Dragon Ball Fighter Z roster prediction

DBFZ roster prediction:

-Future Trunks
-Another adult Goku: either Blue or Black

High Probability:
-Kid Buu
-Mystic Gohan
-Kid Goku(DB ver.)

Low probability:
-Another Vegeta
-Mr. Satan
-Super Buu
-rest of the Ginyu Force
-Any GT character or form
-Any Super character or form not mentioned above
-Any Movie character not mentioned above

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rule34-data-008.paheal.net/_images/e1e23d451f064b6e59b00f60da7c4df4/2196137 - Cabba Caulifla Dragon_Ball_Super.jpg


Anyone that go can SSJ
Every main villain
Every main sub villain (ex: Ginyu)

Ginyu would be extremely gimmicky:
-Hurting himself to body swap
-Ginyu Force assist or just using their moves
-Only has 1 unique beam attack

Your locks are on point.As far as your high possibilities go, I see Adult Gohan w/ mystic being am install. I think Boly and Tien are a toss up, but the rest seem plausible. your Low's could have Mr. Stan, Radtiz, Bardock, or Hit but Im iffy about the rest.

For sure:
kid gohan
ginyu force

Broly is huge meme in Japan and popular in the west, not to mention his huge build we need big characters

Yamcha, Ginyu Force and Raditz are very low


I hope Mr. Satan gets added. He should deal 0 damage and die in one hit.

>wasting precious time, resources and manpower on a joke character

The one thing I'm surprised about is the fact that nothing about this leaked prior to it'd initial reveal a couple of weeks ago.

Yes please.

I just hope they keep the roster count under 20. The Budokai series was great but there were way too many clones to the point that your character was either blast or rush focused.

japanese business, my friend

I can feel it.

Goku Blue (Kaioken)
Vegetto (Blue)
Merged Zamasu

The exact same roster as Extreme Butoden.

Im expecting 18-20 for the final roster.

this translator is a beast
10/10 would hire again

You're fucking terrible at predictions.
>Super Buu
>low probability
>lower probability than fucking DB Goku

>Low probability
>Mr. Satan

I see you're new to Dragonball games

>what is roboky

What was the last time Yamcha was playable in 2d fighter?


So Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Vegeta are getting their own character slots, right?

why would then? they would be clones, all Blue Goku can add is a Kaio-Ken install

Janemba has a pretty unique moveset too

>tfw you want at least one movie character like Cooler or Janemba but lowering your expectations.

Kid Buu
Future Trunks
Gohan (teen)
Great Saiyaman
Mercenary Tao

Cooler has nothing interesting moveset-wise

only Broly

I can see him working as a more 'brutal' large and in charge Frieza, big on the rushdown game and grab game with variations on Frieza's moves. Janemba has far more potential for a unique moveset though so he has the best and most reasonable chance of any movie character. Watch as fucking Turles gets in though.

But Metal Cooler sure as shit does.

Also in the interview she said they chose the characters they did because they are easy to understand and simple which alludes to there being some interesting picks and playstyles I believe.

>When we have Black and Zamasu

Teen Gohan
Adult gohan
Future trunks
Adult Gohan
Majin Buu
Super buu
Goku (super)
Vegeta (super)

A grapple where he gut punches his opponent and puts them in the ground would be fucking sick.

This is a DBFZ thread.
Get your reddit/twitter memes out of here.

Broly is the only realistic expectation on a 20ish character roster.

>Nothing interesting

No matter what, you can bet your ass Super is going to get some stuff in this, probably a fighter or two from the upcoming arc even.

Beerus is a lock

>DC and DB unite to piss over MvC
Thank the lord

>hyper armor is interesting

I am curious as to how they'll make the fighters feel different which has been a huge problem in every DBZ game. It's gotta be hard to do when every fighting style except Piccolo can best be described as "beam spam".


This. It seems like the most basic roster that would even cover a complete story mode. Maybe with an added Kid Gohan, and Recoome to perfect the Namek saga.

The only Super characters that may get in is Beerus, Golden Frieza (already in), Hit, Goku Black, and Merged Zamasu. Doubt they'll skip Goku Black/Zamasu since they are extremely popular now.

My fucking kid brain couldn't handle seeing that shit. To this day having a villain not only tank a kamehameha but fly through it to sock Goku in the face was probably the coolest thing to happen in any of the movies.

Robo-Ky is still viable, which Mr. Satan could be. Game Boy bombs and Dynamite Kicks and such

A bit big for an ArcSys innitial release, but I'm digging it.
Gotinks, Saiyaman, 16, and Tao are stretches though.
Maybe even 17

Broly will probably be DLC; or replaced by Kale since waifu's sell and DBZ has very few of those.

Why is Broly so popular?

Please don't respond with "his power is maximum", I understand the maymay but I'm actually asking about him

>low prob:

hahaha don't forget Whis as well

I want Videl


>Anyone that can go SSJ
I hope this doesn't mean Goten or Trunks get in, Gotenks is enough

here is some game play from Maximilian Dood


I hope Satan, Arale, and Jaco get in to spite you

He's so cool

but he's so lame

It would never happen but I want Launch as a stance-switching character who randomly swaps between blue and blonde with every attack, where blue is completely passive and docile and blonde is an absolute monster of aggression with an arsenal of weapons to cover the screen in bullets. Like Tira from SC but more extreme

Also Chi-Chi fighting with the style she used in her match against Goku and curved throwing blades would be hype

confirmed by dev: future trunks

guaranteed: piccolo

highly likely: krillin, 18,

probable: 16, 17, gotenks, tien

what moveset potential does Whis even have?

>4 Gohans
>3 Gokus
Nah. It'll be two of a character tops. Doubt they'd burn that much time on what would amount to shoto type shit.

His design and being a major threatening villain has something to do with it, but quite frankly the thing that makes him so popular among fans is the fact that his power is maximum.

Muscles, powerlevels and edge

>Doubt they'd
If they did it before, what's stopping them from doing it again?
Just saying, not even the guy who posted it that

>It has autocombos
Great move by ASW not to publicize that, after what capcom is going through

>MH is coming to PS4,XB1 and PC
>All hype I had for MvC4 shifted to DBFZ
>Injustice 2 was actually good (save for the zoning problems)
This is truly a strange timeline, not that I'm complaining.

Arc-Sys is very good at making distinct characters. That said, their first release of any game usually has a low amount of characters. I'm expecting 12-16. MAYBE 18-20 max.

>tfw your favorite DBZ character gets cucked out of existance because Toriyama just doesn't give a fuck

Anybody who beats the living shit out of a four year old and forces them to turn into a giant monkey while their father helplessly watches is a-ok in my book

Put your mind in place of a tweens.
He's a big dumb rage monster that whenever he's on screen he's dominating. He's always doing something cool. He's always pushing someones shit in. Every time he shows back up in something he's even crazier. He's the thing Vegeta talked about and dreamed about when he heard Super Sayian. An infinitely powerful force of nature.

He's a shitty character through and through, but to the target audience he was perfect. Just like Future Trunks who was a self insert fulfilment fantasy for the same demographic.

>mfw realizing 18 will probably be the only female character in this game

When it comes to relevant female fighters in DB, it's been a complete sausage fest up until the most recent arc of Super.


very unique moveset but that's very unlikely, sadly

Same. Frankly, I think we're more likely to get model swaps with the same moveset for the same character. For instance, Goku SSB has the exact same moveset as Goku SS1 but the only difference is that his SS3 is replaced with Kaioken. Purely visual

Whats the most obscure, never ever character you'd like to see?

For me its this guy

>18 being the only female
waifufags can stay go

You know that feeling you get when you can just tell you're looking at a cropped hentai image?

Whats the fucking source i need it, my dick needs it, everyone needs it, pretty please

>another goku: blue or black

mah boi king chappa

I can see them saving Universal Survival characters for DLC or the next expansion.

I am expecting Beerus, Hit, and Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black though.

Supreme Kai
Something about his design and introduction resonated with me as a kid. But he's 99% not getting in

So close

This, watching DBZ OVAS as a kid was hype as fuck.

Also those Linkin PArk AMV's

I want to FUCK Whis

Turles is the coolest, he should be in every game.


Eh. They won't be optimal and give my normie friends something to do. Ican live with it

I just want Bardock and Metal Cooler to fill out my roster.

is that so much to ask?

>most obscure
>was in a game before even as a playable character
Olibu is true suffering

rule34-data-008.paheal.net/_images/e1e23d451f064b6e59b00f60da7c4df4/2196137 - Cabba Caulifla Dragon_Ball_Super.jpg

I want this very much.

I hope so because I can see Hit and Black being fantastic additions gameplaywise.
We haven't seen much of Beerus actually fighting to get a decent style pegged for him IMO.


All I need is 17, 18, Future Trunks, Pan and SSJ4

i'd like it if i had some of the new ones, like 12 slots basically have to be filled with the usual crew so i'm hoping there will be 4 or different fighters on launch, but even so if 18 is in there i'm happy.

Same reason kids liked Goldberg, big, strong guy nobody can touch

I'd like to think she has a fair chance as DLC

It is actually pretty easy when you look at the characters and their personalities and moves.

Piccolo would be keepaway zoning with things like stretchy arms and Hellzone Grenade
Adult Gohan would be total melee rushdown
Future Trunks could be a stance character who switches between sword and barehanded
Kid Buu would be a super high speed mobile mixup character
Broly would be a Grappler or have big slow strikes with super armor

If you can turn them off sure, but if they're always on, that shit's going to suck.
The only thing I hate more than dial-a-combo systems are auto-complete combos.
If I want to throw a bolo don't make me do a string before I can. Give me the option to mix it into and develop my own shit with it. Same with auto.

but imagine the taunts tho

>Also those Linkin PArk AMV's
They were fucking art man.

I wanna see all the level 5 supers