>Facing Avion in True HD while A Despair Filled Farewell plays in the background
I'm fuckin ready lads
>Facing Avion in True HD while A Despair Filled Farewell plays in the background
I'm fuckin ready lads
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phalanx will always be a best
user that's not Malus...
Please tell me they added more colossi ;_;
It's a fucking remake, not a new one, why would they do that?
>fourth remaster
>Dormin still did nothing wrong
Except get himself and Wander trapped forever
>Dirge's orange eyes chasing your ass in 4k with photorealistic graphics
N-no thanks...
yes daddy i wanna fuck that snakes ass against the wall
Some anons have the disillusion that the remake will have some of the cut colossi restored into the game.
It'd be pretty dope if they went above and beyond to do that, but they won't.
Basaran was my favorite when I first played this.
You mean the rumored 17th colossus? Might be cool. If they did would you guys pay for colossus dlc?
Think he means this Spider, which isn't in the game
& they better add in the fucking remake
All accoding to keikaku. Dormin funnelled his essence into Mono (the female half of his voice that fades as Mono gets stronger) and spent the rest of his life as a cute girl.
Nah there was 8 cut Colossi
Some were cut at the last minute despite being pretty much finished, on the demo disc Dormin even warns you about the cut tape worm colossi
it's so lame
I just dont see the point of remaking the game if they wont add the cut content. The HD PS3 game already exists.
There were some grander ideas," Ueda said, "such as changing Shadow's ending or adding some of the colossi that got cut from the original, and honestly having features like that would've been attractive from a business perspective. If we put just a few extras in, though, gamers would naturally expect more than what we could provide. Instead of just putting in a few half-baked things, I thought it'd be better to stick with the original concept of staying faithful to the base work. If I get another chance in the future to do a remake, I might wind up changing quite a lot more."
Fumito Ueda - Famitsu magazine August 2011
I like this game because you;re a good guy and you know you're becoming the bad guy, but you keep on going because fuck everyone
There was actually suppose to be an extra 8 colossi in the game but it got scrapped for whatever reason.
Unless they made the areas before hand, they won't have any incentive to do it.
>muh cut colossi
fuck off
Dear god please make it happen.
Fuck off retard.
no u
Where do you live kiddo? I will kick your ass.
while the probability is low, it'd be neat to see some of the fights, such as Sirius, Monkey, or Demon. Even spider although I think riding around and slashing legs isn't too interesting, I'd wonder how it'd move and attack.
No need to be bitter
It's hard to deny some of the cut ones were the coolest
I will buy a ps4 just for this and bloodborne if they don't fuck it up
the demo disc you can slash while you ride agro, they took it out in the final version because it had no use with spider bro gone
Why do I not want this remake?
I love SotC and it's probably in my top 5 games of all time. Definitely my fave on PS2 along with MGS3. For some reason though, I'm not on board with this. When I saw the trailer live I just though "Why?" Maybe I like the original game too much and think a remake might be too "clean".
Yeah I remember watching that, I just mean it seems too simple? just riding in circles slashing with that 'meh' animation. But Spider dude still looks cool and seems so interesting
Sirius seemed boring as fuck. It was just a slightly larger than normal pig in stone armor that you had to get stuck in between some rocks to attack it's weak point. Demon would've been fun because you have to sneak up on it and spook it to get at it's weak point. Spider would have to be made extra unsettling to be worth putting in.
>When I saw the trailer live I just though "Why?"
Becuase they know they fucked up hard with the "HD" PS3 version
I still think the Worm would have been the best because he appeared straight after Dirge
It's funny people say Dirge is the big NOPE moment, but they had an even bigger spook planned in that fight
>yfw they have the opportunity to add the cut colossi and they don't take it
What was wrong with it?
Oh yeah, I forgot about the worm. It had it's weak point in it's mouth so you'd actually have to manage to get in there to do damage without dying.
I'm just imagining the lake colossi in shiny new graphics with even murkier water and it makes me not want to play that game at all.
I honestly think they will add new ones, but not any of the cut ones
For people that skipped the PS3, these kind of remasters might be a godsend.
That was the most terrifying fight in the whole game. Every time I fell in the water I panicked looking at that abyss.
It wasn't really that HD?
It basically got that Silent Hill HD treatment
I feel sick just thinking about it.
>The music tease at the end of the reveal trailer
Basaran is more like a weird turtle instead of a spider and also the worst boss in the game
The horse colossi was worse.
What do you mean? All PS3 HD ports were just upscaled with the same low res textures. I can't think of one HD port that didn't do this.
Yeah I never did buy a ps3 but I always wanted to play this game so I'm excited
I just really didn't enjoy basaran's gimmick and I remember it fucking up my time attack score over and over again
The thing is the colossi itself wasn't scary in it's design because it just looked like an eel without a mouth. There's just some kind of primal fear associated with big things in bodies of water.
Fourth remaster?
Worst was Phalanx
>Oh you didn't get out of that weak point pocket in time? Guess you gotta fall all the fuckin way down and start over :^)
Fuck Phalanx. Fight me m8s
Maybe he means that the two are related because the gimmick of knocking it on it's back to attack the weak spot was taken from the spider and given to basaran.
Hes one of my favorites cause he actively tries to fuck your shit.
Not a fan of the Colossus who'd just wander off if you didnt jump on them. They make for boring fights.
I can't remember which colossus it was. But which one had the terrifying game over screen face? I know they all kinda had them. But one of them was worse than the others. Someone post it.
nah Phalanx is pretty annoying too and it has those fucking eyes
This guy?
Phalanx is overrated by casuals. He doesnt even attack you. He's all style no substance. Most boring boss imo
Can confirm since i skipped the piss3
Because you (and I) don't think the game needs improving.
It's literally perfect. SotC as it existed on the PS2 was everything it needed to be. There is no point in that game where a sane person would think 'you know what this needs? More fucking polygons!'
The only improvements the PS3 version needed was 'renders in 1080' and 'comes with Ico'.
Whats worse is the thought of how many development resources are being poured into recreating SotC, and are therefore not being poured into something original. Seriously, what's wrong with just, I don't know, grabbing those Colossi that got left on the cutting room, throwing in some new ones, and making SotC2?
Oh fuck it, when's Praey for the Gods coming out? December? Cool...
which # was it?
I think that's why they cut so many good colossi, they planned to reuse them in the sequel that never happened because TLG took 50 years to come out & now Team Ico is fucking dead
>implying Phalanx isn't cool because it's one of the only bosses that doesn't actively try to attack you
granted it feels more like a cool setpiece than a boss.
& originally this giant Worm came at you straight after you killed Dirge, which was unique since all other fights send you back to the Temple
It's ten. Learned recently that its orange eyes turn blue when it's moving away from Wander, interesting but pointless design choice
>you will never funnel your essence into Mono
Because you know you cannot relive the past. No matter what they package and sell to you, you cannot have those moments back. Only a vague sense of recollection as you go through the motions of a new, less moving experience.
Recognizing this, you seek to move on, as those who would dwell in the present and march into the future must do
Yeah, hes cool but I hate when people call him the best Boss.
He isnt the best boss, just a neat setpiece before the next actual boss. Like a breather between real fights.
So, is this a remake or just an HD port?
Remake, judging by the looks of it, completely redone
Now I'm sort of glad I've still never played the game. Now I'll get to play it for the first time in full HD
post more
>TFW have a tattoo of a sigil on my back
>TFW bought this for myself for my bday this year
>TFW See the announcement
Sure it was a bit brighter and not so ominously lit but dear god I choked a bit when I saw the clips. I'm ready OP
saw this death screen quite a few times during my first playthrough
>TFW have a tattoo of a sigil on my back
>dead empty locations
>no actual gameplay
>shitty 'combat'
>goes to the trash after the first bossfight
No thanks won't bite again
The boss fights are more like puzzles than actual fights. It's not the games fault you have bad taste.
>dead empty locations
>he didn't explore the map fully in search of delicious white lizard booty and succulent health fruit while taking in the sights
even though it's just a remake, this trailer was really the only one that could make glad... I guess it says a lot (I'm also interested in the Horizon DLC, I'm starting to like it's world more and more)
I know it's mostly nostalgia, but this game was something else for me and my friends, we spend whole nights just exploring the world and trying to figure out the lore
I didn't get the hd version for the ps3, and I don't even remember what happened to my ps2, so seeing that bridge again made my night
Are you fucking high? Anyone can clearly tell this is a full blown remake. It looks gorgeous. Please don't be one of those shitters that says the original PS2 or the """""""""remaster"""""""" look the same.
>admitting you are a filthy disgusting casual
>SotC as it existed on the PS2 was everything it needed to be
15 (10+5) FPS
>getting vidya tattoos
>buying gifts for yourself
>having such a severe lack of taste you think shitty fanart is worth buying
I hope you and your life both get better user
I just ask game to be entertaining that's all.
>no one's posted the best ost yet
the PS3 remaster was really the same game, but for HD televisions. I don't think they actually changed any of the models or textures.
As much as I love Shadow of the Colossus, I skipped the PS3 HD remaster because I didn't think the improvement was that big a deal. I will be getting this PS4 version though. Any excuse to play this game again is a good excuse.
This is worst colossus.
Say something mean about him!
It was scrapped for a reason.
I think it's pretty obvious they're not going to add any of the cut colossi.
I would like to see them put SOMETHING at the top of the castle other than an achievement. Even if its just some footprints or a weird bird or something.
Co-op would be a fun extra mode, in addition to time trials.
This. I love Shadow of the Colossus but the remaster looked liked ass because none of the textures or graphics were improved at all. Only the resolution was upscaled slightly. To have the game remade to look beautiful with the audio also revamped properly. I can't fucking wait.
From like 4 years ago, back has cleared up alot
Well then there you go, this might just be it. Yea, it's not a confirmation, but that's more than what most conjecture gets based on.
Except most of the areas are already there, bud. Nomad found several places that could easily have housed a colossus.
Hardly. SH collection was a bunch of retards who can't code anything above a phone game having to tackle an inferior beta of the two games and churning out an abomination.
The Ico collection might not have raised the graphics to new heights, but it improved them enough that they weren't quite as dated as they had become.
>came at you straight after you killed Dirge
Where was this said? Only details I heard was that it was "overpowered", which doesn't explain much.
>already 100%'d the game years ago
>fastest time on speed trials
>all lizards all weapons etc
Nooooooo now I have to do it over again
And you'll love it. I know it's not confirmed but half the excitement for me is the possibility of cut content or even maybe new stuff to discover.
It seems pretty likely they'll add some extra content, based on the trailer they've already done a lot of work, and it only comes out in 2018. I can't imagine it'd take them that long to finish if they weren't gonna do extra stuff.
I'd say wait until the confirm whether there's anything truly new in the game or not. Aside from Wander not moving like he's got the sword up his ass, it pretty much just looks like the original game ported into the Trico engine.