Fire Emblem Heroes

Bridal banner ending soon, did you manage to get the bride you wanted and with good IVs?

I got a bride, but I'm just going to use her for SI fodder.

>got a -Atk/+Def Whoredelia instead of Lyn
This banner can go now.

Datamine time!


Maid banner when?

I got a +spd -hp charlotte
at first I was bummed that -hp would make using wind boost difficult, but then I played tempest and learned that windboost is shit and fury is better 99% of the time so it's okay


So is this guy going to be the next GHB or what?

>ywn have a maid Soren
why live

>got a +Atk -Res Harlot instead of beautiful Cordelia
M-maybe next year

Best bride and best girl with +atk/-hp.

Felicia wasn't on it so I didn't roll.

I got 4 Bridelias and a Bride Lyn, so I guess I'm good

Legion and Clarisse are going to be GHB characters.


did someone datamine those? are there a months worth like last time?

Muh dick
>healer gauntlet
Bad move, no one is spending money on this but that one Sakurafag.

>did you manage to get the bride you wanted-
>and with good IVs?

Yeah, the reddit has a bunch of datamine links.

Forget Brides I wanted Nowi and I got her, even rolled an Azura while trying to get her too.

Nowi +atk -res
Azura -atk +hp.

That said I also got Bride Lyn.

Used the 40 orbs I earned playing the game, and 60 I bought and didn't get any of them.

I was livid.

Good god, this is the GHB I was waiting for, saving my feathers to 5* don't care if she's trash.

>41k Tempest Score
at last, I am almost free.
I took out about 60 stamina today to get my third Zeph too. Probably won't bother with the orbs though.

Anons who have been using B!Cordelia: is she worth the orbs? I know she's the best archer and all, but she's still an archer. I'm on the fence.

The healers will be 5*

Get some renewal 3.

she blows up anything not carrying a -raven tome

>Maid banner when?
But the best girl is already in a maid outfit.

I didn't get either Bride I wanted.

I got both the shittiest one and the best one out of the banner instead.

Bet you can't guess which is which.

>Axe user
>Bow user

Fuckin' NICE.
I hope Clarisse is better than Bride Cordelia

Should have just done 9-2

Is she better than takumeme? Also on the fence and haven't pulled takumi ether.

That's literally Navarre's face.

She's been tearing up the tempest trials for me. Most ranged units are magic damage so having a high attack/speed physical attacker is really useful for those units that have high res and attack.

>Navarre's face again

>Legion's Axe afflicts panic
>Clarisse's Bow afflicts ATK/SPD-5 similar to dark breath
>Both inheritable

I spent like a hundred orbs on this shitty banner, but I finally pulled Lyn just in time

I want Felishitters to leave.

>didn't get a single bride
I'm kinda upset, but not enough to spend money

I did. My Shareena isn't 5 stars and it was difficult keeping her alive without wiping Zeph or spending a LOT of resources SI'ing Shareena to be useful.

Also keep in mind that 9-2 is 21 stamina.

Did somebody say HEALER GAUNTLET!?

I'd be tempted to +10 my waifu if there weren't going to be other colorless units in the banner.

Jesus they are really building anti-bladetome unit kits now aren't they. Hope it shakes up the meta here.

>Only half way to Quickened Pulse

I feel bad for the poor cuck who attempts to go for those extra orbs

>Literally only one color worth pulling from
Sounds like a nightmare

What are the attack values though? If the bow is only mt7 or some shit it won't be worth it.

Somewhere around 50 pulls and I haven't seen a 5*. But also I never get orbs fast enough to pull from the same banner so I lose my pity rates.

Fuck this game.

Do we have a date for these yet?
I could really use a good axe user.

>Wanted Cordelia
>Got Lyn. Twice
Guess she really is the cuck queen

I'd rather just take my chances on rolling a Fae in that case.

I'm in the same boat as you.
except after the two Lyn's I got a +spd/-hp Cordelia

Legion's axe sounds terrible.
Having to enter melee combat to induce panic is really shit. A panic ploy user or a dazzling staff healer will be far better if you're desperate for a panic user.

>was planning on saving my orbs but this thread convinced me otherwise
>used 40 orbs
>got bride charlotte and literally every other summon was a 4*

Thank you, my man.


Will someone PLEASE fuck my wife

Are there any characters you like that are bad units in this game?

>tfw Odin, Niles and Jakob are awful in this game

What are her IVs?

Naw, no dates yet.
I'm sure there's a way to figure it out due to how this game schedules content but I'm too stupid and lazy.

To be fair Navvare already looks like a girl

I'm at 42k points, haven't used a single potion, even used some stamina on other quests, and don't have a ton of amazing units. Git gud

LaSLOW is irredeemable. Even your units are at least good SI fodder or have a mage killing meme build.

Good to see fellow Elisefag here.

+def -res

As long as it's not -atk/spd, I'm a happy guy.

It took me almost 80 orbs but I finally managed to pull a +HP / -Res Bridelia. Now I gotta save up some SP to turn her into a real monster.

You got her best possible bane, good for you.

>Still no Selena
>Still no Black Knight
>Still no Petrine
>Still no Aversa



Petrine ended really really low in the poll though

>Wanted Caeda
>Got the dumb whore instead, twice
I don't even care if either are good or not, I just wanted Caeda.

>Spending SP on Escape Route/Breath of Life

I got Caeda four times while trying to get a good Charlotte.

breath of life is really useful for tempest

>Want Reinhardt
>No blue orbs
>Roll colorless, fuck it
>Get this
He's such good fodder that I don't know whether to kill him for his vantage or his brave bow.

Ve vuz Elivood .

honestly Escape Route is fine on her. you let her get hit once, and suddenly you have a Brave Bow user warping anywhere on the map hitting for 30x2
there arent any stunning B options for her really. maybe Swordbreaker.

This guy gets it. I usually start with the standard skills anyway.

>First two pulls got me Char and Lyn
>Just did a final pull and got Caeda
>Got all except Cuckdelia

Feels good, bros.


Got this bitch, keep or experiment with miracle? I think miracle is a god tier skill that should be explored.

if you're doing brave bow Desperation wont matter

You can always get vantage from a 4 star lon qu later down the line, Brave Bow+ is more valuable.

To be fair, Odin and Laslow being awful is pretty true to their Fates appearances, their only saving grace being their personal skills in those games.

I got my first and only 5 star after like 120 orbs.

+hp/atk caeda, is there a way to make her work?

>Minerva's Sister
wow great title
why isnt Hector 'Lilina's Dad'?

Give her live to serve, rehabilitate, and keep miracle. The rest can be fuck all

>four times
I envy you. Obviously it won't happen cause gacha, but there are some times I wish you can trade shit around, or fuck just another way to get units, I'm so tired of getting the same ones


Her jaw is kinda weird, otherwise she's cool

but odin is good at nostanking and laslow is great as a ninja

>hobby: bullying the weak
maximum edge


Breath of Life honestly isn't that bad, even in standard play. Can heal up your melee units slightly, allowing them to last longer.

>Next patch changes Lucina's title to Chrom's daughter

Get a 4 star Gordin. Give vantage 2 to your bow user then seal the deal with this guy inheriting the brave bow and vantage 3

>that man face

Who's a good unit to give Reciprocal Aid to?

>their only saving grace being their personal skills in those games.
Really? I mean you gotta work hard to make Laslow a rallybot first off, and you forgot to bring up Odin's child being a really good magic user, which is why you use him to begin until you get Ophelia.

>changes Cecilia to 'Roy's Wife'

Miracle is vastly underrated, despite the crippling cooldown.
Could work well on a glass cannon that doubles often.

I anticipated this kind of response, my point being I don't have the autism needed to put attempt after attempt in without having to fight through complete boredom

yes, on my last roll too

Could be more viable now that Quickened Pulse is a thing. I can definitely see it screwing someone over in Arena if they don't pay attention to the charge.

Stop playing on easy. Nos hasn't been viable since it broke Awakening in half.

>Laslow is great as a ninja
Camilla, Serena, Mozu, hell even Odin make better use of Secondary Seals.

Didn't count Ophelia because that's not really a plus for Odin himself.