're not Bear Grills. Urine doesn't make you less likely to die of dehydration in a DESERT.