Explain this shit
Explain this shit
One is a logo and one has gameplay footage
One has actual gameplay footage.
We're getting both 2D and 3D titles and you're still complaining. Consider Suicide.
I was actually thinking this game might be worth picking up until I saw that Nuntendo farmed it out to some spic shovelware studio that made one of the worst Castlevania games in existence
1 is gameplay, one is a picture of a logo
more people own a 3ds than a shitch
>first look
>a logo
Why can't you think for yourself at all? Do you know how to tie your shoes even?
I am very disappointed that they are still making 3ds games in 2017. The console is 6 years old already.
All that potential wasted on a 400 X 200 screen. I thought the Switch was the solution to this nightmare? I don't understand...
More people have a 3ds than a switch.
There. It's explained.
And even then, it's not like those numbers aren't close to one another, despite Prime 4's announcement not coming with any accompanying gameplay.
Quit being a dumb sack of bricks, OP.
I upvoted both, I'm happy about both, but I do like 2D Metroid more.
2D Metroid always had more fans. Don't take this image as shit posting.
they're both in 30,000 what is the point of this thread
How about I want both and you shut the fuck up with your dumb bullshit you absolute retard, holy fuck. God I truly hate this shithole more and more everyday.
QQ harder, bitch.
>one of them wasn't just a title of the game
>some metroid fans just can't be happy
I'm happy that there's a 2D metroid on the 3ds, but damn, a 2D metroid on the switch could have been fucking incredible. It could still happen one day though.
Don't worry when Metroid 5 comes it will be on the Switch baby!
Retro making a 2D Metroid as beautiful and interactive as Tropical Freeze would be amazing.
It's just a shit poster trying to start shit.
I'm surprised they didn't make a switch version to release alongside the 3ds game.
I'm still super glad that we get actual Metroid, but did they have to add a melee attack with Other M-styled mini cutscenes to combat? Not being able to move and shoot is also dumb as hell.
>850,000 views for just a logo
Not only that, but one was in the main video and one wasn't. Anyone who didn't stick around for Treehouse has to watch the separate Samus Returns trailer.
What was that bullshit punch in Samus Returns? It feels like the flashy bullshit Team Ninja was trying to show off before Other M came out. Parrying shouldn't be a thing in Metroid, and it especially shouldn't be as important as they're making it seem here.
Switch was supposed to slowly replace the 3ds and build a library while quickly replacing the Wii u. Then the Wii U shit the bed and they had to make a move early, piss off all six Wii u fags, and not look like they were going to take the only thing that makes any money out back and shoot it.